26: "𝙸'𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎."

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After JJ dropped them off and dispersing from their two friends, the Heyward twins found themselves walking up the docks and towards their house that was just ahead of them. Neither of the siblings said a word, still slightly mad at Kiara from their fight from earlier on the boat. Pope twists the door knob, holding the door open for his sister, letting her walk through.

As she walks in, Y/n took notice of their father sitting on the chair in front of them, sleeping quietly to himself. However, Heyward had woken up to the sound of the front door opening and closing, letting out a small groan as he sits up, finally noticing his children standing there side by side, staring at him.

"You waited up." Pope points out.

Heyward raises a brow, looking between them. "You two left? Because I hadn't noticed. Oh... right, when you both quit on me at Midsummers... you two vanished. For three days. And your kids mama was crying for two of them. So it's coming back to me now."

"Pope, Y/n, is that you two?" A voice calls out.

Only Y/n looks over at the sound of her mother's voice, watching as she exits the kitchen and stepping into the living area, relief filling all her features upon seeing her kids back home, glad that they were safe. Feeling tears prick her eyes again, she wraps her arms around her children.

"We're just glad you're both back, sweeties." Mrs. Heyward assures, hugging them tight. "It's alright."

"Hell no, it ain't alright." Heyward denies.

Y/n shakes her head. "I'm sorry."

"We both are." Pope agrees.

Heyward nods. "You both sorry, alright."

The man glances between his two kids, glancing to his wife before he stomps out of the room and into the kitchen. Though, he didn't say it to them, he was glad they were both back home and safe. Mrs. Heyward takes her husband's place, cupping her son and daughter's cheeks.

"Don't do that to us again. Hear me?" Mrs. Heyward pleads, beginning to cry again.

Y/n nods in response as she leans forward, hugging her mother tightly, Pope following in suit. Mrs. Heyward holds them close, small sobs leaving past her lips. Eventually, the three pull away where the older woman walks back into the kitchen, hoping to talk to her husband about their children's actions.

Meanwhile, Pope walked further into the room, eyes landing on his suit for his interview in the morning, hanging up on the wall, a ironing board standing on the floor in front of it. Y/n gently squeezes her brother's shoulder before walking down the small hallway and into her bedroom, closing the door behind her, resting her back against the wood.

The girl couldn't help but let out small and quiet cries. She was stressed. Stressed of finding the gold. Stressed of being there for her friends. Almost getting killed many times. Her and Rafe keeping themselves a secret. Making her father disappointed in her and Pope. Making her mother cry for two days when they didn't come out.

She just wanted it all to stop, and go back to normal.

Tears began falling down her cheeks, her cries turning into quiet sobs. As her back was against the door, Y/n found herself sliding down, butt against the floor as she hid her face in her hands, trying to muffle her sobs so her family couldn't hear. Moving a hand, she digs into her pocket, bringing out her phone and dialing a number, putting her phone to her ear.

"Hello?" Rafe's voice comes through.

Y/n sniffles. "H-Hey."

"Woah, Y/n. Hey, what's wrong?" Rafe asks in concern upon hearing her voice sounded different. "Did someone hurt you? Are you okay?"

𝐀 𝐊𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐀 𝐏𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄, 𝗋𝖺𝖿𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗋𝗈𝗇Where stories live. Discover now