Chapter 9

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Alissa's POV

    Luke and I arrived back to the house. I could see my father standing on front porch. We both shifted behind a tree, and walked up to the house. "Luke, anything to report?" "No sir." He said bowing his head. I was so glad he didn't tell my dad about Sebastian. "Thank you Luke. I trust you. At school I would like you to stay with her at all times. She is not allowed to talk to him at school." "Yes sir." "Now Alissa, go get ready for school." I marched past my dad, looking pissed as always. When I got to my room, I went to my closet. I changed from the tank top and mini skirt that I was wearing to faded jeans, and five seconds of summer t shirt. I let my hair out of the messy bun to my natural red/brown waves. I put my black flip flops on and grabbed my book bag and headed down stairs to my car.

    My father also told Luke that he had to ride to school with me also. Of course that made me even madder.  Luke and I hoped in my car and drove to school. "Thank you for not telling my dad." "Your welcome. I can tell how much you love Sebastian, so I thought I should let it go." I gave him a smile.

    We arrived at school, I parked my car in its usual spot, and walked up to front of the building to see Veronica and Winter as usual waiting for me. Logan was with Veronica as usual. "Hey guys." I said with a smile. "Hey Alissa. Why is Luke with you." I groaned. "Because, he has to watch me to make sure I don't go see Sebastian. My dad doesn't like him ever since he found out he was from that pack." "Aww, Alissa. I am so sorry. "  "Logan aren't you from that pack also?" Winter asked. "Yeah.  Her father hasn't figured it out yet." "Well thats good. Winter where is Drew?" I asked. "He is sick with a cold. I would of loved to stay with him, but my mom forced me to go to school. " She said that with a sad face.

    We heard the bell ring and we all walked inside. I walked to my locker. Of course Luke followed. "Don't you have your own locker to go to?" "Yeah but alpha rules. I have to stay by your side. " "What about your classes?" "I guess I will leave you there then I will come and get you. Alissa, I don't want you to see him here. I can't always keep lying to your dad." "Yes you can. " "Alissa, he is going to figure it somehow." He did have a point there. "Well we are just going to try our best to keep him from not knowing. At some point my dad is going to give up, and then I will become Luna,and you will become beta. So since you are future beta, you should at least get to know the future alpha. Now shouldn't you?" I said with a smile. "I guess so. Lets just go to your class so I can get to mine." "Yay!" I said cheering and jumping up and down.

    Luke had walked me to all my classes. I was glad it was finally lunch time, so I could see Sebastian.  When we walked into the cafeteria it was loud from all the people talking. I looked all around and I couldn't find Sebastian. Luke could see that I was getting upset. "Alissa, he has to be somewhere around here." He said giving me a hopeful smile.  'What if something happen to him?' Lila said. 'Don't worry we will find him.' I said to her giving her hope.  I was walking through the middle of the cafeteria when I smelled it. That wonderful smell, I thought. I turned my head to see, Sebastian talking to Austin, near the door that leads outside. I started to speed walk through the people. I could see Luke hot on my trail. I couldn't wait till my dad likes Sebastian.

    Once I got to Sebastian. I moved Austin out of front of him, and I pinned Sebastian to the wall. I pressed my lips against his.  He responded quickly.  He wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me closer to him.  I missed him so much even though I saw him this morning. My wolf can not stand being away from him even for a second.  We just stood there kissing, that felt like forever. But then  he pulled away for breath. Then I realized that we were in the cafeteria. "I missed you." I said catching my breath. He nodded.  I turned around to see, Austin and Luke just standing there staring at us. "I have a idea. How about the four of us skip school?" "I'm in." Sebastian said pulling me closer to him. I started to blush. "You are always cute when you blush." My face probably turned a darker shade of red. "So you guys in?" They both nodded. We ran out the door next to us. We used our wolf speed to go into the woods.  We stopped when we got far away from the school. "Alissa, what if your father asks where we went?" Luke asking sounding like he wanted to go back.  "We will just say I was feeling sick, and you had to follow me because he said so." He just nodded back.

    We all sat on the ground. I sat on Sebastian's lap with my legs around his waist.  Austin and Luke just sat there looking at us. Then We all heard a twig snap. We all turned our heads and let out a low growl.  Then we saw a girl about our age come to us.  She all looked at us, but then she stopped when she found Austin.  "AUSTIN! I FOUND YOU!" She said with a wide smile. "Oh hey Justice." Sebastian said with a small smile. "Hey Sebastian. " She said returning the smile.  Then she turned back to face Austin. He stood up and walked over to her.  "Your mine and only mine. Ok Justice." "Of course." He then crashed his lips against hers. Aww that is so sweet. I thought to my self. I looked back at Luke. He looked sad. I felt bad that he hasn't found his mate yet. I turned back to face Sebastian. I laid my head on his shoulder.

    We all sat and talked until the time school let out. We then used our wolf speed back to our cars. Luke got in the car. Sebastian stood over me with one of his arms on the car hood. I kissed him one last time, before getting in the car and heading home.

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