Chapter 13

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Unknown Person's POV 

I left of my house to see the ceremony at the night shade pack. Hopefully no one will catch me doing this or I would be in so much trouble. It was so crowded there, since I am short it was hard to see over the tall people. But then I saw him. He looked so good. He stood next to a girl, which I am guessing was his mate. I don't like her already. She stole him from me. He use to be mine. He has been my best friend since we were in diapers, and I love him so much. I was hoping that we would be mates, but that didn't happen. But I have a plan to get him back from that slut of his. I will get him back just wait and see.

Alissa's POV

I woke up, laying on Sebastian's chest. I am now fully mated to him. He turned onto his side. He pulled me closer to him. "I love you Alissa." I blushed some. "I love you too. " I said with a smile. I looked over to the clock, it was one in the afternoon. I couldn't believe that we have been sleeping for so long. I could see Bash dozing off again. "Bash we have to get up now." He groaned. "Five more minutes." I shook my head. "We have to get up now. It's already one in the afternoon." "So, they can wait. " I just smirked, and pulled the covers off of me. I turned back to see Bash he looked upset that I got up. I just laughed at his expression. I went to the bathroom and got in the shower.

Once I got out, I saw Bash still in bed. I walked over to him. He was asleep again. I shook him gently. He groaned. "Bash get up." I said with a giggle. He rolled on his back. He grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him. He held both of my hands, while I sat on his lap. He leaned up and kissed my lips softly. "I guess I will get up now." I got off of him, and got dress. He did the same. "I am going for a run. " I said as I was walking down the stairs. Right when I was at the back door, he pulled me to him. "I will come with you." I nodded, and went towards the woods. We were about to shift when Winter, and Drew came over.

"Alpha, Luna." They said bowing their heads. "Call me Alissa." They smiled. "So what do you want?" Bash asked. "Alissa parents want you two to go see them. They said around three." Bash nodded. "Why?" I asked. "We don't know they just came to us to tell you to meet them at three." "Oh, well we are going for a run then we will go meet them." They both nodded and left. i could see Bash getting tired of waiting. I walked up to him. Then we shifted. Bash was now two times the size of me now in his wolf form. Which I wasn't surprised. Alphas are the biggest wolf in the pack. After I got done admiring how tall he was I took off. I could see Bash hot on my trail. When I was so close to the river, he pinned me on my back. I let out a wolf laugh. Which sounded more like a growl. He licked my cheek.

We ran for what felt like forever. We played our version of tag. We played in the river. We were having so much fun that we must have lost track of time, because I saw Luke come to us. 'Alpha, Alissa. Your father told me to come get you both. Just warning you he sounds kind of upset.' He bowed his head then he took off. I wonder what my dad has to tell us that is so important. I looked over to Bash. Then we took off to my parents house.

Once we got there we shifted. I could see my dad on the front porch, he looked pissed. Probably because we were late. My dad also looked like he got shorter some what. I was the first one to walk out of the woods. Bash followed me. "Where in hell have you been Alissa?!" I could hear a low growl behind me. "Dad! Calm down we were just out running." He walked inside. We followed him. My mom gave us a worried look. "Alissa. I know you two are new and young, but you can't be playing anymore. Being alpha and Luna are a lot of work. So you have no time to be messing around. So when someone needs you to meet them at a certain time, you have to be there when they need you." I could see Bash was pissed. I was to, kind of. My dad should know better then to talk to an alpha like that. I think he is just so use to talking to people like that, that he doesn't realized who he is talking to. "Dad. Do you realized who you are yelling at?!" My dad then looked up to see a very pissed off Bash. My mom came over to his side to calm my dad down. "I am sorry. I am just so use to talking to people like that. Please forgive me alpha." My dad said bowing his head. He probably doesn't like that he is controlled by someone who is way younger than him. "So why did you call us here. My mom decided to answer me since, my dad was too upset to talk to us anymore. "I would like to tell you that, we been seeing these new wolves, on our territory. They live in town. So I advise that you go check it out. Remember the pack is counting on you two, to keep us safe." We nodded. Then we headed back to our house.

