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The tall brunette finally made an re-entrance through gym doors. She continued forward at a steady pace towards the set of benches closest to the court. Placing the bottles down, she looked back up to see the coaches, who were summoning her presence. She stood back up and forced herself to take a step forward. Did she do something wrong? Would they kick her off the team? Was there going to be a punishment for punching Abe?

       "Yes?" She asked when she finally greeted them.

       "Hello, Miya." Irihara said in a dull tone, causing Kaiya's heart rate to increase due to panic. "No need to worry he said." Placing a hand on her shoulder, sensing the stress. The girl let out a breath she seemed to have been holding in. "We just wanted to check in. Are you okay?" Irihara asked. 

      "Me? Ya. You should see the other girl." She pointed over her shoulder, with a shrug and a grin. The pair laughed at the amount of attitude the girl had.

"Well, we're glad." Mizoguchi said. "Also. There's something we wanted to talk to you about." He started. "There's going to be a practice match against Karasuno this upcoming Saturday. So tomorrow." He clarifies. "We were wondering if you would be able to make it?" The coach questioned.

     "Hm." The girl thought about it. "Ya. I should be able to." She smiled. "Anything else?" She asked, curiously.

     Irihara pondered the question for a second. "You know how in your notes you pointed out, Oikawa's knee injury?" The girl thought back, and shook her head in conformation. "We'll a while back he, had hurt his knee, it seems to be getting worse, but he won't listen to us. He won't sit out or even tape it. We were wondering if you could talk to him about it? He'll probably listen to you."

Kaiya stood there, just thinking about it. With a shrug she said sure. Walking up to the four seniors she called Oikawa's name. "Excuse me. Oikawa?!" He turned around with a show stopping smile.

"Yes my darling Kaiya?" He winked, throwing a arm over the girls shoulder. She gripped his hand and threw it off of her.

"I know your knee is injured." She started. He just sighed and started to walk away. "Hey! Listen to me!" She yelled after him. He turned around once again, but this time he had an annoyed look in his eye. "Thank you." She paused. "Now. You should rest it. Or tape it at least." She tried to reason with him.

He rolled his eyes. "Look I get your our manager and all, but I'm fine I'm still moving." We waved his hands in the air. The girl standing in front of him started to get annoyed rather quickly. Somehow, everyone around the two seemed to notice, but not the brunette who was lecturing the girl about minding her own business.

She quickly gripped the boys ear, and pulled his face down towards her own. "Now listen here, Oikawa." She mimicked his lecture. "You will. Listen to me. And, you will. Tape your knee." She demanded. "That, or you will be sitting out for the rest of practice." The boy stood in front of her with a shocked look on his face, but shook it off quickly.

"No." Was all he said, as she released the grip on his ear. A smack resonated throughout the gym. "Ow!" He whined loudly. No one except Iwaizumi had hit him before. "Why'd you hit me?!" He yelled in question.

"Cause you're being a douche." Was all the girl said, as laughter filled the gym.

"I'm liking you more, and more each minute Kai!" Maki' yelled, throwing an arm around the young girl, with a beaming smile on his face.

"Oh whatever." She said throwing his arm off. Sending a glare Oikawa's way. Next to the benches sat two laughing coaches. Who would've thought she'd hit Oikawa? Not them. That's for sure.

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