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    "Yū you can stop dragging me now." The brunette sighed. However, to her discontent this did not make the shorter male stop what so ever; if anything he got more excited and sped up.

    "No we're almost there!" The boy screamed in excitement. "You'll get to meet everyone and then you can play, and it'll be great cause you'll meet everyone. And then you can play with us again and you'll win and then I can brag cause I know someone who's better than everyone the-"

   "Yū, that's enough. You're word vomiting again."

   "Sorry." He looked back at the girl with a smile. The pair slowed to a stop as they reached the doors to a new building. "And here we're are!" He grinned slamming the doors open, causing everyone in the area to look back at two.

    "Hey where's Hinata?" A tall owl looking male questioned.

"Kaiya your here! Couldn't get enough of me could you?" The middle blocker winked.

"Kuroo. I see you beat us here." Turning to the shorter male she continued, "can we leave now?"

"No! You're gonna play!"

"Why?" She sighed in annoyance. "I really rather talk with the other girls than deal with this much testosterone." She finished just as the doors opened again.

"Kai!" A voice screeched. "I've come to save you from these beasts."

"Shut up shittykawa."

"Oikawa, I see you came as well." A broody figure by the net stated.

"Why wouldn't I be here; my teams here." The setter grumbled.

"You should've come to Shiratorizawa, you wouldn't have lost that way." The taller male came closer.

"That's it we're leaving. Come on Kai, let's go." He reached a hand out to grab the girl however, a little spawn of hell as Oikawa would say, seemed to 'attack' the male once again.

"She's mine!" The tiny male growled, pouncing on the setter. However he was quickly met with a slap to the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for!" He looked back at Kaiya.

"Quit being stupid."

"It's ok Kaiya, you could've just told them that you preferred us." The rooster haired male smiled at the younger girl.

"Shut up Kuroo."

"Great now that that's solved I can introduce you to everyone!" Nishinoya grinned. "That's Bokuto, that's Ushiwaka, Tendou, Akaashi, Lev, and you already know Kuroo and Tsukishima." He ended with his hands on his hips, and a proud smile etched across his face.

"Got it." She nodded. "Owl boy, broody, tall, pretty boy, extra tall, rooster, and last but not least Tsuki." She ended with a smile, as pointed to players she named. "Can I leave now?"

"Nuh uh, you can't just show up and not expect to play." The middle blocker smiled. "You're not getting outta here that easy. Plus we have enough for even teams now."

    "Uh, what about me? Am I just not playing?" Nishinoya threw his hands up in defeat.

    "You're a libero, you can jump in for Lev cause he sucks at receiving."

"Hey!" Lev yelled in protest. "I'm not that bad." The older male sent a glare his way.

     "Or you can jump in for the girl." Ushiwaka chimed in, causing Kaiya to glare at the male.

     "Why would he need to jump in for me?"

     "Cause your a girl, we wouldn't want you to get hurt." As true as that may be, Kaiya didn't like to be underestimated non the less; so, of course she was gonna play.

   "Ok, I'll play. Make teams while I change." Kaiya slowly started to make her way to get her stuff however, she noticed an annoying main character missing. "Hey, Yū. Where did Oikawa go?" She asked.

     "Ya. He left a while ago. I scared him off." He said proudly as he waved her off. "Now go get changed so we can play." He pushed her out the door.


     "I'm back." Kaiya sated as she entered the gym. "Now what are the teams?" She was greeted with a smirk from the annoying male approaching her.

     "Well," an arm was thrown around her shoulders, "you, Akaashi, Lev and I, are all on a team and everyone else is on the other team."

      "I'm on your team too!" Nishinoya exclaimed as he pushed the taller male away from his favourite 'younger sister'." Which in return he revived a smile from Kaiya.

     "Ah great." She said with little enthusiasm. "However, are these teams really fair? We have one middle blocker and a tall first year who barely knows how to play;" a small hey was heard in the background, "against a team that has two aces that have been placed in the top five outside hitters in Japan and a middle blockers who actually know how to do his job."

     "Ya, but we have a setter!" Kuroo seemed much more enthusiastic than he should've been.

     "We're doomed." Kaiya sighed.

814 words

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