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It was nearly 10 pm when jungkook reached main jeon mansion. He was soaked in the rain. When jungkook enter the house everyone was in their on rooms. But there one who was sitting on the couch in the hall the same one who give taehyung information about his own husband. When jungkook came to the hall he saw yoongi was there, he was hella confused the hyung who was addicted  to sleep was still awake this time and he didnt even saying or asking by seeing jungkook condition. But jungkook felt it was a greatfull moment cause he was not in the situation to say anything.jungkook walk to his room and closed the door.

After jungkook gone yoongi also goes to his room. As a hyung he knew well about his brother, where he will go after this type of situation .but he was just  worried about one pregnent boy. But he need to give his husband also sometime. And he need to sleep which he lost for many months, today his mission is done, he need to handover every thing he collected about his own younger brother.

The next morning was calm. When yoongi was up he head down stairs he noticed everything was like always jinhyung having a whinny naira on his hip and miya preparing table for break fast amd jimin was following jinhyung to play around naira. By noticing the situation yoogibknew jungkook already leave before everyone up.

Yoongi let a sign 😪
He knew nothing gonna easy but may be he was believes that his younger brothers will turn everything right.


Taehyung was up we cant say he was up because he didnt slept. He was worried about his husband. After knewing this much false truth  can  he take that.taehyung was sitting on the couch after took a long bath he was now sitting on the couch it was now 8am.

Taehyung was after the train of thoughts when the bell ring. He wish it to be his husband. He walk towards the door and slowly opened the door. He was stunned, and stunned.

There were jungkook with 2 luggage and beside him gami with a cold face.

That was all a gasp left from from taehyung mouth, he was being lean towards the open door. Look like the door was supporting him.

Jungkook just look at him coldly and walk towards the hall. Gami also following him. Like a thunder hit him taehyung get back into reality. Hebrun back  to jungkook and grab his hand made him stop. He look at his face there was only he saw hate only hate.

Pure hate.....

But he was not ready to let him go.
"Koo what its all mean by"
That was really like a plead.

Like he was please like not to happen what he was thinking.
Byt its all turn upside down.

"Its my girlfriend and that was my own baby inside her womb and from today onwards she was gonna live with me    and take off your hands,".

Taehyung eyes were glassy but he tried his best to not brust into tears.
"Can we talk please for sometimes please can we"taehyungvwas like a begger now. But a smirk formed on jungkook lips "what do you need to talk, i know you are good at acting and you need to live with me for your whole life as a jeon."but norhing was going into taehyung  ears."koo please last time please just hear me out".

Jungkook Peace was testing by taehyung ."leave me you manwhore, why the heck i need to hear you iam full of your talk"

"Koo please. Just hear me, are you angry from yesterday night talk. Please belive me am out of my mind then. Please its all are just lies koo. Iam just blabbered something please, please hear me out"he was begging for a life.

"Its all are done, are you   saying you just blabbered about your parents and my parents death, you are a real liar.how can you just act like you are not the one who talk with me yesterday.its all done now"he was a cold ice now.

"Let me explain iam just saying something cause of anger please trust me, hear me out, i love you koo"he was brusting into tears and loud sobs which cant helping him let a word out. He was chocking on his own words.

Gami who was watching felt like a fire already  set on her heart. She saw how taehyung was begging like a begger for hear him out. He was looking like an actuall begger.

"Its all done taehyung  all done. And hear me carefully from towards you are nothing to me, not mere a grass. Marring you was the greatest mistake i ever did in my life and iam sure your parents also regreting having you. Cause of you greedy behaviour i losty parents, i hate you   taehyung i hate you like i hate nobody"at the end jungkook also in tears .




Hate the word he have been hearing after his weddimg frequently. Was he that much bad to deserve this much hate. A  tears was nonstoping from his eyes. They were like gained freedom after years.

A sign a ling signade out of taehyung lips.

"So you are done "taehyung nodding his head while smiling like a idiot but he let  his tears flow out.

Jungkook was like he saw something on taehyung face that he missed a lot maybe that boxy smile. But he ignored his feeling.

Taehyung look at his womb. And let a smile. Like he took some decisions.

He took a deep breath and turn towards gami. Gami was shock and scared, what will taehyung gonna do.

Taehyung eyes were getting teary and glassy but he shrugged it off.
And walk towards family and take one of her hand into his hand softly and give her a teary smile but the real one.

"Standing so much time make your legs swollen, come sit here miss i will prepare to eat you anything."his words made jungkook shock.

Gami also shocked.

What will gonna happen now

Hi i came
Anyways this capter also have1000+words

And iam a lazy ass in typing thats why i cant double update but i will update soon. If i can i will update double once now just spare me😘

All i need is you(taekook/forced marriage)

Begins with taekook ending also with taekook.

No hate towards taetaes muscle bunny.

Bunny is aggorant cause of story plot.

So spare me also😪

All I Need is you(forced marriage)Where stories live. Discover now