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      "Kai!" The boy shook her in attempt to wake her up. "Kaiya!" He yelled again.

        "Hm? What!" She jumped up startled.

        "We're here." Iwaizumi stated, as he started for the front of the bus. She hops up almost immediately.

"Oh thank god!" She yells speed walking towards the front doors. "Never again." She murmurs. "Never again." She steps off of the bus as Iwaizumi sends a look to Maki in confusion; he only shrugs in reply.

      "We are never doing that again!" Yells the brunette setter. "I can't handle dealing with, with those things." He grimaces.

        "For once, I actually agree with Oikawa." Kaiya mumbled, the team sends shocked looks in reply.

       "I think the world's ending." Maki teases and looks towards the rest of the third years as they watch their over dramatic setter throw himself at the girl.

       "Oh Kaiya-chan!" Oikawa holds the girl affectionately. "I knew you'd have my back!" The girl only groans in annoyance.

"Oikawa." The girl whines. "Get off of me." She mutters annoyed as she tries to shove him off, yet he only tightens his grip. "Quit it."

     "Get off of her Shittykawa." Iwaizumi rips him away from her. "Let her go home can't you see she's tired?" Looking towards the manager he asks. "Would you like us to walk you home Kai? It's getting kinda late."

"No I'm fine." She smiled softly. "Thanks though Iwa. I'll text you when I get home." He nods in agreement as he watches the brunette girl walk towards her house.

      Sighing she looks towards the sky and continues foreword. Approaching the front door of her house she hesitates before walking up the steps. As she reaches the door she slowly slides the key into the lock, pushing the door open she grimaces at the complete mess that fills the house. Huffing she slides her shoes off quietly.

     "Dad, I'm home." She calls out, walking deeper into the house. Hearing a crash she jumps, her head snaps towards her father who is passed out on the couch with his laptop on his lap. A pop bottle shattered beneath him. She paused slightly shocked at the fact that it's not a beer bottle. Sighing she grabs some paper towel to soak up the spilt liquid. She gently closes the laptop and begins to pick up the shattered bottle and starts putting the broken pieces in her hand. "Shit." Kaiya said louder than she meant to as she sliced her finger, her head automatically snaps up towards her father out of fear of him waking up. She sighs once again as she drops the glass and pop soaked paper towel into the trash.

     "Fuck my life." The brunette mumbles out of frustration as she throws her bag onto the floor. Shutting her bedroom door behind her, she quickly moves towards her bed. Flopping forwards she lands on her bed; with a large sigh she rolls over and pulls out her phone to text Iwaizumi.

Iwa 💪😎

Dec 3, 10:49 PM

Hey Iwa just got home

Ok good. See you tmr?

If I'm not dead by then, yes.

What have I told you about joking about you dying

That not only am I stunningly beautiful, but I have an absolutely amazing sense of humour aswell?

I hate you sometimes you know that?
Seriously though, you know I'm always here right?

Ohhhhh cmonnnn you love me

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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