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Fallon's outfit:

WARNING: There's smut in this chapter! When you see "⚠️⚠️" it means the smut is starting and you can skip it until you see "⚠️⚠️" again

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WARNING: There's smut in this chapter! When you see "⚠️⚠️" it means the smut is starting and you can skip it until you see "⚠️⚠️" again.

Chapter Eighteen
Motel California

Fallon had Derek's arm wrapped around her shoulders as she helped him up the stairs. As soon as they made it up the stairs Derek started to lose consciousness making Fallon's eyes widen before wrapping both her arms around waist to stop him from falling.

Eventuality she was able to get him inside the loft and onto his bed. She quickly got a bowl of water, wash cloth and a pair of scissors. She sat down next to him, carefully cut his shirt off and sighed softly when she looked at all the gashes on his body. She got the wash cloth wet and started cleaning up all the blood, making sure to be careful around the wounds.

She was in the middle of cleaning the blood when Derek groaned slightly as he started to wake up. Fallon sat up slightly and gently grabbed his face making him look at her as she smiled softly. "Welcome back to the land of the living." She said and he chuckled weakly before started to shit up making her try to stop.

"Hey, no. You need to lay back. I still need to heal you." She said and he shook his head slightly, "I'll heal, save your strength." He said and she gave him a look. "Derek, it's adorable if you think I'll listen to you. You'll take hours to heal and that's only if your wounds don't kill you before you can." Fallon said, "I'll be fine." He said.

She signed softly before gently grabbing his face making him look at her. "Please just let me heal you." Fallon said in a slight whisper, lightly brushing her thumb across his cheekbone. He didn't say anything, just nodded slightly making her smile softly before closing her eyes. He watched as silver veins framed her face before he could already start to feel himself healing.

He stared at her for a moment before bringing his hand up to brush some hair out of her face making her open her eyes. They stared into each other's eyes before Derek pulled her into a kiss. Fallon grabbed the back of his neck as their lips moved in sync.

⚠️ ⚠️

Derek's hand trailed down to Fallon's waist before pulling her on top of him. She grabbed the sides of his jaw as he pulled her closer to him. Their lips continued to move in sync as he slowly started to unde the buttons to her shirt-dress. Her hand slowly trailed down his chest as silver veins framed her face again and his wounds healed as her hand passed them.

Derek pulled her dress open before grabbing her hips. Fallon slowly pulled away slipping the dress off and tossing it to the side. Derek kissed her jaw, trailing down her neck making her close her eyes for a moment. Fallon undid the back of her bra, tossing it off to the side along with her dress.

Derek kissed the crescent moon on her collarbone before gently pushing her back onto the bed. Fallon grabbed his face, making him look at her before she pulled him down into a kiss. Fallon's hands trailed down his torso before grabbing the waistband of his jeans, quickly undoing the button and zipper and pulling them down.

Derek pulled back slightly, kissing the bottom of her jaw as his hand slowly down her body. He grabbed the band of her underwear, slowly pulling them down as he kissed her stomach. Fallon cupped the side of his jaw, pulling him back up as they looked into each other's eyes. Derek leaned down, kissing her again before she let out of breathy gasp against his lips as he pushed into her.

Fallon closed her eyes, leaning her head back as he slowly thrusted into her. He kissed her jaw, his rhythm getting faster as her hand trailed up to his hair. His kissed down her neck, hands trailing down bee body making her arch her back slightly as she let out a soft moan.

Derek leaned back up to his her as his hips rocked against hers in a fast but slow motion. Her hands trailed down to his shoulders before she gently pushed him onto the bed, still on top of him. She smiled down at him, rolling her hips slightly as she leaned down to kiss his jaw.

Derek groaned slightly, grabbing her hips as she rocked against him. After a moment, Derek sat up slightly, gripping her hips moving them against his. She grabbed his shoulder, leaning her head back as she let out a few breathy moans. He lightly kissed up her neck, starting at her collarbone as she threaded her hands through his hair.

She used his hair to pull his head back before leaning down to hiss him, her hips rocking faster. He groaned against her lips, gripping her hips before pushing her back down on the bed. He kissed her cheat, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers as his thrusts started to get sloppy.

Fallon threw her head back slightly, closing her eyes as she quietly moaned. Derek pressed his face into her shoulder and groaned slightly has his hips jerked for a moment. Fallon gently grabbed his face, pulling him into a kiss as he slowly pulled out of her.

⚠️ ⚠️

They pulled away and leaned their foreheads together, the both of the breathing heavily. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment before Derek gently grabbed her jaw and kissed her cheek.

Fallon leaned against her elbow as her thumb lightly grazed across Derek's jaw as he had his eyes closed. Both of them had the sheet over them neither of them really talking. Derek gently grabbed her hand and kissed it making her smile as he looked at her. He smiled softly before brushing some hair away from her face before she squinted slightly.

"I'm guessing this means your route isn't platonic?" She asked and he raised his eyebrows in amusement, "Was it ever?" He asked. She laughed softly before cupping the side of his face, leaning into kiss him.

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