Ch. 30 - RIDDLED

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Fallon's outfit:
Hospital -

School / Electrical Substation / Hospital -

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School / Electrical Substation / Hospital -

School / Electrical Substation / Hospital -

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Chapter Thirty
🦊 Riddled 🦊

"Fallon!" Isaac yelled as he started getting dressed after getting off the phone with Scott. "What's wrong?" Fallon asked as she walked into Isaac's room, "I need you to drive me to Scott's." Isaac said making Fallon furrow her brows. "It's midnight." Fallon said and Isaac nodded, "I know, but Scott called. Something's wrong with Stiles." He said making Fallon wake up more.

"What's wrong with Stiles?" Fallon asked and Isaac shook his head, "I have no idea but I need to get to Scott's." Isaac said. Fallon walked away for a moment before walking back into Isaac's room. "Hey." She said making Isaac look at her and she tossed him her key, "Go and take Nadia. I'll call Derek." Fallon said and Isaac nodded.


Cars pulled into the hospital parking lot before Stilinski, Isaac and Scott jumped out if their cars or bakes, running over to Stiles' jeep. "It's dead. He must have left the lights on." Stilinski sighed. "Why would he come here?" Scott asked. "Lets find out." Stilinski said and they ran into the hospital. Stilinski went to Melissa while Scott and Issac went to the roof where they knew Derek and Fallon were.

"He's not here. Not anymore." Derek said and Scott raised his eyebrows, "You mean, the whole building?" He asked and Fallon nodded. "Gone." She said making them sigh, "I'll go tell Stilinski." Isaac said.

"Notice how strong the scent is up here?" Derek asked when Scott walked up to them. "Ever hear of chemo-signals? Chemical signals that communicate emotion. And just our sweat can give off anger, fear, or disgust. Take a deep breath and tell me what you feel." Fallon said and Scott closed his eyes, "Stress."

"And anxiety, the smell is stong." Fallon as she glanced around, "What was he doing up here?" Scott asked and Derek shook his head. "I don't know... But there was definitely some kind of struggle." Derek said and Scott furrowed his brows. "With who?" He asked, "Himself." Fallon said as she glanced around.


Kira walked down the stairs after class, to see Scott walking out of his class. "Scott, wait!" Kira said but Scott seemed like he didn't hear her before walking away.

"He's a little preoccupied... But we can help you." Derek said as he and Fallon walked up to Kira making her look at him confused, "Because I want you to tell me everything that happened at the power station with William Barrow. Actually, I want you to show me." He said.

Fallon sighed, noticing Kira's nervous expression, "Don't worry Kira, he might look mean but he's nothing but a teddy bear with some anger problem." Fallon said, smiling when Derek rolled his eyes and Kira relaxed slightly.


"It was around here, I think... But everything kind of looks the same now." Kira said as she lead Derek and Fallon into the substation. They looked around until they noticed scrape marks in the concrete. Following the line, it lead into an open gate to a power box that had a baseball bad stuck to it.

"What is that? Is that a baseball bat?" Kira asked, "It's Stiles's bat." Fallon said before glancing at Derek who looked at her as well. Derek walked over and went to grab it but it took a full pulls to get it off, "It's magnetized." He walked over to the start of the scrapes and bat started attracting back to the power box.

"Kira, I'm going to need you to tell me everything you know about foxfire." Derek said making her look at hin confused. He nodded to something behind them making them turn around to see a "DANGER: HIGH VOLTAGE" sign.


A little while later they pulled up to the hospital all they all got out of Derek's car but Kira paused slightly making them look at her. "I don't know if I should go in..." She said making Fallon furrow her brows, "Why not?" She asked and Kira sighed softly.

"You're going to tell Scott that Barrow might have used foxfire- created by me- to jump-start the Nogitsune's power inside Stiles." She said and they nodded slightly, "Yeah." Derek said and Kira nodded. "Basically, that I helped a dark spirit take control of his best friend." She said making Derek and Fallon look at each other for a moment before nodded. "You should probably wait here." Fallon said and Kira nodded before Fallon and Derek walked into the hospital.

Scott was sitting in the of the chairs outside the room, staring at the ground when Derek and Fallon walked up and sat across from him. "You know the stuff you were telling me about chemo signals earlier? It reminded me of the time you were teaching me to use anger to control the shift." Scott said and Derek smiled.

"I think you ended up teaching me more about that." Derek said making Fallon chuckle and nodded while Scott smiled. "Are you teaching me again?" He asked and Derek shrugged slightly.

"Think of it as sharing a few trade secrets. You know, I took Cora back to South America, right? It's where she spent most of her time after the fire. But that's not the only reason I left... I needed to talk to my mother." Derek said making Scott raise his eyebrows, "You're dead mother?" He asked and Derek nodded.

"She told me something that changed my perspective on a lot of things. She said that my family didn't just live in Beacon Hills- they protected it. This town needs someone to protect it. Someone like you." Derek said and Scott smiled softly.

"And someone like you guys to teach me a few trade secrets." Scott said then the look of realization crossed his face before he stood up. "He was trying to protect us. Stiles was protecting us-" Scott said making Derek and Fallon stand up, realising the same thing, "From himself." Fallon said.

A few minuets later they ran into the roof looking around, "What are we looking for?" Derek asked. "I'm not sure... But I think Stiles wasn't just up here struggling with himself. I think he was struggling not to do something." Scott said then noticed a box in front of one of the fences.

He climbed onto it then reached up on top of the roofing of the fence and pulled down a white duffel bag making a bunch of wires and tools fall out. They looked at it confused before looking around, and thats when they noticed a slightly cut wire above them.

They started to walk back but Fallon slowed to a stop as her eyes flashed her blue-silver. She took a deep breath, starting to get a bad feeling as she looked at the guys, "Somethings wrong..." She said in a slightly whisper as she glanced slightly.

Right as she turned around the electrical box they where just at suddenly exploded into a million sparks making Fallon pull Derek and Scott back as the wire they saw earlier snapped and started wiping back and forth.

Author's Note:
Merry Christmas! :)
                               And if you don't celebrate Christmas than I hope you have an awesome weekend and happy/happy late holiday you celebrate

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