Chapter 17

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Sebastian's POV

   I got dress and I was heading to the door to go downstairs to the party. Right when I was about to open the door Sabrina walked in. I really don't have time to deal with her. "What are you doing up here Sabrina?" "I came to see you silly." She said with a grin. "I really don't have time to-" "Listen, Sebastian, I really like you, and I want to be with you. I always had a crush on you but you were to clueless to tell. You don't deserve to be with that little slut, You belong to me."  She said walking closer to me. I gave her a low growl for calling Alissa a slut.  Sabrina is the slut. Sabrina was getting closer to me every second. Then I was pinned to the wall. Before I could say anything Sabrina crashed her lips on mine. I heard the door open then I heard someone running away. I knew it had to be Alissa.  Then I pushed Sabrina off of me "DON'T YOU EVER DARE TOUCH ME AGAIN YOU SLUT!" I yelled at her while running after Alissa. I just can't believe Sabrina did that. I was so pissed. 

Alissa's POV 

    I awoke in a bedroom.  The walls were light blue, the floor was a dark cherry  red wood color,  the sheets on the bed were black and white.  Where am I? That's all I could think about. I looked over to the window. Jake was sitting there. Then I remember what happen I was upset, and Jake comforted me, then I blacked out. "Jake where am I?" He looked really upset, like he was crying. "I didn't want to do it Alissa, I swear. She made me. I was willing to love her. I gave up on you.  I am so so sorry." "Jake what are you talking about?" I was so confused. What did he mean she forced him to? "Sabrina, she is my mate.  But when I found her, I was still in love with you, and she was in love with Sebastian. We had a plan to separate you two, but that got messed up when I kissed you in the parking lot. She got pissed, but then she made a new plan. Which was to make out with Sebastian, she knew you would probably catch them, and she knew you would run out of the house upset. So she made me wait out there for you to show up, and comfort you. Then I had to give you a shot of wolfsbane, and then take you here. I back out of the plan the last minute because I realized that you had a mate, and I  realized I made mistake by rejecting her, I wanted what you had with Sebastian, so I was willing to give her a chance. But she still wasn't over Sebastian, so she forced me to stick with the plan. I really didn't  want to do this Alissa. I was suppose to chain you to the bed or something, but I didn't want to. " I couldn't believe what he told me. I was so angry at Sabrina. I just knew something was wrong with her. 

I got out of the bed, when I stood up I felt really weak. I almost fell when Jake help me stand up, and then we both sat on the bed. "Jake, I believe you. Now just tell me where I am?"  "We are at my grandmothers house in , Georgia." "Georgia?!" He nodded. I couldn't believe  I was in Georgia. Bash is probably worried about me. 'Bash?!' No response. 'BASH?!' Still no response. "Your mind link won't work again until the wolfsbane wears out.  I could feel tears come to my eyes. "Alissa, its ok. I was planning to take take you back, but Sabrina gave me wolfsbane too, when I told her I wanted out of the plan . Which means I can't shift.  So we took a bus here. No buses are planning to come around here again until Monday." That's two days away, shit. I really wanted to see Bash again. I needed to forgive him. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I am really sorry Alissa." Jake pulled me into a hug. I just want to be home. 

Sebastian's POV

 When I went outside, I couldn't find her anywhere. I could feel that she was upset. Where could she be. I went and got some of my warrior wolves to search the territory for her. I waited in my office. The search has been going on for hours now, so  I had to end the party when I found out she was missing. Sabrina came into my office. "What in hell do you want? Haven't you done enough?" She just laughed. "Sebastian, baby, Alissa isn't here." What the hell was she talking about? Of course Alissa wasn't here. "Of course she isn't here." I said with anger in my voice. She gave me an evil grin. "No silly she isn't in this state." She stood there laughing like this was some type of joke.  I could feel myself becoming more mad every second. I was so close to ripping her to shreds, but if  I did that then I wouldn't be able to find Alissa. "Then where is she?!" "I made Jake take her somewhere." She said with a grin.  I grabbed Sabrina by the neck and held her up. "WHERE IS SHE SABRINA?!" "I will never tell, and you will never make me." I dropped her.  Then I took off to outside. I heard Sabrina yell, "You were suppose to belong to me Sebastian not Alissa. I did this for us!"  Right when I got outside I shifted. I was so angry. 'SHE ISN'T HERE GUYS! I need all of you to come with me. We have to find her!' I was so pissed. 'ALISSA!!!' No answer, 'ALISSA!!!!' Still no answer. Jake must have given her wolfsbane.  This was probably going to be useless, then a wolf popped in front of me. I growled at her to get out of my way. She didn't budge. She was right on the other side of my territory. She went behind a tree and shifted. I was about to run past her, but she jumped in front of me again. "Stop. I know where she is. I heard Sabrina and Jake talking. Jake wanted to back out of the plan, and leave Alissa alone,but Sabrina gave him a shot of wolfsbane, and forced him to do this. I heard them say that he was taking her to my grandmothers house in Georgia."  I went behind a tree and shifted. Who was this girl, and how does she know Alissa or anybody this matter "Who are you and how do you know Alissa?!" "I am Alex, I am Jake's cousin. I ran away from my pack, so I became a rogue. You should follow me. I can take you to Alissa." I had no clue if I could trust her or not, but I was running out of options. I nodded my head, then we both shifted and took off . Don't worry Alissa I am coming for you! 

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