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Fallon's outfit:
Loft -

Loft / Lookout Point -

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Loft / Lookout Point -

Chapter Forty-Seven💰 A Promise To The Dead 💰

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Chapter Forty-Seven
💰 A Promise To The Dead 💰

Fallon laid in bed with her head on Derek's chest while he had his arms wrapped securely around her. Derek looked down at Fallon and gently moving some hair out of her face. "Are you gonna stare at me the whole night or are you gonna actually get some sleep?" Fallon asked as she opened her eyes and looked at him making him smile softly.

Before he could say something the alarm sound went off making them quickly get up and look over to see the red light flashing. Derek got up, grabbing his gun off the table, Fallon follow while Nadia quickly ran down the spiral stairs. "What's going on?" Nadia asked and Fallon just grabbed her arm, pulling Nadia behind her.

They slowly and cautiously looked around the loft until they noticed that someone was outside the door. Derek slowly walked over to the door and opened it, pointing his gun at whoever it was but froze when they saw it was Lydia.

Fallon went to say something but before she could, Lydia suddenly let out a put scream, looking directly at Derek. They covered their ears until the screaming stopped and slowly looked up to a slightly dazed Lydia. Derek and Fallon glanced at each other for a moment, knowing exactly what that means before Fallon took a deep breath. "Come on Lydia, let's get you home." She said, directing Lydia out of the loft, Derek and Nadia following behind.

When they got back after dropping Lydia off, Fallon turned to Nadia. "Why don't you go back to sleep?" Fallon asked and Nadia didnt move as she glanced between Fallon and Derek. "This is about Derek's name breaking a third of the list, right? It's actually happening? You're gonna die?" Nadia asked worriedly making Derek sigh softly before wrapping his arms around Nadia's shoulders and she instantly wrapped hers around his torso.

"Go to sleep, we can talk about this tomorrow." Derek said and Nadia pulled away from him and nodded. Fallon gently squeezed Nadia's shoulders as she walked away and they waited until Nadia walked up the stairs before looking at each other.
Fallon signed softly and shook her head slightly, "Derek-" She started to say and he nodded. "I know." He said before pulling her into him.


Derek looked at a duffel bag full of cash with raised eyebrows, "Okay." He said making Scott look at him confused. "Don't you wanna know why it took so long to return it?" Scott asked and Derek just smiled slightly. "How much do you make at the animal clinic?" Derek asked as Fallon sat down on the arm of the couch next to him.

"Minimum wage." Scott answered and Derek nodded and shrugged, "That's why. Everyone can be tempted, Scott- even a True Alpha." Derek said and Scott still just looked at him confused. "You're not angry?" Scott asked and Derek shook his head, "It's not even mine. It belongs to Peter." Derek said.

"Where's your money?"

"You're standing on it." Derek said making Scott look down at the ground for a moment before looking back up at them with wide eyes. "There's another vault?" Scott asked completely astonished making Derek and Fallon glance at each other in amusement. "No, he owns the building." Fallon said and Derek nodded, "And I have my own bank accounts. All the money from the vault was Peter's. I think we'd actually be better off if the rest never came back." Derek said and stood up and zipped up the bag before looking back at Scott.

"I know Lydia was here last night." Scott said making Fallon sigh softly as Derek glanced over at her. "Deaton's still working on figuring out what Kate did to you. If anyone can find an answer, it's him." Scott said and Fallon nodded and grabbed Derek's hand, "Let's hope so."

"So there was something I wanted to ask you guys." Scott said making them both look at him, "I was wondering if I could use the loft for a date with Kira? We haven't real date yet." Scott asked and Derek and Fallon smiled at him. "You can use the loft." Derek said making Scott smile as Fallon  stood up and patted him on the shoulder. "If you want, theres a box in the room over there with some lights you can hang up. Feel free to use them." Fallon said and Scott looked at her with a smile and thanked her.

Fallon smiled at him before walking over and grabbing her and Derek's jackets. "Now I think a date night for the two of us is very long overdue." Fallon said making Derek chuckle as she grabbed his hand and led him out the loft.


Derek leaned against his car while Fallon slightly had her back against his chest as they looked out over the town. "Nadia asked me if I'm her step-dad the other day." Derek said making Fallon laugh and pinch the bridge of her nose. "I don't know why but that girl suddenly really wants to be able to say she has a dad." Fallon said and Derek chuckled, "I don't mind." He said making her turn around to look at him with raised eyebrows.

"You don't?" She asked and he shook her head, "It's bound to happen at some point, isn't it? Especially with the whole soulmate thing." He said and she stared at him for a moment. "If you survive long enough." She said in a slight whisper making him sigh softly, "It'll be okay. We're gonna figure out what's wrong." He said and she nodded slightly.

"I hope so... Let's make a deal." Fallon said making him raise his eyebrows, "What's the deal?" He asked. "If you survive past this week, you, Nadia and I get out of here." She said and he raised his eyebrows, "You want to leave the pack?" He asked and she shook her head. "I don't want to leave the pack, I want you to live. You've been kidnapped, you've almost died, you're set to die and when you're in this town, you have a target on your back. And we're not even gonna talk about what happened before I came here." She said and he nodded slightly.

"Where will we go?" He asked and she smiled softly, "Maybe I can show you around South America. It is a beautiful continent." She said and he smiled at her. "I like the sound of that." He said, pulling her closer to him making her smile as she lightly grazed her thumb across his jawline. They stared at each other as Fallon bit her lips slightly, deep in thought.

"I lo-" She started to say but got cut off when her phone started ringing making her sigh and pull it out to see Stiles calling her. "Stiles." She said after answering, "Have you or Derek heard from or seen Scott or Kira?" Stiles asked making her furrow her brows.

"Not since earlier why?" She asked, "Because the game started awhile ago and neither of them has shown up and they're not answering their phones." Stiles said making Fallon glance at Derek. "Meet us at the loft." She said before hanging up.


"What the hell happened?" Stiles asked as he and his father walked into the loft. Furniture was smashed all over the place and glass littered the floor from the broken window and a few broken light bulbs. "It was supposed to be a date." Derek said as he, Fallon and Braden glanced around.

"They were both here?" Stilinski asked, "And they're both gone." Braeden answered and Fallon crouched down, pressing her hand to the ground taking a deep breath before sighing in frustration. "What is it?" Derek asked as she stood up, "Berserker... and Kate." She said and a second later Stiles's phone rang.

"Hey-" He started to say but Lydia cut him off, "Scott's been taken." Lydia said over the phone and Scott sighed. "Scott and Kira. We just don't know where." Stiles said, "Mexico. And, if you want to save his life, that's where you're going, too." Deaton said making them all glance at each other.

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