Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Alissa's POV

        When my alarm rang this morning, I jolted out of bed. I was so excited to see my mate before school.Hopefully I would  get to finally find out his name. I got dressed as quickly as I could, and ran down stairs.

 "I am going out for a run. I won't see y'all until this afternoon. Love y'all," I said with a smile.

 "Okay dear," My mom said returning the smile.

        I grabbed my book bag, and headed for the woods. Then  I shifted,and ran to where the river was. Across the river, he stood as a gray wolf. Luckily I put clothes here just in case I would want to swim in my human form. I went behind a tree and shifted. I saw that he did the same. I changed my clothes. Then he walked across the river to me. Which I must say all he was wearing was a pair of shorts. Causing my heart to beat faster, and my wolf was howling in lust. I kept a blush from coming on. Before I knew it I was pinned against a tree, and his lips were touching mine.  I didn't push him away, because deep down inside I wanted this, even if we just met. It just felt so right. 

        When our lips touched I felt joy, happiness, and warmth all over my body. My wolf caused me to moan. He then smiled against my lips. My hands were tangled in his curly brown hair.   I didn't want this moment to end. Right as I thought that he pulled away, leaving us both out of breath. This time I couldn't keep a blush from forming. He smiled, and placed his forehead against mine. I smiled.  I debated about whether or not to pull him back, but finally decided against it, because I didn't want to rush things. 

"I wanted to do that the first time I laid eyes on you," His voice was perfect. It was a little husky probably because he just woke up. But that's what made it even better. 

 "Same here. Speaking of us, I never caught your name?" I said looking into his eyes. I bit my lip to hide another blush. 

 "Sebastian. Whats yours?" He smiled, which made the blush I was trying to hide come out.

 "Alissa," I answered. 

 "That's a wonderful name. So Alissa, would you care for a ride to school?" He said pulling away, and holding his hand out for me to take. 

 "I would love to," I responded, while placing my hand in his. Sending the sparks throughout my arm. 

        He grabbed my hand, and led me across the river. I looked around, nothing seem different from how my pack's land looks. I would need to find out the real reason why our pack's hate each other.   He could tell I was unconformable.

 "You okay?" he asked, while squeezing my hand a little. 

 "Yeah its just that I never been on this land before," I replied 

 "Don't worry I will protect you," he said with a reassuring smile. 

            I started to blush. We then finally made it to his car. 

"Hey is that Austin?" I asked. 

 "Yeah you know him?" He answered with another question. 

 "We bumped into each other at school. I would have never guess he was part of this pack. Not that I don't like this pack or anything, its just that he looked like he was from somewhere else," I said starting to ramble on a little due to my nerves. I don't know why I'm so nervous. 

He just laughed. Then Austin came over. 

"Hey Alissa. What you doing over here?" Austin asked.

 "I getting a ride to school," I answered. Sebastian's grip tighten on my hand. Was he jealous?  

"Cool. You aren't stealing my ride are you?" He grinned. I smiled. 

 "Nope. Unless your ride is with Sebastian then yes," I replied. At first I thought Austin and I might have a future together, but now all I can see him as is someone who can be a brother to me. 

 "Well then," Austin said 

Then Sebastian spoke, "You both can ride with me. I have a five person car you know." We all nodded. 

        Sebastian held the passenger door open for me, and I hopped in. Austin then  got in the back.  While Sebastian was walking to the drivers side, Austin asked me something. 

"So are you two a thing or something?  Because if you are you got to  be careful around yours, and my pack leader." 

 "Yeah we are. He is-" I paused. 

     Then Sebastian got into the car. "Well is everybody set?" I nodded. Sebastian held my hand the whole way to school. Which caused me to feel calm, and relaxed.  Once we arrived, he walked me to my first period class. He then kissed my cheek goodbye, and headed off to his class.  My wolf whimpered, but I reassured her we will see him again at the end of the school day.  Before I walked into the class, Austin grabbed my arm. 

"Okay finish what you were saying," Austin said. 

 I just rolled my eyes and continued. I don't know why he really cared. 

 "He is my mate. So  do our packs not like each other or something?"

 "Congrats on finding your mate. I would have to congratulate Bash later. Yeah our packs don't usually get along, so that's why I said be careful."  Austin responded. 

 "Well my dad probably won't be that happy with who my mate is then, but I guess he will have to get over it." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. 

 "What is that suppose to mean?  I mean if your dad was alpha I would understand, but other than that you should just be careful, I guess." Austin said kind of in deep thought. 

 I bit my lip nervously. "Well that's the problem. My dad is alpha," I stated. 

 Then the bell rang to get to class. Austin stood there kind of shocked. I guess I didn't look like a girl who is the alpha's daughter. 

 "Austin, you can't tell Sebastian yet. I want to tell him when I am ready. So please don't tell him," I said as a command pretty much. I wasn't sure how Sebastian would take me being what I am. I know he probably already knows I belong to the other pack, just not that I'm the alpha's daughter. 

He nodded. "My lips are sealed," he stated and headed off to class.  I smiled and, went inside the classroom. 

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