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As the four ate lunch, they all had really clicked becoming actual friends and not just comrades. They were more than likely the loudest table in the cafeteria. Nishimura became more comfortable and loud. Kindaichi became more settled and, well was still quite loud. Kunimi was just trying to keep the chaos of the former two under control. Who would've thought that the quietest one would be the craziest and most aggressive of the four? And Kaiya? Well Kaiya was just glad that she was there and had friends.

     At the other side of the cafeteria. Four seniors watched in confusion as Kunimi was scolding some small girl with black hair and glasses, and their kouhai Kindaichi. "Since when was Kunimi so loud?" A pink haired boy questioned. "He's always pretty quiet at practice."

    "Hahaha. I like loud him." The senior middle blocker stated which was almost inaudible, due to the food stuffed in his mouth.

    "Ewwwww. Don't talk with your mouthful, your spitting food everywhere." A brown haired male said with disgust.

    "I agree with Shittykawa. That's gross. Learn some manners dude." The black haired ace said.

    Back on the other side of the room. Kunimi was trying to hold down Nishimura from jumping across the table, because Kindaichi called her "small". "Okay!" Kindaichi yelled. As she successfully got out of Kunimi's grip. "Lesson learned! I won't call you small again! I promise! I promise!" He yelled again as the girl pulled his ear. Across the table Kaiya giggled at the sight of the 6ft boy getting beat up by the 5'2 girl.

The bell finally rang signifying the end of lunch. The group of four packed up and threw their garbage away, as they left for the lockers. "What class do you guys have next?" Kaiya asked, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear.

    "Uhhh. Biology. I think." Kindaichi answered quickly.

     As Kunimi racked his brain for answers he finally remembered. "I have trigonometry." Kunimi stated.

     "Ugh. Lucky." Nishimura groaned. "We have English. I hate that class. It makes zero sense. Like why is there 17 thousand different there's and which's. Ya know? Like make up your mind man."

    "Really? I like english." Kindaichi replied.

     "Me too!" Kaiya chimed into the conversation.

     "I'm with Nishi on this." Kunimi stated. "The class is stupid." The four finally parted ways. Pushing their way through the crowded halls, Kaiya and Nishi finally get to their designated class.

    The next three classes were boring. After English class, the pair had history, and calculus. Which Kaiya didn't truly mind. She had always liked history. Math however? That class is truly hell. She's never liked math. Anything else is fine. But any type of math? No thank you.

     "Ugh......" Kaiya dragged on. "I'm so glad the day's over." She said happily. "Ugh, wait I still have to go to volleyball tryouts." She stated in slight annoyance.

     "You're doing volleyball!?" Nishi said in shock.

      "Uh, ya. Why?" She asked

       "But the team literally sucks, and they're all fan girls." Nishi answered.

       "I know. I've been told. If I don't like it, the boys are having practice after so I'll ask if I could manage the team." Kaiya explained.

        "You're gonna manage!?" Kunimi interrupted.

        "I mean ya. If I don't like the girls team, or if I don't make it." Kaiya re-explained.

        "Kindaichi's and I are on the team!l" he smiled. "I'll throw in a good word for ya!" Kindaichi looked away, as Kunimi gave her a thumbs up and started walking away.

       Kaiya glared at Kindaichi for not telling her. "Oh! Wait!" She said as she ran after them. What are your numbers? I'm going to make a group chat!" Kaiya smiled.

    After Kaiya got all of their numbers she ran towards the gym, because once again. She was late. When she entered the doors, the seniors (who probably were actually decent...hopefully, at volleyball) were just setting up the net, so she obviously wasn't that late. She walked into the change room to see all of the girls giggling and making conversation amongst themselves.  She started to change, she put on her Nike volleyball shorts,  her kneepads, socks and her blue and white Mizuno shoes.  And lastly she put on her Greenday t-shirt and her elbow brace.

    You see when she was younger she had over worked her arm while serving. She probably would've been around 13 at that time. So that was three years ago. This caused her to get something called tennis elbow. It's a condition when the tendons in your elbow get overworked, it goes away on its own, eventually. Just sometimes it acts up, otherwise it doesn't hurt.

    When she was done changing she walked out of the change room to join the line started next to the net. She looked at the competition around her. She could tell they all weren't that great. The seniors then asked them to stretch and do what was needed to warm up. As she was stretching she noticed four older boys enter the gym. She turned around ignoring it, she didn't need distractions. However, those around her all squealed. "Oikawa senpai!" "I love you!" " Oikawa senpai, accept this please!"

     It got annoying real quick. "Can you shut up! Or get out if you're not here for the sport!" Kaiya yelled in annoyance. Everyone one around her went quiet due to shock. Someone told Oikawa's fan girls to put a sock in it. What an amazing sight.

    The seniors sighed in thanks. "Now that, that's done with. Let's get started!" The captain clapped her hands together and explained how the drills were going to go.

    At the opposite side of the gym the middle blocker and pink haired male were making fun of the brunette. "Hahah! I told you you'd find a girl who wouldn't give two shits about you!" The middle blocker laughed. "A-and t-to think it's a f-first year!" He and the the other male started laughing again.

   "It's not funny! I bet she just didn't realize who I was!" The brunette tried to convince them.

    "I'm pretty sure you're just trying to convince you're self that, Crappykawa." The ace replied.

    "Am not!" The brunette argued back. After calming down a little bit. He finally voiced the question that wracked his brain. "Just who is she?"
A smack sounded through out the gym.

"No. Shittykawa. Leave the kid be."

1075 words

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