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   "What the hell do you mean you're not coming to inter high kyotani?" Kai yelled.

   "I don't know. Talk to the coaches." He said with an underlying tone of hate lacing his voice.

   "But, no. No! You have to come!" Kaiya whined. "If you don't I'll be left alone with the idiots!"


     "I despise all of you." Kaiya growled, at the boys who had forced her into the godforsaken bus.

      "Whatever, you'll get over it. We needed our manager." Iwaizumi said as he settled himself. "We need as much support as we can get." He muttered, hoping no one heard. He looked towards Kaiya, a weak smile covering his face.

     That's right. We're playing Shiritorizawa. If we win, we go to nationals. Dawning on this realization, the bus finally pulls up to their destination; The place where inter highs are going to take place. "Right, off we go then." The brunette says sluggishly, pushing herself and the rest of the team off of the bus. "Don't forget anything, cause I am not coming back for it." The girl groans, pleading that her team actually listened to her.

    "Ah, we're finally here!" Oikawa squealed like a little girl. "We're gonna go to nationals this time for sure. And I am going to crush Ushiwaka." The male suddenly got dark, rubbing his hands together as if he were a movie villain. "Ow Iwa! What was that for?" He whined.

   "Quit being an idiot, Shittykawa." Iwaizumi rolled his eyes as he walked away, the team following. Honestly, he really questioned sometimes why this, child, was their captain.

    "Hey, wait for me!" The distressed male, followed after his team. However, trailing behind the childish captain was their manager, Kaiya who seemed to not notice the team leaving her behind. Finally, looking up the girl realized she was alone. Sighing, she trudged forward in hopes of finding her idiots. Entering the building, she realized how hard this will really be. Everywhere she looked, there was people. Pushing through the mass amounts of people she stumbled upon the washrooms, which had seemed to be the only space that wasn't people filled.

    "Excuse me miss? Do you need help? You seem lost." As she heard the unfamiliar voice she turned and ended up face to face with a faux blonde. He smiled noticing how pretty she truly was. "Well? Can I help you?"

    "Uh," she paused, disgust evident on her face. He reminded her too much of her play boy brother. "no. I'm fine, thanks." She threw a forced smile his way and turned in hopes of spotting a familiar face.

    "Hey, uh. Can a get a number then? Or a pretty name, to match that pretty face of yours?" He smiled once again.

   "No, no you may not." She said, pushing passed the male. Annoyance clearly surrounding her. However, the boy couldn't seem to take the hint as he followed closely behind her. "Now, if you could leave me alone, I'm actually looking for my team." She spun around to face him again, hoping that he would take the hint, but his eyes seemed to shine more.

   "Well, I can help you! Whose your team?" He questioned, dragging her away.

   "Hey! Kai, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" A loud voice cut through the air.

    "So Kai, hm?" The blonde smiled. "What's that short for, gorgeous?"

    "Hey Kai, is this guy bothering you?" The short brunette questioned getting frustrated that the taller boy seemed to have ignore his existence. "Should I beat him up?"

    "No Yu, I'm fine. He was just leaving," she paused to look at the unknown boy, "right?"

    "Hey Kai, where's your team?" Nishinoya asked.

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