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Walking up to the boy Kaiya slowly sat next to him mumbling a quick 'hi', to make her presence known. "Are you okay? I know how much this meant to you." She said, passing him a pocky.

"I'm not even bothered by the fact we lost," he paused taking the treat, "well I am. But still what pissed me off was that they weren't even surprised by the fact that they won. And then, he had the audacity to say 'you should've come to Shiritorizawa'." Oikawa mimicked.

"Ya, that's completely understandable." She muttered as they settled into a quiet silence. "Hey Oikaw-"

"There you two are!" The voice yelled, causing the pair to jump.

"Holy Iwa, you scared me." Kaiya muttered, a hand to her heart trying to calm herself down. "What's up?" She smiled at the boy.

"It's time to go." Iwaizumi said. As quick as the brunette came, he seemed to have left. Hearing a shuffling beside her she turned to see Oikawa holding his hand out to her.

"Coming?" He questioned with a small smile gracing his face. She muttered a small 'ya', taking the boys helping hand. As the pair started towards the bus, Oikawa spoke. "What was that you were gonna say? Like before Iwa interrupted?"

"Oh," she paused looking to the floor, "I was saying; that you shouldn't be upset in yourself for that performance." Before he could interrupt she quickly added. "I know you were blaming yourself for that loss. You need to realize that Shiritorizawa is a private school that pulls kids from everywhere. It's not your fault that we lost today, it was simply that fact that they out played us." She turned to look at the shocked male. "Honestly, I don't think you realize how truly amazing you are. You are one of the hardest working players I know when it comes to volleyball, and I don't think you realize how proud everyone is of you. How proud of you I am." She smiled at the boy. "Uh, I realize I kinda overstepped there, and I'm not really sure if we're actually frie-" She rushed out before being cut off by two arms being tightly pressed around her. Realizing what Oikawa had done, she was quick to reciprocate it; looking down she patted his back as she felt her shoulder start to get wet.

"Thank you," The male paused sniffling, "thank you so much Kaiya." In return she just mumbled a quick 'always', causing the male to squeeze the female tighter. "It means a lot." He muttered.

Pushing the boy away, she smiled again wiping away his tears. "Of course Oikawa, you need to be told that more often. Now come on, we need to get going before we get yelled at. Again." She sighed dragging the boy away. As the pair approached the bus, she heard a murmur of 'finally's' and 'about time's' come from the team. She just smiled in return. This was it. These people were her family she never knew she needed.


"Make sure to kick their ass for me at nationals." The brunette groaned into her pillow. "They seriously suck; like they're nice, but common they were such dicks about winning. They're like sore winners instead of losers." She paused as she looked up. "Is that a thing?" Her face scrunched up in wonder. "Did I just make up a new thing?"

A chuckle left the males throat, interrupting the girls rant. "Kai, you realize they are one of the best teams at nationals, right? They've made it to at least the quarter finals every year they have gone." He paused to look up at the girl staring at him through the phone screen. "Don't give me that look-"

"What look, I'm not giving you a look." She hesitated. "Now you're giving me a look!" They tried to hold in their laughs as they stared at each other.

"You're ridiculous. You know that, right?" He questioned. "I promise, we, Inarizaki, will try our best to demolish Shiritorizawa so they will never win nationals." A heavy pause filled the air between the pair.

"That was a little harsh, but I liked it. I will forever hold you to that promise." The girl sighed in content, Shiritorizawa will finally get what they have coming to them. They, will, lose. She didn't understand how or why they were so rude about it, but truly Aoba Johsai probably would have done the same, specifically Oikawa. Everyone else probably would have been polite.

"Uh, Kai. You there? You look like you're havin' evil thoughts or something."

"Hm?" She looked at the boy, who tried not to laugh. "Yeah I'm fine, did it look like I wasn't?"

"No," He chuckled. "It looked like you were about to kill someone, that's all."

"Oh, come on Suna." She looked at him, as if to challenge him. "Would I really think about killing someone? Hm? Lil' ol' me?" She batted her lashes.

"In all honesty? Yes, I could picture it now," The tired male paused for dramatics, the girl rolled her eyes in annoyance at the males antics. "Miya Kaiya, somehow breaking into Shiritorizawa and murdering Ushiwaka in cold blood. Specifically by somehow sneaking poison into his water bottle, so he drops dead in the middle of practice; however, you watched the whole thing go down as you hide in the rafters of the gym roof. Tendou then freaks out, but you magically got him in on the plan, so he was the one who actually slipped the poison into the water bottle. Then, then, you two run off into the sunset and end up living happily ever after in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, you'll then have two kids named Haruki and Nanori, who both have very, very red hair." An awkward silence filled the air between the pair.

"I'm sorry? What the fuck?" She paused trying to digest what was just said to her as she laughed. "Where the hell did that come from? That was oddly specific, have you planned this or something?" She laughed in disbelief of what just came out of her friends mouth.

"Or something." He shrugged, with a smile adorning his face.


"Oi! Shittykawa! Quit pouting in the corner, coach has something to tell us!" Iwaizumi yelled at the pouting teen. "Well, you coming?" The brunette nodded as he dragged his feet slowly behind him, he received a swift glare from the ace.

"Coming, coming." He sighed in discontent.

"Okay, enough!" Kaiya yelled at the boy. "What is wrong with you? You've been acting like a child all day, I am this close to murdering you!" She screamed in annoyance.

The brunette screeched running to hide behind his best friend, as he wished to disappear before she released her wrath. "No, no please Kai-Chan! Don't kill me! I'm begging you!"

"Well, are you gonna quit acting like an absolute child? Huh?" The girl questioned.

"Not exactl-" He started but was abruptly cut off by Coach Irihata.

"Gather round'!" He hurried the boys over. "Okay, now I know Inter-high's pretty much just ended, however we have been invited to a training camp! The teams involved are," he started as he grabbed a list, "Karasuno High, Nekoma High, Fukurodani High, Shinzen High, us of course, and finally Shiritorizawa High. Now-"

"What!" Oikawa screeched. "No, no! We cannot be going Coach. Please tell me we aren't actually going." Irihata sighed at the males complaints.

"Oikawa, this is a good opportunity for everyone to learn. Now, as I was saying, we will be leaving Friday morning at six o'clock. The training camp will last a week in a half." He paused, looking towards Hanamaki. "Yes Hanamaki?" He sighed with dread.

"Does that mean we have our own room? Like everyone in the team will share a room I mean?" He questioned. "Wait! Where will Kai sleep? She can't sleep by herself!"

"Yes the team will have their own room, and don't worry about Kaiya, she will get to share a room with the other female managers who will be attending the camp."

"We're going to have to interact with Shiritorizawa!" Oikawa cried as he fell to his knees in despair of what's to come.

1378 words

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