yes,iam ready

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Jeon manson

The boys and their husbands are in living room with the younger bunny looking guy and their mom and dad.yeah mr.jeon and mrs.jeon came from states in the noon ,so they are having a chit chat

Jimin is sitting on lap of yoongi,miya and hoseok were side hugging each other on the couch and namjin couples sitting on couch like a mature couples whos knew how to be behave in front of olders and our bunny looking guy just sitting on a single couch not interested in the chit chat so scrolling through his phone.

Mrs and mr jeon were sitting casually on a couch sitting like a royal couples.

"Mom,you didn't say the reason of you visit, you said somethi g related to kook right?" jin just says looking mrs jeon .

"yay ,honey just tell him already,i need a grandson faslty" mr jeon said with a proudfull smile

"Yay,dad why you gonna marry me to one just for a grandchild ,look dad,hyungs also married can ask one of them for fullfill your dreams,or you thinking hyungs were not capable?" jungkook says with a smrik

"Oi,you pig what were you thinking. my sons are not unfertile,you big mouth" mrs jeon says looking directly to her husband with a rage

"Honey,thats not iam saying,i think jungkookie is more capable, you knew he was best in everything, and thats why my son called international playboy during university years. Maybe he is also a redbull "mr jeon says with a smirk.

The others look each other with wide open eyes and open mouth

"Dad what the heck are you saying,dont you have shame "jungkook ask to mr jeon with a pissed face.

" i knew boy, but you were called as a international play boy for no reason. So what about a marriage and fastly give a try for a grandbaby for me "Mr jeon look at his wife who hold a pissed face

"I also think so" ,jimin whispered in miya's ear,miya look at jimin who trying hard to not to brust in to laugh.

Jin look at them with a wiered look.

Namjoon ,suga,and hobi just evedroping there partners chat and acting cool harder, if they laugh means the trio is in the punching bag in gym tommarrow.

"jungkook,listen carefully at your age your hyungs are married so i think i need you to get married and about grandchilds, it totally up to you guys, you can have babies when uou are ready "mrs jeon said with a stromg Aura.

"Mom i need some time to enjoy my life" jungkook opposite his mom

"Who says not to enjoy your life,you can with your partner and childs ,jungkook its our wish ,we didn't ask you anything till now and we didn't oppose or reject your any wishes so its decided you are getting married "mr jeon said with stern face.

"Dad i have one who i love iam dating her for nearly 6 months " jungkook spill the secret he keep away from all .without mr and mrs jeon all are shocked

"What,why you kept that as a secret kook"jin ask with a sad tone

There is no day in jinkkooks life without spilling tea, for jungkook after namjins marriage jin is practically taking care of him like a mom. So keeping a secter in between them is really a big deal.

"Hyung it just i want to reveal in front of my whole family thats why ,sorry hyung" .jungkook say look directly into jin.

"Dad,mom why are you all not surprised,did you guys know it" already namjoon asked to his parents with a confused face.

"Yeah," mr jeon says casually.

hearing this all inclunding jungkook also surprised."we knew it already but she isn't going to be our daughter in law" .mrs jeon said looking at jungkook who has his eyes wide open with shock.

"What,why ? You two said that i want to marry as soon as possible then why not her the who the heck iam going to marry?"now he is boiling with anger.

"Keep your sound low mr jeon jungkook" his mother says with a cold face ,jungkook knew its not fun when his mom call her sons with full name.

"She is a gold digger and a she have more boys other that you.we are your parents we knew what you are doing here so dont think about her and before we came here we did go to her and warned her already,so keep your mouth shut and marry who we are gonna choose,if you want your surname and ceo post of jeon corps."mr jeon said look at his surprised son.

Jeon have so many companies,'jeon corps' the company which work as head of other jeon mr jeon is the ceo., so practically who ever get that post means comete authority.

'jeon enterprises'construction company was runnimg by namjoon,

Jeon clothing enterprises,the company was running by hobi and

Jeon music enterprises was running by yoongi.

For jungkook his dream is to be the ceo of jeon corp now his parent blackmailing by the name of that company."

"Dad i love her,she didnt cheat on me iam sure mom,please dont force me to marry another person ."

"Jung kook we are giving you two options

¹) Marry the person we choose for you and be the ceo of the jeon corp.also you gonna have a new mansion with your patner. We all are always being with your happinesss

²) marry that gold digger .forget about the ceo post also with the sur name jeon and you are not gonna get 1 coin from jeon family also forget about this family.its your choice."

Mr jeon said looking at jk who looking at his parents with a face of betrayed .

Others are looking at him with a sad and pitifull face.

"So i need an answer now beacuse if you choose first option so i want to arrange the marriage within one week before going back.if you choose second option son the main door open for you .so whats your choice ,fast "mrs jeon says with acold face.

Mr and mrs jeon knew verywell about jungkook, they also nkew durinh the time he needed a good parentimg no one was there, so due to this all jungkook grew up as a arrogant one with some impatience and usually get into troubles, so the parents actually appointed a whole security system to imform about his activities,. as parents they want him better not someone who is chasing for his money.

Jungkook stand from his seat and look his parents and hyungs and their husbands and wife with a cold face and :

"YES,choose who you all like i gonna marry who it is and i need some rest"

He walk away from the hall to his own room others look him with a heavy heart.

"Why did you do that to him ?" namjoon ask his parents with a heavy heart

"Yeah ,he really felt bad, mom marrying someone is permanent, you cant force him mom."hobi said looking at others.

"You all are really thinking, forcing him into someone is our choice. A hell no. Its him who was running behind peoples who dont even want him., there is no way, he gonna back out from that relationship, so its the only way and permenent too."mrs jeon huff out the breathe she was holding.

"Dont worry mom ,its for his goodness,we all are with you".miya said with a small smile.

"Thanks all" mr jeon says.

"So are you all not gonna get ready its a special party,its a opportunity to make our deal with kims ,so namjoon what about the file?" Mr jeon ask

"Yeah dad it all ready ,so we all are going to get ready for the party" namjoon said with a smile

"So jin just go and say jungkook to get ready for party it will raise his mood and we have something special to do"

mr jeon said

"yeah dad "

jin said and they all go to their rooms to get ready and jungkook however agreed to go for the party,after an hour they got into their own cars and started the Journey to Kim's mansion.

The journey rewritten some strories

See you soon

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