internal wound?

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Its evening jungkook still in living room ."maids didnt call me, means he is not awake,ohhhh its so annoying god"he groaned and walk towards jungkook room where taehyung was lying .

Jungkook enter into his room and saw taehyung was strugling to get out from blanket.jungkook huffed and walk towards him."what are you doing"he sternly asked.
"Sorry. "taehyung said with a shuttering voice.

"for what?cant you stay here ,always just keep annoying others"jungkook really annoiyed voice.

"i need to sit thats why,iam sorry"taehyung said by looking down.
Jungkook helped him to sit then he noticed his phone kept on table ringing.he pick up the phone,it was doctors number.he accept the call.


"Hello doctor"

"is it mr jeon"

"yes doctor"

"Oh i just called to knew about taehyung condition, he must be up right"

"Yeah doc"

"Okey then, and dont forget about the pills and oilment, its really necessary to avoid any kind of infections ."

"ok doctor.thanks for your service"

"dont worry just take him here by the end of next week,okey"

"yes doctor"

"okey bye"

Jungkook cut his call and look at taehyung who is sitting on bed while keeping his head down.jungkook go near him.he took the medicine and give it to taehyung.

He go through the med plans. "The tablets are for fatigue and pain relief so take them each two times a day, this oilment for your external wounds anx this for your internal "jungkook said coldly towards taehyung who is now looking at his face confusionly.jungkook look at him annoyed
"what ,why are looking at me like this ?"jungkook asked .

"im sorry but-"taehyung cut off by jungkook.
"spill it boy"

"I mean i dont know what you. Mean by imternal wound "taehyung said looking down."what ,are you playing" jungkook asked coldly.he was surprised by taehyungs words."i can call my mom you dont worry"taehyung replied to jungkook in alow voice.

"For what"jungkook asked really shocked."i dont know what you mean by internal injury. Is it some kind of kidney bleeding or something.,i think she know. please let me call her."taehyung requested jungkook.

This moment jungkook knew his husband not only dumb but also innocent.

"no,you cant ,now lay down" jungkook said strictly.taehyung look at him with a sad pout and lay down on bed with jungkook help.taehyung observing what is jungkook doing.

Jungkook helped tahyung to lay down amd carefully with utter care he manged to apply the medcine everywhere and tucked him in bed after giving jim some meds as per the med plan.

After conforming taehyung is really fallen asleep he get out from the room.

It just 2 days. But still taehyungs presence make him feel giddy.this confused feeling actually frustrating him.

He rushed outside the house for some air.

He need to romove the whole feelings .

sorry i knew iam late but sorry iam stuck with my exams,sorry😁

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