Ch. 39 - MUTED

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Fallon's outfit:

Chapter Thirty-Nine💰 Muted 💰

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Chapter Thirty-Nine
💰 Muted 💰

"That table's Italian." Peter said as Braeden put her feet up on the coffee table, "So are these boots." Braeden said making Fallon quietly chuckle from where she was sitting on the arm of the couch next Derek, "Are we going to talk interior design and fashion, or are we going to talk numbers?" Braeden asked.

Fallon looked at Derek to see him looking at his reflection in a pair of sun glasses, obviously worriedly about the fact that his eyes are back to being yellow. Fallon wrapped her arm around his shoulders making him look at her as she smiled softly at him as he grabbed her knee.

Peter wrote something on a piece of paper and slid it over to Braeden who then crossed out what he wrote and wrote something else. Peter grabbed it and looked down at it, "We're hiring you to find Kate, not assassinate the president."

"I was hired by the Calaveras to find Kate. You're hiring me to find her first. Going against the Calaveras is what's going to cost you." Breaden said and Peter sighed and wrote another number down and slid it over to her but she just slid the paper back making him dramatically walk away as Harlow laughed. "We'll pay. Just find Kate. That's all we want." Derek said impatiently while ripping up the paper.

Once Braeden left Peter turned to Derek looking at him crazy, "Are you insane?" He asked and Fallon raised her eyebrows, "Should you really be the one to ask that?" She asked earning a glare from Peter. "We don't have a choice. We spent a week looking for her, and came up with nothing." Derek said standing at the table by the windows at Peter walking over to him.

"What do you think I'm gonna do then, huh? Get a job? My resume is slightly out of date! We got robbed, Derek. Robbed!" Peter said grabbing Derek's shoulder making Derek spin around and grab Peter's wrist, flashing his yellow eyes and canines.

"Oh, that's a new look for you." Peter said and Derek let him go. "What happened to your eyes?" Peter asked and Derek sighed, "I don't know. But I'm willing to pay to find out."

"Well-" Fallon said, glancing down at her watch, "I need to get to work before I'm late again." She said before walking over to grab her bag off the table then turning to Derek. "Do me a favor and kill him again. I'll burn the body." She said making Derek chuckle as he leaned down to kiss her while Peter squint at her.

"You always have been my favorite, Fallon." Peter said and she gave him a fake smile as she walked past him, "And I've always hate you." She said.


"Okay! Let's get started." Fallon said as she walked into her junior algebra class. She grabbed a piece of chalk from the board before writing down a few equations. "Let's start off with a few people coming up to the board to do a few simple equations." She said before turning to the class. "And no, I'm not asking for volunteers because I know that none of you will volunteer." She said making a few kids groan while some laughed.

"Okay, Diego, Lydia and... Malia?" Fallon said making Malia look at her whole Diego and Lydia started to get up. "Wanna come up here and do an equation for me?" Fallon ask and Malia looked at her weird, "No." She said making Fallon chuckled in amusement.

"How about you come up here and try, I'll give you some extra credit." Fallon said making Malia sigh softly before standing up, "If you need any help, just say something and I'll help you." Fallon said as Malia walked up and Malia nodded.

"Fallon!" Someone whispered harshly making Fallon look over to see Fallon aggressively waving her over making her sigh. She walked over to him and leaned down slightly so he could whisper to her.

"Did you hear about the murders?" He asked and she raised her eyebrows, "What murders?" She asked. "Family axe murders." He said and she hummed and nodded slightly, "What about them?" She asked and he raised his eyebrows. "Are we going to do something about it?" He asked and she raised her eyebrows and shrugged slightly.

"If something comes up that theres supernatural involved, possibly. But until then we let the police handle it." She said making him squint at her, "You're just gonna ignore it? You're the Moon Phoenix. You can't just do that." He asked and she nodded. "I can and so will you. All of you beside Lydia and Kira need to start focusing on your grades. You and Scott are slipping behind, badly. And Malia is already really behind. I can't keep giving you guys extensions or the school will start claiming favoritism." She said making him pout.

"Do your work." She said, pointing at him before walking over to a student that had their hand up, pretending like she didn't hear Lydia give Malia the answer.


"There's nothing in here about Kate. This killer used an axe." Derek said as he and Fallon looked over the case file that Braeden brought. "Actually, he used a military tomahawk." Braeden said making Fallon look at her with a raised eyebrow, "That's not in the report." She said and Braeden nodded.

"I know." Braeden said coyly, "Are you going to tell us what else you know?" Derek asked staring out in front of him so he doesnt see Braeden changing. "Not yet... 'Cause I don't really know much." Braeden said and Fallon cocked an eyebrow, "But you know something." She said.

"Maybe. The problem is... the people I need to talk to right now, don't talk to people like you." She said and Fallon nudged Derek to tell him Braeden was dressed. "You want me to wait for you?" Derek asked raised his eyebrows, "I want you to trust me." Braeden said and Derek squinted at her.

"And why would I trust you? I don't know anything about you." Derek said and Braeden smirked slightly, "Yeah, well your girlfriend does. You're girlfriend knows a lot about me. " Braeden said making Fallon's eyes widen as she gave Braeden a look. "And I know what you really want-- you want what Kate stole from you." She said then moved to stand next to Fallon, "Briseann an dúchas trí shúile an chait. It means, 'The true nature of someone is reflected in their eyes' In your case, the color of your eyes." She said then walked over to her jacket.

"You get a week." Derek said and tossed her over her gun which she caught and walked away. Derek turned to Fallon with raised eyebrows as Braeden walked out, "Don't." Fallon said. "You dated Braeden?" He asked and she shook her head, "Braeden and I never dated. We've hooked up." She said and he raised his eyebrows.

You gave me shit for dating Kate and I'm just finding out that you dated Braeden?" He asked and Fallon held her hand out slightly while squinting at him, "Okay, that's different. You dated Kate Argent, I hooked up with Braeden." She said before pointing at herself. "I'm the one winning here." She said and he crossed his arms, "Who else have you hooked up with?" He asked and she raised her eyebrows.

"Der, sweetie... I'm 132 years old and met many men, women and nonbinary people. Do you really want to know?" She asked and he thought for a moment, "Not anymore." He said and she chuckled before grabbing his arms and pulling him towards her.

"None of them compare to you though." She said making him look at her in amusement while nodded. "Nice try." He said before grabbing her waist and pulling her into a kiss.

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