every beauty need a beast

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The next morning taehyung wake up with a smile he was happy to wake up near his koo.taehyung excitingly looked at jungkook spot on bed only to found it empty.his smile replaced by a pout and his eye decored by some tears .f*uck his pregnency hormones.

is it bad to expect to wake up with your husband ,is it bad to expect a morning wish or a good comment from his husband for his food,is it hard to expect atleast pity in his husband eyes for him.is it?

Taehyung knew whatever he expecting not gonna happen in his life after his wedding.so he get up from bed slowly and did his morning routine.his walk slowdown when he reaches stairs and that time he got a call from his dad.

He took the call.

'appa good morning'

'Morning bear,did i wake you'

'Ani appa i was ok,why didyou call early morning appa,you are not a one call in early morning'

'bear we are coming to you ,maybe after 1 hour we will be there'

'who were coming here dad'

'me and your mom thats all ,you knew yoonie and soobie was busy with their office work'

'why dont you inform me earlier about you visiting ,i would be prepared 'taehyung was now pouting as hell.

'ah voo it was preplanned to surprise you and jungkook anyway iam more exited to knew your expression that why i call earlier '

'anyway,have a safe trip appa ,bye'

'bye bear'

Taehyung cut his call and stare some long time on that phone .
'i must inform koo ,or all things get ruined'
Taehyung dailed jungkook number and he heared a ring from the guest room .the room is sound proof but the door is not lockedthats why.

Taehyung walk towards that room and push the door a little.he saw his cold koo was sleeping like a cute babe.he enter into the room he need to wake up koo but how can he wake the sleeping beauty.anyway he tap his hand sometimes and saw jungkook was waking up .jungkook wake uponly to see taehyung unsure face.suddenly yesterday night memories bang his head he stared at taehyung tits for sometimes.

'kookie'jungkook startled by that call.he look upward to see a confused taehyung ."what"he asked with a morning husky voice.

"koo that appa call me and said that he and mom was doing a sudden visit ,so please be prepare"taehyung said.
"what,what sudden visit,why your parents also dumb as you ,iam busy as hell this day but now your parent visit,how can i avoid it now,didnt yo preplaned it all to ruin my day are you dump"jungkook literaly shout made taehyung eyes and face filled with tears he hanged his head down cause now jungkook didn't see his vulnerable state.

"if you are busy you can go koo,iwill manage it,andsorry for disturbing you"even before jungkook can say anything taehyung disappered and close the doir of the guest room where leaving a man with a hint of guilt or may be embrassed.

Taehyung slowly decreased the stairs he wipe his tears and put a small smile on his lips and enter into kitchen to inform maids about guest and help them.the maid also saw the moody and tearfull face.they all felt a huge pain in their heart why they all knew the cursed beauty was not belong to the jeon beast .

After one hour taehyung hear some sounds morely like talk from hall .he came out from kitchen and saw jungkook was at couch with his parents(kims) speaking loveingly.eventhough he knew it all was fake but he wish its all are real.he come out from his thougjts when jungkook notice him and call him sweetly always like he acting in front of their parents and hyungs.

Taehyung give a small smile and walk towards them.mrs kim notices taehyung has sumdifficulties to walk with the heavy bumb so she walk to him to help him to reach the couch and settled him on couch comfertably with some pillows.she kissed his fore head and hugg him and sit next to mrs kim.

"how was you bear,jungkook said you have some problems causing by the little bear inside you"mrs kim asked taehyung."its nothing mom i can bear it all ,this whole pain will fade when my baby comes out to love me like nobody does"taehyung said with a heartly smile while rubbing his bumb.

"you are not correct taehyung your baby cant love you like nobody does cause jungkook was the one loving you you like nobody does and i think no one can beat him in loving you iam i right honey"mr kim asked mrs kim with a fully happiness.
"of course,iam with you honey"mrs kim also agreed.

'i also wish like that dad i think one day before my last breathe he can love me ,i wish it but maybe the wish maybe buried with me'thought of taehyung even brings tears in his eye ,why love hurts so much ,why he cant felt he was almost killing himself all day taehyung ,

Jungkook notice how passionatly kim couples were in love .'why didnt taehyung expect anything from our relation ship like this '.he look at taehyung ,he saw how lovingly he was looking at his parents.

Maybe jungkook doesnt saw it,but every seconds taehyung was expecting something good from this relation.he got so many thing unexpectrd from this relation.he didn't expext a rape from his first night ,didn't expect he will became his husband slave,didn't expect to gone unconscious for many times,didn't expect a rape attempt from a worker,didn't expect to get a vibrator treatment,and he doesn't expects to get abused both mentaly and physicaly by his husband.

"bear we came hear to say something important,that we all mean by me your mom,grandmma ,anna her husband soobin ,and yeonie was gonna settle in america and the main aim we came here to shift the whole properties and the bank account in to your name and dint worry we gave a good amount to village devolepment and orphanege.so this are the papers you can shift all properties to the one whome i like to shift my whole properties in korea."mr kim the paper to taehyung.

It really hurt him to knew that his parents even k8m family allgonna settle in U.S..but it is not good if he didnt accept it.cause its their life and they did all did a lot for taehyung its their time live for themself.

"ok appa"it was not an expected reaction by taehyung for everyone including jungkook all expected a sobbing taehyung .when did baby get bold.

"but i have a demand"taehyunh said looking at his parents.
"what is that voors kim asked him


.....i need to shift the owner ship of this whole propeties to jungkooks name."

The answer made all the one present here surprise even jungkook chocked a little,the top 1 company in his hand.not bad.

"is that your wish we all are happy"mr kim said with a heartly smile.
"and we knew jungkook will take care of all and our precious bear and little upcoming bear."mrs kim said with a smile .
That means jungkook acting skill infront of the parents were not bad.

Mr kimade jungkook sign the whole papers and they all eat food together while mrs kim feeded taehyung after a long time which was quite emotional scene.after spending some time kim couples byed from there.

"did you think shifting ownership of your properties into my name will make love in me for you.if your expecting this you are wrong ,and yesterday night because jinhyung notice you are lacting your self,he may cought this relation thats why.and dont ever expect anything good from me ."jungkook spill his bad words towards taehyung and walk to his room with property documents.

Taehyung look at his husband walking back ,small tears are already prickled from his eyes."i didnt did anything for expecting good from you koo and this are the only gift i can give you to make you happy ,i didnt have anything else to give you and the thing i have is love which you didnt need but i still giving you that from begining till now and iam not gonna stop it until my last koo"

A long flat tear made it way out of taehyung eye towards down.


See you soon

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