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"But you, I thought you were. What?" Atsumu stuttered in shock. "But you weren't coming I thought. Your supposed to be in Miyagi. Ahaha....ha, aha. I get it your a figment of my imagination." He said rubbing his eyes i in n disbelief.

"Wow, congrats! You're learning more big boy words!" Kaiya said mockingly, while clapping her hands together slowly.

"Okay now that was just mean." He pouts while crossing his arms. "No, but like actually what are you doing here? I'm not sure if I should be crying because I'm happy or mad because you didn't-" before he could even finish his rant, Kaiya went  running at him to attack him in a hug.

"I missed you so, so much Tsumu'. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that I was coming, I wasn't even planning to, it was a last minute decision. I was too nervous to actually say anything and I didn't-" She started to ramble into his shirt.

"I missed you too, Kai." He muttered softly. "I'm glad your here."

"Awe what a touching moment." Spoke a voice. "Now where's my hug?" The boy asked pointedly.

"And, the moments ruined." Said Kaiya as she pushed off of Atsumu, and turned towards the familiar voice. Her face lit up with joy as she jumped onto the teen giving him a hug as well. "Suna!" She screamed in excitement. As he hugged her back, she wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed the boy tighter.

"It's good to see you too, short stuff." He said into her neck, as a smile graced his face.

"I'm not even that short." She mumbled. "Dick." She stuck her tongue out as she un-wrapped her limbs from his lanky body.

"Why weren't you that excited when you first saw me?" Asked Atsumu as he started to pout again.

"What did I tell ya', Insta girl's mine dude." Suna replied in a snarky tone, as he made fun of the boy.

       As the pair continued to bicker, the two teams stared at the scene in shock. Who knew the twins had a little sister? Kaiya turned to look at her other brother. Osamu. He didn't say anything, he just looked at her in shock, not knowing what to do.

        "What are you doing here?" He said in a hard tone. Kaiya frowned in disappointment.

       "Um, I thought I'd come and surprise you three." She said quietly, not knowing what to do. She had hoped she was just making things up. Maybe he actually did want to see her. Or that's what she hoped anyways.

      "And why would I want to see you? You were the one that left." Was all he said as he turned to leave.

      "I always thought Tsumu would be the one to hold the grudge against me honestly." Kaiya said quietly, as she tried to hold back the tears that started to fill her eyes. "That's what I was hoping anyways. It would've been easier to convince him to give me another chance." She let out a broken chuckle. "I didn't want you to hate me." At this point tears started to flow down the brunettes face. "We were always closer, Tsumu was just there; but, maybe that's why you're so mad at me." She paused to wipe away her tears. "Please don't hate me, that's all I ask." She looked pleadingly at her older brother, only for him to walk out the doors.

Kaiya didn't know what to do. He left. Actually left. Suddenly she felt a pair of arms wrap around her as she continued to cry. "Hey, hey your okay." Her eldest brother softly whispered in her ear as she began to break down. "It's okay I'm her for you." She didn't even notice him lead her out of the gym.


       As the grey haired boy stormed out of the gym, he yelled out in anger. Why the hell would she come back? What was the point? He thought he had made it obvious that he didn't want to talk or be near her.

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