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Fallon's outfit:

Chapter Thirty-Six🦊 The Divine Move 🦊

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Chapter Thirty-Six
🦊 The Divine Move 🦊

Ethan cringed in pain as Fallon held a lighter to a wound in his back. "Should be fine in a couple hours- unless whoever shot you manages to find you again." Fallon said as she stepped back, closing the lighter and Aiden sighed before walking past them.

"Lydia's with Scott. We need to go." He said and Derek raised his eyebrows, "You're gonna try to convince her to go with you?" He asked making Aiden stop. "I'm gonna try and convince her to run and hide, like any sane person would do." Aiden said and Fallon nodded slightly and raised her eyebrows, "And what about Danny?" She asked.

"Allison's dead. Stiles is dying. What do you think?" Ethan asked and Fallon shrugged slightly, "I think Danny won't believe you... And Lydia would never run and hide." She said. "Because of Stiles?" Aiden asked, "Because of Scott." Derek said and Fallon nodded.

"You've been trying to find a way into his pack. Trying to earn his trust. Trying to fight for him. You've had it wrong this whole time. You don't fight for a leader- you fight for a leader's cause." Fallon said and Aiden shook his head slightly, "What cause?" He asked.

"Scott's always been about one thing- saving his friends. He will do anything and everything to save the people he cares about." Derek said and Fallon nodded, "When there's no chance of winning? He keeps fighting. When all hope is lost? He finds another way. And when he's beaten down, he stands up again." Fallon said and Derek raised his eyebrows.

"You want to earn a place in his pack? You want redemption? Find another way to stand and fight!" Derek said making the twins glance at each other.


Void sat on top of the stairs with two Onis behind him as Derek and Fallon walked up, Derek carrying the triskele box. "Did you bring us a present?" Void asked as Derek set down the triskele box as the twins up behind them. "We brought two." Derek said and Void raised his eyebrows, "I've heard of an Alpha Pack, Derek, but not a pack of former Alphas with a Moon Phoenix... It's a little sad, isn't it? I bet Fallon's the leader of this one." Void said and Fallon chuckled.

"You don't need to be an Alpha to fight." Fallon said and the Oni swung their swords around while the werewolves all let out small roars before running forward. An oni ran up to Fallon, swiping it's sword at her but she just stepped to the side before spinning around it, kicking it in the back making it stumble forward.

"Where the hell are they?" Ethan called out as he knocked down an Oni, "The Jeep's here. They have to be somewhere." Aiden said. "In the school!" Derek yelled after he punched an Oni down.

"You have to get on the box. Someone get on the box!" Derek yelled making Fallon and Aiden look over at it before two Oni's suddenly appeared next to it. "I hate ninjas." Aiden said before letting out a slight roar while Fallon just fixed her shirt slightly before walking towards the Oni.

One of the Oni's ran at her, swiping it's sword at her making her step back before kicking it's side. She grabbed it's arm, twisting it slightly before flipping it making it slam down onto the ground. "We can't do this! We can't beat them!" Aiden said and Fallon glanced at him, "Take the box, we'll hold them off!" She said. "Fallon!" Derek yelled making her step off to the side before one of the swords could hit her.

She grabbed the Oni's arm before her eyes flashed her blue-silver and silver frames framed her face. Her arm shot out, going straight through the Oni's chest before she ripped her arm back. The Oni slowly disappeared in black smoke as she dropped a firefly to the ground.

She went to step on it but before she could it quickly got surrounded by black smoke before forming back into an Oni making her sigh. Before she could do anything, an arrow shot past her, embedding itself in the Oni's chest. Fallon's eyes widened and she took a step back as a glowing yellow-green lightly shined around the arrow.

Fallon glanced back to see Argent holding up a cross bow before Isaac and Nadia jumped down onto the stairs. The Oni ripped out the arrow before suddenly exploding in a puff of black smoke. "What was that?" Ethan asked, look up at Argent, "Silver."

"Isaac, the box! Get the triskele box to Scott!" Fallon called out making Isaac run over to get the box.

An Oni ran at Derek but Derek grabbed its arm, twisting it behind it's back before Argent shot it with another arrow. An Oni turned around as Argent shot at it but before the arrow could hit it, the oni sliced it in half. "Get the arrow! It's the last one!" Argent called out and Aiden quickly ran forward, sliding under the Oni before grabbing the arrow.

He quickly got up, stabbing the arrow into the Oni's chest making it explode into a puff of black smoke. Aiden's eyes flickered slightly as blood leaked from his mouth while he looked down at the sword in his stomach. "Aiden!" Ethan yelled as Fallon's eyes widened while Aiden pulled the sword out.

Fallon quickly grabbed Aiden's arm, smiling sadly at him as she carefully lowered him to the ground. She looked up as Ethan, Derek, Argent and Nadia walked over to them making. Fallon stood up as Ethan kneeled down next to his brother.

"Doesn't hurt you as much as it hurts me?" Aiden asked weakly and Ethan nodded, "Yeah..." Ethan said in a slightly whisper before letting out a small sob as he leaned his head against Aiden's. Fallon glanced down, wrapping her arms around Nadia's shoulders making Nadia grab her hands, leaning her back against Fallon's chest as Derek wrapped his arm around Fallon's shoulders.

"It's okay... Lydia never believed I was one of the good guys, anyway..." Aiden said weakly making Ethan chuckle sadly, "She'll believe us." Derek said. Aiden's breathing weakened as he let out a painful cough making Ethan lean his forehead against his brother's head, comfortingly shushing him.

Aiden's body slowly fell limp making Ethan sob softly before gently lowering Aiden's body to the ground. Fallon took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she leaned her chin on Nadia's head while holding her tighter.

Lydia ran out the doors of the school with everyone else following behind her. She froze at the top of the stairs seeing Ethan  crying against his brother's chest making her gasp quietly as tears welled up in her eyes. She let out a shaky breath before spinning around and burrowing her face into Stiles's shoulder as Stiles instantly wrapped her arms around her.


"You're not mad that I'm leaving, are you?" Isaac asked as he walked up to Fallon in the livingroom while carrying his bag and she smiled softly. "One less mouth to feed... But one more empty room." Fallon said making Isaac chuckle before sighing softly, "Thank you." He said making her furrow her brows.

"For what?" She asked and he shrugged slightly, "Being the closest thing I've had for a mom in a while." He said making her smile sadly at him before pulling him into a hug. They held onto each other for a moment before Fallon took a deep breath and pulled back, her eyes glossy. She smiled at him and wiped a tear that started to fall down his face.

"Hey, you be careful in france okay? And I'm always a call away if you need anything." She said and he smiled at her and nodded before stepping away from her. He walked over to Nadia who didnt say anything before hugging him. "You're a dick." Nadia mumble making both Isaac and Fallon laugh before Nadia and Isaac pulled away.

Fallon wrapped her arms around Nadia's shoulders, leaning her chin on Nadia's head as Isaac walked over to the door. He glanced back at them as he opened it and they all smiled sadly at each other before he walked out. It was quiet for a moment before Nadia spoke up.

"I want a brother now." She mumbled making Fallon laugh and shake her head slightly before kissing the top of Nadia's head.

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