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      On the other side of Japan, two very shocked boys resided. No one in the gym had ever seen the pair so evidently silent. As nice of a break the silence was, it was very concerning. To everyone. Especially the seniors. They were used to, two very rambunctious teens, who were almost always arguing. Yelling. Suna? He was just glad that he could be in peace for the next few minutes.

         "What did you just say?!" Atsumu yelled, rapidly shaking Suna's shoulders back and forth. Because one of the twins "turned" back to normal, being his loud self. Everyone just shook the shock of how quiet they were off and continued with their conversations. But next to the older twin, stood a very shocked younger twin.

       A certain ace and captain started making their way over to the trio, due to the worry that filled their bodies. "Uh, Samu'. You good?" The ace questioned, waving a hand in front of his face.

       The grey haired boy shook his head. "Hm? Ya" he muttered.

      "Repeat the name you just said!" The yellow haired boy screamed once again. "Say it! I dare you!" He received a swift smack to the back of the head. "Ow! Samu'!" He yelled, holding the occiput region of his head, in pain.

         "Shut up. You're causing everyone a head ache. Just leave it alone." He said irritated. The boy started to walk away he continuously murmured incoherently.

         "You call me worrying about my little sister a headache?!" He yelled madly, sending an icy glare Osamu's way. Everyone's head snapped towards the pair in confusion. They had a sister? Since when?

        "What?" Suna asked confused. "You have a sister. And I've been texting her." He clarified, with a raised brow.

         Atsumu shook his head yes, while Osamu replied. "No. It just happens to be our sisters name." He sighed. "We haven't talked to her in years."

         As everyone else was just trying to absorb the new information they were given, the lanky boy just shrugged in reply. "How long, if you don't mind me asking?"

       "Two years." Atsumu replied immediately. "She'd be a first year now." He said dreamily. He'd missed her.

        "Hm." Is all Suna said before he walked away. The rest of the boys on the team surround the blond haired twin throwing as many questions they could his way.

      "Is she hot?" "What happened?" "Why haven't you seen her in so long?" As the blond haired boy answered the questions that had surrounded him,  a certain grey haired twin stomped off in the opposite direction, and out the door.

        "Hey Kita-San?" Aran questioned. Though all he got was a hum in reply. "Do you think Osamu's okay?" He said, as their heads followed the
silhouette of the boy who was currently leaving the gym.

       "I don't know, but it's really non of our business." He sighed. "It's obviously a sensitive topic for him. Atsumu just seems," he paused for a minute, trying to find the right word. "more excited, that his sisters okay."

       Aran nodded in agreement. "What if the girl that Suna's texting isn't actually their, so called "sister"?" The male asked.

       "It could very well be, that she's just a random girl." He paused for a breath. "But let's hope that that's not the case. We'd be dealing with two very moody twins if it was." Is all the captain said as he walked away.

Three days later (Friday)

A very annoyed Suna sits next to, two arguing twins, and a surprisingly content Hitoshi Ginjima. "No it's her!" Atsumu screamed right into Suna's ear, the boy flinched back due to the sudden loud noise.

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