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Kaiya hurried on her way home, she didn't want to be walking alone in the middle of the night. As she passed streetlights and signs. She started to slightly panic. She didn't tell her Dad she'd be home late. After a few deep breaths, she finally managed to somewhat calm herself down.

   She finally reached the steps of her home. Pulling her key out of a pocket in her bag, she unlocked the house and with one final sigh stepped inside. Fearing the worst she slowly glanced around, she breathed out with a sense of relief flowing through her. His shoes are gone. He's not home. She assumed that if he's not home by now, due to the fact that it's 10:38; he more than likely won't be home until after midnight. So she wanted to write him a letter that he could read later, instead of having to tell him to his face. He probably wouldn't take the news of her becoming the manager of the boys volleyball team very well.

Hey Dad,
I just wanted to tell you something but you weren't home when I got here, and I don't want to wake you in the morning before I leave for school. I am now the manager of the boys volleyball team at school. So I'll be home later than normal. I also might be missing some weekends due to tournaments or games in different prefects... etc.

Love you daughter, Kaiya.

     As soon as she finished the letter, she walked towards her Fathers bedroom and placed it on his bedside table. Knowing he wouldn't read it if it was placed on the table, she hoped he'd read it if it was in his room. She walked back out to the kitchen and started unpacking her lunch; and making one for Tuesday.

     Sighing, Kaiya realized that she couldn't wait for the week to be over. Thankfully, the last day of school is Thursday, they have a three day weekend. She wasn't sure what she was going to do. Hopefully, the team had a game, or something, she didn't want to be home. If not maybe she could hang out with the "crew". Speaking of which Kaiya hadn't made the group chat yet.

***-****-****  added ***-****-****,***-****-**** and ***-****-****

Hey you guys! It's Kaiya!

Hey Miya!...... Boys. I guess. 🙃

What's that supposed to mean!? 😕

Hey Miya!

Wth? What about us??

Ya what abt us?

Woah 😳 they're agreeing on sumthing🙊
And I told you guys just to call me Kaiya!

Oh shut up Miya!
Once you call me Sora I'll call you Kaiya

Nishi and I agree on shit


You guys are annoying.
I'm trying to sleep man

Sorry Kunimi. I should head to bed too. Night!

Night Kaiya!


Nishi changed groupchat name to The Pretty Commmittee💁‍♀️

Kindaichi changed groupchat name to Chamber of Secrets🤫

Nishi changed groupchat name to Core Four💎

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