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Fallon's outfit:

Chapter Twenty⊚ Visionary ⊚

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Chapter Twenty

** Stella Nuñez walked up to a house when all of the sudden a boy, no older than fifteen, ran out from the backyard. She barely got to look at him before he threw a water balloon at her. She smiled and started to walk over to him as he went to throw another one at her.

She grabbed his hand that had the water balloon making him laugh. "No!" He said trying to fight her off as she made him pop the balloon in his face. They both laughed before Stella wrapped her arm around his shoulder, messing up his curly hair. "Mateo! You're not throwing water balloons at your aunt, are you?" A woman called out as she walked up to the door of the house.

The woman instantly noticed the popped balloons making her give her son a look. "Mateo!" She said and Stella chuckled and shook her head, "Don't worry, Val. It's just water." She said. "See, I told you she wouldnt mind!" Mateo said and Valentina rolled her eyes as her husband and Stella's distant nephew, Hugo, walked up.

"How about Mateo and I go out back while Stella meets her god daughter." Hugo said and Stella smiled and messed up Mateo's hair before walking over to the door. "She's what? My fifteenth niece now?" Stella asked as Hugo hugged her, "And theres more to come." He said making her chuckle before hugging Valentina.

Valentina lead Stella into a nursery before walking over to a crib. "Stella, meet Nadia." Valentina said as she gently handed Stella her daughter who was only a month old. "Nadia?" Stella asked, looking at Valentina with raised eyebrows, "You gave us the idea for Nadia and we loved it." Valentina said making Stella smile softly.**

Fallon sat against her desk when Nadia walked in and raised her eyebrows, "What did you want?" Nadia asked and Fallon gestured to one of the desk. "Sit down, lobita. I want to explained why I left." Fallon said and Nadia stared at her for a moment before walking over and sitting down in front of her.

(Lobita - Little Wolf)

** Stella walked around her house when her phone suddenly started ringing making her grab it to see Valentina calling her. "Hey-" Stella started to say but Valentina cut her off, "They found us." She said making Stella furrow her brows. "Who?" Stella asked, "The Calaveras, they're outside the house right now." Valentina said making Stella's eyes widen.

"I'm on my way." Stella said as she grabbed her keys and started to walk out. "Stella, you're not gonna get here in time. Listen, Nadia is in that hidden room in the nursery. Please, take care of her, raise her as your own. Just keep her safe for us, please." Valentina said and Stella shook her head slightly.

"Val, dont talk like that. You'll be able to raise your daughter yourself. I'm on my way." Stella said before walking out her house.

A little while later Stella ran into Hugo and Valentina's house before her eyes widened in horror. "No!" Stella yelled, running over to Mateo's body, she gently grabbed his face, blood trailing from his mouth. Tears clouded her eyes as she looked up to see Hugo's body at the foot of the stairs.

𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 ➢ ᴅᴇʀᴇᴋ ʜᴀʟᴇWhere stories live. Discover now