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Fallon's outfit:
Animal Clinic / Railway Depot -

Fallon's outfit: Animal Clinic / Railway Depot -

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Highschool -

Chapter Four🦎 Abomination 🦎

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Chapter Four
🦎 Abomination 🦎

"They're on their way back. So we don't have much time to talk." Deaton said as Scott held up his shirt to show a wound Derek gave him. "You wont be able to heal naturally because of Derek but Fallon can heal you." Deaton said making Scott furrow his brows.

"You can heal people?" Scott asked, looking at Fallon nodded as she walked up to Scott. "Only supernatural and people with enough connections to supernatural." Fallon said before hovering her hand in from of his wound. Her eyes flashed her blush-silver as glowing silver veins framed her face.

"There." Fallon said, stepping back one the wound was completely healed making Scott look down at it for a moment before looking ar Deaton. "Okay, how do you know all this? How do you know my Spanish teacher? Actually, how do you know anything?" Scott asked and Deaton shook his head slightly, "That's a longer story. What I can tell you is I know about your kind. Your kind and Fallon's kind I can help. This..." He said as he lifts the sheet from a man's torso to reveal numerous and bloody slash wounds on the body.

"This is something different."

"That's one of Argent's hunters right?" Fallon asked and Deaton nodded, "Do you know what did it?" Scott asked. "No. But the Argents will. And this is the crucial part. They'll have some kind of record or book. It'll have descriptions, histories, notations of all the things they've discovered." Deaton said making Scott look at him wide eyes, "All of the things? How many different things are there?"

Fallon and Deaton glanced at each other with an amused look but before they could answer, the sound of tires on gravel turn made them turn their heads toward the waiting area. Quickly Fallon grabbed Scott and pushed him into one of the other room before going back over to Deaton.

A gloved hand pushes open the front door. Boots tracking dirt across the cement floor, Argent walks in followed by two hunters. They turn the corner to find Deaton and Fallon standing behind the body on the table.

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