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Fallon's outfit:

Chapter Forty-Three💰 Weaponized 💰

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Chapter Forty-Three
💰 Weaponized 💰

"Help! She's been shot! She might be dying!" Fallon yelled as she ran into the hospital with Derek behind her carrying Braeden. A bunch of people ran over to them taking Braeden from Derek and putting her on a gurney.

Derek wrapped his arms around Fallon's shoulders, pulling her into him as she worriedly watched them wheel Braeden away.


Derek and Fallon sat in chairs next to Braeden's bed when Melissa walked in. "What's that?" Fallon asked as Melissa put a syringe into the IV drip. "Naloxone. We need to wake her up." She said making Fallon furrow her brows, "I thought you said she needed to rest?" Fallon asked and Melissa glanced at her. "That was before I found out the CDC just put the high school under quarantine with Scott and Stiles still in there." She said making Fallon and Derek glance at each other wide eyes.

Braeden suddenly shot up, looking around panicky before groaning when she moved slightly. "Braeden, look at me- you were shot, but you're in the hospital, and you're fine. Do you understand?" Melissa asked and Braeden glanced at Fallon and Derek before nodding, "Good. Okay... Last night, you were in the woods, and you came across another pack? Do you know what happened to them?" Melissa asked

"We told you, they were poisoned-" Derek said and Breaden shook her head, "No. No, they were infected. It was a virus... designed to kill Werewolves. It did. It killed them all." Braeden said making Fallon suck in a deep breath looking over at Derek.

"If that virus got into the school... Scott, Malia, Kira..."


"What are you still doing here?" Braeden asked tiredly looking over at Fallon and Derek who sat in chairs next to the bed. "I'm protecting my investment. Got a lot of money riding on you." Derek said making Fallon roll her eyes, lightly hitting his shoulder before looking back at Braeden, "I'm here for my friend." She said and Braeden smiled softly at her before letting out a small groan.

"Derek, Fallon... I think there's someone here you've been trying to find." Melissa said after she opened the door and then someone else walked looking at Derek and Fallon with a small smile. "Satomi." Fallon said in a slight whisper.

"It's a variant of canine distemper. A few years ago, an outbreak in Yellowstone killed forty-percent of the wolf population." Deaton said as they all stood in the morgue around a body, "What's it going to do to our wolf population?" Melissa asked.
"Well, it's been altered to infect quite a bit faster." Deaton said looking at all of them, "You mean it's been weaponized?" Derek said.

"It infected my whole pack." Satomi said making everyone look at her, "Everyone except you. That's the real question- did you not get infected? Or are you immune?" Deaton asked. "If your pack was infected, then who was doing all the shooting at the entrance to the woods?" Fallon asked making Satomi look over at her, "Apparently, another assassin. Personally, I'd rather face a gun than a variant of smallpox." She said.

"Sounds like you're going to get plenty of chances."

Derek and Fallon look over to see Satomi looking at them, "I just noticed how much you two remind me of Talia and Alma. I used to visit them a lot, you know... Do you remember me?" She asked and Fallon smiled fondly. "You were the one who taught my family control... and you taught me control again when I became a Moon Phoenix. How could I forget?" Fallon said and Derek nodded.

"I remember the tea. You always brought that tea that smelled horrible." Derek said making Satomi smile, "I brought that tea as a gift. Your mother loved it." Satomi said. "What kind of tea?" Deaton asked making them all look over at him, "What?" Satomi asked confused. "The tea with the smell, what kind was it?" Deaton asked, "Reishi- wild purple reishi. It's very rare."

"It's also a powerful remedy for sickness. Satomi, you didn't get infected because you've been inoculated." Deaton said and Melissa nodded stepping forward, "Okay, okay... How rare is it? Can we find it?" Melissa asked.

"We don't have to." Derek said making them all look at him, "My mother kept some of it. It's in our vault."


"We have to get to the school." Derek said as he, Fallon and Satomi walked out of the morgue, "What about the others at Lookout Point?" Satomi asked. But before anyone could say something the elevator dinged making them all turn to see a women step out, holding a gun.

Derek instantly grabbed Fallon pulling her to the side while Satomi easily and effortlessly dodged every shot before stabbing the women in the neck with her metal spike. Right as the women fell to the floor, Melissa and Deaton ran out as Satomi turned around.

"I may have learned to control my anger, but I still know when to use it."

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