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       "Kai!" Screamed the libero. "Why aren't you up yet?" All he received was a groan in response. "You are a  manager! You should be with them," He paused, "or you could be our manager instead!" He half yelled with mischief lacing his voice.

"Shut up Yū, I'm trying to sleep." She snuggled further into her blankets. "What time is it anyways?"

"9:00 AM."

"What!" She jumped up. "Why did no one wake me up sooner!" She questioned in a panic.

"Cause no one could get your lazy ass up." He replied with sass. "Plus teams are only warming up, the games haven't started yet, so you're not that late."

"What!" She panicked. "Get out, I need to change!" The girl rushed slamming the door in the older males face; what seemed like seconds later, she was already out of her room and running towards the gym.

"How was your sleep Kai?" Her senior snickered, in retaliation she smacked the back of his head.

"Shut up Makki', I'm not even that late." The girl grumbled.

       "I'm not even that late." The male mimicked in a high pitch voice.

      "I will beat the living shit out of you Makki'." She growled.

      "Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." She heard a mumble. Turning around she was met with the face of Mattsun', she raised an eyebrow. "I didn't say anything." He quickly raised his hands in surrender.

"Kaiya!" The female attention was led towards her coach. "I know this isn't ideal, but could you run to a convenience store to buy some more medical tape?" Irihara questioned.

"That's no problem at all." She smiled at the male. Hearing whispers behind her she whips around to stare at a very guilty Mattsun and Makki. Lord knows what they were gossiping about now.

"We didn't say anything." The brunette grinned, while the other shrugged his shoulders. Glaring, the female turned with a huff.

"I'll be off then." Kaiya smiled back towards the coach; turning around the girl pulled out her phone. Clicking Spotify she put her ear buds in and turned on Noah Kahan. The song Passenger to be specific, it was from one of his older albums. Exiting the building she made her way down the street mumbling the lyrics. "Keep me afloat in this cold world." She hummed the next few lines. "Now I, I'm your passenger. Oh oh oh. I'm your passenger." She quietly sang, quickly breaking out of her trance as she heard yelling ahead of her, she pulled an ear bud out to listen.

"How stupid could you be!" A large red head yelled at a smaller boy. "Didn't I tell you to quit picking fights! One of these days you're gonna end up dead." He said in a less aggressive tone, however anyone could tell that he was still quite annoyed.

Now of course she knew she shouldn't be listening in to the pairs conversation in front of her, but how could she not? She stopped to assess the scene more closely. The red head was about 6'3, that was her guess anyways, while the smaller one was probably only 5'5. As she was about to take a step forwards, the door to the convenience store ahead of her opened as a group of boys with oddly coloured hair shoved each other out.

     She sighed, recognizing an obnoxious blonde. She had been put in way too much effort into ignoring him to be annoyed by him now. She ducked her head hoping to hide. Walking towards the group she only had about six feet to go before she was in the safety of the store. However, nothing seems to be on the brunettes side today, as she bumped into a male.

      "Shit I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She sighed. Looking up, she studied the male. He had a good physique, he obviously played some sort of sport; he was around 6'4 and was pure muscle. Looking closer she studied his oddly coloured hair. It was navy. "Shit." She cussed trying to get away. The guy she had bumped into was apart of Kise's group.

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