Once we got back Luke, and Logan were there waiting for us. "Hey guys." I said with a smile. "Hey Alissa." They both said with a smile. We all headed into the house. "So alpha, anything new?" "Yes. Apparently there are these new wolves in town. I would like you two, to go check it out, and report back to me. " They both nodded. "Yes alpha." They said heading out of the house. I sat on the couch. Bash did the same. He pulled me on his lap. He pulled me close to him. I could tell he was stress. I guess my scent calms him down. "Bash, I am sorry my dad talked to you like that." "Its ok. I am just not use to this alpha thing yet." "I understand." I said kissing the top of his head. Then we heard a knock on our door. I opened it. It was Veronica. She lives next door to us to, since Logan is third command. "Hey." "Luna," she said bowing her head. "Call me Alissa." She nodded. " I came to see what you were doing. I was just headed to see the young pups at the orphanage, and I was wondering if you would like to come with me if you weren't busy." She said with a smile. I could tell something was up with her but I couldn't tell what yet. "Sure I got nothing to do." Then Bash walked over to me. "Hey Veronica." "Hello alpha." "Call me Sebastian ok." She nodded. "Bash, she just asked me if I would like to go see the young pups at the orphanage with her. Would you like to come with us?" Before he could answer we saw Logan and Luke coming back from checking on the new wolves. "I would love to babe, but as you can see I have work to do. I will see you later." He said kissing my cheek before leaving. Logan kissed Veronica's cheek also. Then Luke and Logan went in.

After they did that we headed towards the orphanage. Once we got there, I saw all the kids running around. That made my face light up. "Luna!" They all screamed, running towards me. I laughed. I wasn't surprised as how much kids were here. The reason is because some of their parents probably died in battle. also our pack was huge, and they could have gotten lost or something like that. I felt bad for them. Veronica and I headed inside. It was mainly the elders that take care of them. "Luna." They said bowing their heads. I smiled. I could see the kids leading me to their rooms. One of the little girls told me, to sit on her bed. She looked to be about five. "Well what is your name?" "Maddie." She said with a warm smile. Veronica sat next to me. "Well its nice to meet you Maddie. My name is Alissa, and this is Veronica." She giggled then she went over to her book shelf. Probably to get a book. Then that smell hit me. I could tell that someone was having a kid. Then I realized that it was Veronica who was. Thats probably why she invited me,so she can get use to being around them. "Oh my gosh! Veronica I am so happy for you." I said to her pulling her into a hug. "For what?" She said acting confused. "Your having a kid duh." "Oh yeah. Sometimes I forget. She said smiling at me. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because, I haven't told Logan yet. I just found out this morning. When I was going to tell him, he had to leave to go to town for Sebastian." "Oh." "Well, I could tell that you had fun last night." She said smirking at me. I laughed "Whaaat? I don't know what you are talking about." I felt myself blush. I knew exactly what she was talking about. "You know what I am talking about." I just gave her a confused look.Like I still didn't know. "Come on Alissa. I am talking about you and Sebastian completing the mating process." "Ohhh. That yeah..." I said blushing even harder then I was. "Yeah that. Well are you having any kids?" I blushed even harder if that was possible. "No. I am not ready to yet." "Whatever." Then Maddie came back over after I am guessing picking out the right book. "Can you read this to me." She said with a smile. I couldn't say no to her. She climbed up on to her bed. Veronica got pulled over to another little kid's bed. We both sat there reading to them.

Sebastian's POV

"So anything?" They both nodded. "They don't seem to come and harm us. They look like they just move here, that's all." "Yeah what he said." "Well I want you two to get a couple of the warrior wolves to keep an eye on them for tonight. I will have to go see them tomorrow sometime. " "Ok." They both said and left to go get the wolves. I decided that Alissa was going to be home soon since it was getting dark, so I didn't bother going to the orphanage to meet her. I just sat on the couch watching tv till she came home.

Unknown Person's POV

I was glad to be back here in the nightshade pack. I had to move like five or six years ago because some of my family was having trouble in north carolina. I wonder how Alissa is doing. I always had this huge crush on her. I haven't found my mate yet, and I don't want to right now till I at least had a date with her. Me and her have been friends since we were three. Hopefully she hasn't found her mate yet either. Also hopefully she remembers me. I am just so happy that I will get to see her again.

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