The sun was up, shining on the people of the OBX as the original blue sky was out, no white, big clouds being seen like usual. The chirps of the birds could be heard if someone listened close enough, but Outer Banks was usually loud you couldn't hear it often.
In the HMS Pogue, the Pogues all wore their swim suits as John B drove along the water, the bright, yellow sun shining down on them. Y/n sat beside Kiara, both girls wearing their bikinis as they enjoyed the nice weather they had.
JJ suddenly whistles. "You guys see that?"
With their attention now on what he was looking at, the other four follow his gaze, seeing a rather nice looking boat also driving on the water, letting them know it was most likely some Kooks as the boat looked like it was gonna drive pas them as they were doing the same. Kiara rolls her eyes, knowing who was on that boat.
"That's the Malibu 24-MXZ, the world's finest wakesetter. Number one in luxury, quality, and performance." JJ informs. "200K, easy."
"We picked the wrong parents." Pope comments.
"Tell me about it." Y/n agrees.
"I hate to break it to you guys, but that's Topper and his girlfriend." Kie reveals.
As the boats got closer, beginning to pass one another, the four saw that the Carrera girl was right upon seeing Topper and his girlfriend, Sarah Cameron, standing side by side, the boy's arm wrapped around the blonde's waist as she lifted up her sunglasses, staring at the Pogues with a blank expression.
"You don't have to act like you don't see us, bitch." Kie comments as they pass one another.
Seating herself near the front of the boat, feet dangling over the edge, toes occasionally touching the water, Y/n watches as the fish swim by their boat just as JJ seats himself beside her. The girl glances at him, giving him a small smile to which he gives one back as their feet nudge together.
Now in their own clothes and not their swimsuits, the group found themselves in the campervan later in the day as they parked out front of a hotel in Figure Eight, the place practically surrounded by Kooks but they didn't seem to pay attention to the five Pogues that were there as they walked past them.
"Alright, keep a look out. We're behind enemy lines." JJ warns as he grabs the gun from the glovebox.
John B sighs. "Yo, come on, man. Just put it back."
"What? You can never be too careful." JJ states.
"Hey, I predict that bringing a weapon to a four-star hotel will likely cause more problems than they solve." Pope intervenes.
"Thank you, Pope." John B says.
"I swear to God, I'm gonna throw that thing in the ocean, JJ." Kie threatens.
"Put it back." Y/n demands.
Reaching forward, the Routledge boy grabs the gun from the blonde's hands, putting it back in the glovebox before hopping out of the vehicle after grabbing his badge for the hotel. The Maybank boy proceeds to lead them into the hotel, badge in hand. The group of five walk into a kitchen full of cooks.
"Mama L, good to see you!" JJ greets an older woman.
The blonde goes to reach out for the food in her hand, but she slaps his hand away, scolding him. Humming in response, he walks past her, the others following all while John B stared down at the food with wide eyes, wishing they had food like that back at the cut.
JJ continues leading them through the hotel full of people, greeting his coworkers while doing so. Eventually, they find themselves in a quiet and empty hallway just as JJ opens a door to a computer room, Pope being the first one to rush over to the computers.

𝐀 𝐊𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐀 𝐏𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄, 𝗋𝖺𝖿𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗋𝗈𝗇
أدب الهواةY/n Heyward is the twin sister of Pope Heyward. She was a Pogue. Her friends were John B, JJ and Kiara. What happens when the group of five figure out about gold and go through many adventures to try and retrieve it. What happens when Y/n tries to k...