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Fallon's outfit:

Chapter Twenty-Seven🦊 Galvanized 🦊

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Chapter Twenty-Seven
🦊 Galvanized 🦊

Fallon stood in front if her class as she wrote someone in Spanish on the board while explaining something. All of the sudden she started hearing a buzzing sound that felt like it was inside her eyes.

She cringed slightly, grabbing her forehead for a moment. "Mom...?" Nadia asked making Fallon look back at the class, "Are you okay?" Nadia asked and Fallon took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, just uh... Headache." Fallon said before turning back to the board making Nadia furrow her brows.


"Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes? He said those exact words?" Nadia asked as they rushed down the stairs. "Yeah. And no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies, which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome." Stiles explained.

"Did you say flies?" / "Flys?" Lydia and Fallon asked at the same time making them all turn to them, "Lydia? Fallon?" Allison asked. "All day I have been hearing this sound. It's like this buzzing." Lydia said and Fallon nodded, "I've been hearing it too, it's why my heads been hurting all day. It's very distracting."

"Like the sound of flies?" Nadia asked walking up to Lydia and Fallon, "Exactly like the sound of flies." Lydia said and Fallon nodded in agreement.


Fallon, Nadia, Isaac, the Twins and Scott crowded around in a circle away from everyone else. "Lydia thinks that he's still here even though the cops searched the whole school. But she didn't have one thing, our sense of smell." Scott explained before opening a bag, pulling out a hospital gown and Nadia cringed.

"Yeah, I can smell it from here. Do people not shower in prison?"

A little while later Scott, Fallon, Nadia and Isaac walked through the basement, "So this is how it's gonna be now? We trust them?" Isaac asked and Scott shook his head slightly, "Just because I'm letting them help, doesn't mean I trust them." Scott said.

"Yeah, well, I don't trust them either. Or like them. In fact, I hate them and just want them to die. The only person from that pack that I trust is Nadia." Isaac said making Nadia smile smugly and Scott glanced at him. "Well, if Barrow's actually here and he's got a plan, you might get what you want." Scott said and Fallon nodded and patted Isaac's shoulder.

"Trust me. I hate them too but right now, we need the help, whether we like it or not." Fallon said before all if the sudden the fire alarm started going off making them stop and look at each other. "That can't be good." Fallon said  before they quickly ran back the direction they came from. They ran outside and met up with Stiles, Lydia and the twins, "We didn't find anything." Aiden said and Scott shook his head, "Not even a scent."

"It's 3:00, so school's over. If there was a bomb, wouldn't he have set it off by now?" Stiles said looking at everyone, "Does that mean everybody's safe?" Nadia asked and they looked at Lydia who shook her head. "I don't know. I just don't know." She said and Fallon nodded in agreement, "No one's ever truly safe in Beacon Hills."


"Ow! Don't you have any anesthetic?" Peter asked as Fallon stitched his finger back on, "Yup." Fallon said making him give her a look before looking at Derek. "Are you at least going to tell me what I risked life- and digit- for?" Peter asked as Derek sat down next to Fallon, "I'm going to show you." Derek said, grabbed the box with the triskelion on it while Peter hissed in pain when Fallon broke the thread.

Derek opened the cylinder box before dumping out a set of claws. "After the fire, that's all that was left of her." Derek said as Peter held up one of the claws, "Talia. I can't decide if that's touching or morbid. I guess the real question is... What are you planning on doing with them?" Peter asked.

"I have to ask her something, and, from what I've heard, this is the only way it's possible." Derek said before setting the container in front of Peter who looked at it for a moment before looking at his hand and giving Derek a look. "You gotta be kidding me!" He said and Fallon chuckled and raised her eyebrows, "Why do you think I sewed your finger back on?"

"You know, there's always an element of danger to rituals like this. I'm not particularly fond of them. Unless they somehow benefit me." Peter said as Derek put Talia's claws back in the jar making Derek chuckle as he and Fallon glanced at each other. "What do you want?" Derek asked, "I want to keep them." Peter said with a smile making both Derek and Fallon look at him weird

"Sentimental value. She was your mother, but she was also my sister. What? Am I not allowed a little bit of sentiment?" He asked and Fallon looked ay him while shaking her head slightly. "You are the least sentimental person I have ever met." Fallon said making Peter give her a look while Derek set the container in front of him.

He held his hand over the opening, trying to find the motivation to stick his hand in. Derek got up and walked around while Fallon leaned back, crossed her arms over her chest. Peter hesitated for a minute making Fallon sigh and roll her eyes.

"You're taking too long." Fallon said before grabbing his hand and shoving it into the container. "No! No, wait!" Peter said before he grunted in pain, his eyes glowing a vibrant blue.


"That's not exactly my color." Peter said looking at the claws while Derek sat backwards on a chair. Fallon crouched down in front of Derek, grabbing his hands making him tightly squeezed hers for a moment before kissing one of her hands. "You sure you want to do this? You trust him enough?" Fallon asked and Derek sighed, "No." He said making her sigh softly.

"This is going to be excruciatingly painful." Peter said walking up to Derek while Fallon stood up, "Just do it." Derek said and Peter chuckled, lining up the claws to Derek neck. "Oh, I'm going to. I just wanted you to know we all have our petty revenges." He said before sticking them into the back of Derek's neck making Derek groan in pain.

A little while Fallon walked back and forth, watching Derek and Peter when Peter suddenly took a deep breath, stepping away from Derek. Fallon quickly crouched down next to Derek, gently grabbing his face making him grab her hand as he breathed heavily. "Did you see her? What did you ask her? Did she say anything about me?" Peter said making Derek give him a look.

"Well, that doesn't look good."

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