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Fallon's outfit:

Chapter Sixteen⊚ Unleashed ⊚

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Chapter Sixteen

Jennifer Blake walked into her classroom and closed the door before turning around, letting out a scream when she saw Fallon standing there. Fallon raised her eyebrows as Jennifer grabbed a pointer stick, holding it up like a weapon.

"What do you want? You gonna threaten me? Tell me that no one's gonna believe me? Try to scare me?... Kill me?" Jennifer asked and Fallon smiled in amusement, "I was just gonna see if you were okay." Fallon said and Jennifer raised ber journal, "Physically or emotionally?Although, I guess that presupposes I was emotionally okay before any of this, and, according to my therapist... It's been debatable for a long time." Jennifer said and Fallon chuckled as she nodded.

"You gotta be a little mentally unstable to teach high schoolers." Fallon said and Jennifer raised her eyebrows and nodded, "In twenty minutes, I have to start two dozen teenagers on The Crucible, and I honestly have no idea what I'm gonna say." Jennifer said and Fallon shrugged slightly..

"Why don't you start by telling them that it's an allegory for McCarthyism?" Fallon suggested making Jennifer raise her eyebrows, "Is that a subtle way of suggesting that I shouldn't say anything? Because I won't." Jennifer said and Fallon chuckled and shook her head. "I'm not worried about that. You seem smart enough to know when you should keep quiet." Fallon said as she walked around Jennifer, towards the door.

"Honestly, I just wouldnt mind having a friend who isn't one of my students." Fallon said, looking back at Jennifer who smile softly. "My names Jennifer, by the way." She said and Fallon smiled at her, "Fallon." Fallon said before walking out.

Fallon walked into her classroom and paused slightly when she saw Derek waiting for her by the windows. "What? New school year means more surprise visits during my free period?" Fallon asked as she walked over to her desk and Derek smiled slightly, "Technically it's still the morning." He said and she raised her eyebrows.

"Technically, mornings still counts as my free period due to my free period being first period. What can I do for you?" Fallon asked and Derek shrugged slightly as he walked over to her desk. "Thought you could use some company." He said and she raised her eyebrows in amusement while walking around the desk.

"Your company? The guy who doesnt like people?" She asked and he smiled at her, "I can be good company when I want to, especially when I like the person." He said. She hummed and nodded slightly as she leaned against her desk, "Well I must be lucky then." She said. They stared at each other for a moment before someone walked in making them look over.

Fallon's smile slowly fell as she stood up straight, looking at the teen girl that stood in the door way in shock. The girl glanced at Derek before looking at Fallon with a smirk, "Hey mom." The girl said making Derek look at Fallon shocked.

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