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     "Alright, so who gets serve?" Kaiya sighed.

      "Awe don't look so down, we're totally gonna win!" Kuroo wrapped his arm around the younger girl. "They can have first serve cause they're at the disadvantage."

     "What do you mean they have the disadvantage? We're gonna be destroyed." The younger girl groaned.

      "Have some faith, otherwise I won't be able to crush your dreams of winning when I block all of you." Tendou laughed from the other side of the net, which earned him a weird look from the girl in return.

     "You wouldn't be able to crush my dreams of winning even if I had any. I know we're gonna lose, these teams are ridiculous." She rolled the ball under the net. "Your guys' serve I guess." She mumbled as she got into position in front of the net.

      "Careful, you sound kinda confident over there." The red head smiled.

       "What are you talking about, she was literally just talking about how we were gonna lose." Lev questioned.

      "And I quote, 'you wouldn't be able to crush my dreams even if I had any.'" He paused. "She basically just said I wouldn't be able to block her." He laughed. "I like you, you're confident."

      "I don't think she meant it in that way." Lev said.

     "I did."

     "Hah! You are a cocky one." The red head smiled once again. "Let's get this show on the road!" He threw the ball to Ushiwaka.

      "Well look at that, you are a cocky one." Kuroo nudged the girl.

     "No, I just know how I play. I'm confident in myself and my skills."

      "Isn't that the same thing?" Lev mumbled in question.

     "Whatever, let's start." The girl exclaimed. "Are you going to serve or not?"

     "I was waiting for you guys to finish." He shrugged his shoulders. The male tossed the ball up perfectly timed, so just as he finished his run up his left hand connected with the ball causing it to sail over the net.

     "Mine!" Nishinoya yelled. However, the ball ricochet off his arms in the opposite direction. "Sorry my bad!"

      "Shake it off Yū." The girl said as she patted his head. As Ushiwaka repeated the steps, it was sent to Nishinoya 6 more times before Kuroo stepped in.

     "I got it!" He yelled as the ball connected with his arms, sending it towards Akaashi.

      "Kaiya, it's yours." He said with a monotone voice. The ball sailed through the air in an arc shape. Starting her steps, she jumped causing the ball connect with her right hand. However, at the same time, Tendou and Bokuto jumped up causing her to be double blocked. As they were expecting her hit, she set the ball to position 4 (front left) of the court. Causing her team to gain a point.

"Why didn't you hit?" The tall male questioned from the other side of the net.

"Why hit, when there was a perfectly open spot?"

"Very true." He shrugged. The ball was passed back to Akaashi to serve as Lev moved up to the front row. However, Nishinoya seemed to be pouting in the corner.

"Lighten up dude. Lefty's are hard to receive." Kaiya nudged the boy.

"I still sucked." He mumbled.

"You're fine. You got the next one." She said in hopes to encourage him as she returned back to her spot. "Your up Akaashi!" He threw the ball up and hit it, making it sail over the net.

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