Chapter 20

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I woke up to a little girl jumping on my bed. "Alice, what are you doing up this early?" I glanced over at the clock, it was six in the morning. "Daddy told me to give this to you, " She handed me a piece of paper. It read ' I have something to take care of today, I left notes around everywhere in our territory. I decided that it would keep you busy. It should take you until 8 o' clock tonight. The kids will help you some, just like Alice did when she gave you this note. I love you, and have fun looking for the notes;)' I can't believe he would do something like this. He should have done something like this while we were dating. "What did it say mommy?" I looked back at Alice who was still sitting at the end of the bed. I gave her a smile. "Well daddy," I tried to think of something to make it sound fun," gave us a mission to do." I said with a huge smile. "Really?! I love missions mommy." I knew she probably would, because she acts like I did when I was a kid. "Well lets go get you and your brothers dressed, then we will go." She got off my bed and ran straight to her room cheering. I laughed.

I went to the bathroom, and got ready. While I was getting ready, I kept thinking about what Bash was planning that he had to leave me all these notes. After I was done getting ready I went into Marvin's room to get him up, because he is the one who loves to sleep in. Kyle however is like his dad, he loves adventures, and he can't wait to be alpha. When I got into Marvin's room of course he was still asleep. I shook him a little to wake him up. He rubbed his eyes open, and yawn. " What is it Mommy?" "Well you, your sister, and brother are coming with me on a mission today." He yawned again. I giggled. "Ok," He said. I told him to get dressed. Then I went to Kyle's room. When I walked in he was already dressed. "Good morning mom." He said with a huge smile. He is the only one that calls me mom right now. "Good morning sweetie, let me guess you dad wok you up." He nodded. "Well, lets get going then."

After everyone got ready, and I fed them breakfast. WE walked to the edge of the woods. Since they are still to young to shift they usually ride on my back. I shifted and waited for them to hop on my back. I started to run through the woods, looking one every tree for a note, or something. When we finally go the river, I saw it, on the rock across the river. I dropped the kids off and they waited near the river while I put clothes on behind a tree. I went across the river and grabbed the note. It read, 'I knew you would probably come straight here. Shoot, if I was you I would have too, because this is where, I first kissed you, first time we saw each other as wolves, and a bunch of other stuff happen here. Like when your father found us. Oh I remember it, when he also killed me, and how you saved me from him, I remember the laughs we shared, and all the other memories we had here. Well you better be getting to the next note;)' I smiled at the note remembering all the times he stated. "What did it say mom?" Kyle asked. I walked back over to where they were standing. "Just how we met here." I told him. He smiled. I told Alice when I shifted to grab my clothes. We all headed to another place.

Well its 8 o'clock and I still have one note to find. It turned out all the other notes were where we use to hang out, or where something special happened. I stood at the edge of the woods again thinking he might have put another note somewhere in there. "Mommy, I found something over here." I looked to see where Alice was standing, then I saw flower petals, leaving a trail. I didn't know if I should follow it or not. "We should follow it mom." Kyle said, standing next to me. He might know where this leads to. "I don't know about it mommy." Marvin said, he is always cautious. I taught all of my kids to be. Because you never know what something leads to. Alice didn't say anything. I decided to follow it, because Kyle really seem liked he knew where this leads to.

I followed the trail of flower petals to the circle of trees. Where there was lights hanging from all the trees, and there were two paths of flower petals making an aisle. When I looked to see where it leads, I saw Bash standing in a tux, Logan and Luke were both standing behind him. Veronica and Rachael behind him also. I walked down to where he was. The kids ran past me to where Bash was. While I was walking I heard a song come on. It was 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed sheeran. I saw Logan was the one holding the radio. My smile became bigger. This was the song that we both danced to the first time, at prom.

When I finally got to Bash he smiled at me. "Did you have fun today?" He asked. "Yes. All the places you put the notes were all the places we used to hang out at." I said with a smile. He then looked into my eyes, and pulled something out of his pocket, and he knelt to the ground. "Alissa, we had so many good times together, we shared so many laughs, we even shared some bad times, but we always had each other for them. So would you make me the happiest Alpha here ,and marry me?" Thats why he did all this so he could propose, I could feel tears of joy coming to my eyes. I pulled him up so his eyes met mine. "Yes, Bash I would love to marry you." I said with a huge smile, and a tear coming down my face. I was just so happy that we were getting married. He had a huge smile on his face also, he slid the ring on my finger and put his lips on mine. Every time I kiss him it feels like the first time. I could feel him move his hand behind me. He was probably telling Logan and them to take the kids and go back to the house.

After everyone left, Bash and I laid on the ground on a blanket that he brought with him. We just stared at the sky. We talked about all the good times we had and everything. When it was about midnight, we went back to the house, walking hand in hand. "I love you Bash, with all my heart." "I love you too Alissa,I always will." I smiled at that. When we got back to the house, Logan and Veronica were laying asleep on the couch with Tori. Bash and I decided to leave them sleeping, so we went to our room. We fell asleep cuddling together. I am happy that we are finally getting married.

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