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Chapter 21 Black Market 2

  The appearance of a man looks like a worker in the city. Such people usually have money and tickets!

  Zhao Xiulan hurriedly walked towards the man. When he walked to the man's side, she lowered her voice and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me, comrade, do you want food?" The man looked at Zhao Xiulan with excitement and surprise and asked, " Girl, you... do you have food?"

  Zhao Xiulan nodded.

  The man's name is Guo Aidang, who has just been walking around on the black market just now, wanting to buy some food. But luck was not so good. So far I haven't met anyone who has food. I didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to sell his food.

  "Yes!" Guo Aidang hurriedly nodded and asked by the way, "Girl, what kind of food do you have here? How much?"

  Zhao Xiulan reported all the things in the basket, " Ten catties of rice, Ten catties of white noodles, ten catties of dried noodles!" When Guo Aidang heard this, his eyes widened.


  Ten catties of rice, ten catties of white noodles, ten catties of dried noodles?

  Guo Ai-dang looked at Zhao Xiulan's dress, thinking that Zhao Xiulan was just a countryman, even if he came to resell grain, he could only take out sweet potatoes, sorghum and other coarse grains.

  But what did Zhao Xiulan say? There are rice, white noodles and dried noodles!

  These are all fine grains!

  Even on the black market, the price is several times higher, and it is not easy to buy fine grains.

  Zhao Xiulan not only has fine grains, but there are so many!

  Guo Ai-dang changed his mind and thought about it again. Maybe someone deliberately disguised himself and went to the black market to resell food!

  Many people who come to the black market to trade are disguised and dressed up just to conceal others. Guo Aidang used to come to the black market to buy food before, but he hadn't encountered it before.

  Of course, these Guo Aidang didn't care, all he cared about was the food in Zhao Xiulan's hand!

  He has forgotten how long he hasn't eaten fine grains. Now that Zhao Xiulan says he has rice, flour, and dried noodles, how could he not be excited!

  Guo Ai-dang hurriedly asked Zhao Xiulan, "Girl, how much is your rice, white noodles, and
dried noodles? I want it!" Zhao Xiulan didn't know the specific prices on the black market. If the supply of the times is taken with food stamps, rice is only two or three cents per catty, and flour is almost the same as rice. Dried noodles are a bit more expensive, and you can buy them at fifty cents a catty. The price on the black market will almost double ten times, and some fine grains may be more than ten times higher.

  In the case of a critical shortage of supplies, although commodity food is much cheaper, it is still difficult to get it from formal channels even if you have the money and tickets, otherwise the price of food on the black market will not be as expensive as the supply of food.

  Zhao Xiulan tentatively reported a price, "Rice and white noodles cost three yuan a catty, and dried noodles cost four yuan a catty.

  But if you can get a ticket, rice and white noodles cost two and a half catty, plus half a catty. The food stamps for noodles are three yuan a catty, plus half a catty of food stamps!

  If you don't have a food stamp, it's okay . Just look at it. You can get cloth tickets, sugar tickets, oil tickets, etc., even industrial tickets!"

  Zhao Xiulan now needs money and tickets. Although there are a lot of materials in the space, they cannot be taken out at will. If you have all kinds of coupons, you can explain the legal source of the things she gets in the future.

  Guo Ai-dang was a little stunned when he heard the price quoted by Zhao Xiulan. For a while, he thought he had auditory hallucinations in his ears and made a mistake.

  Why is this price so cheap?

  He buys food from the night market every month and knows the price. The price quoted by Zhao Xiulan is at least 30% cheaper than other people on the black market!

Chapter 22: Black Market 3

  Zhao Xiulan, the main owner of the black market, has delicate grains in her hands, and the prices are still so low. Even if he buys it now, and then resells, he can make a fortune from it!

  Seeing that the man didn't speak, Zhao Xiulan thought that her price was higher, and she didn't want it! After all, she doesn't know what the specific price of food in the black market is, just based on her own estimation.

  When Zhao Xiulan was thinking about lowering the price a bit, she heard Guo Aidang's expression full of excitement, "Girl, then I'll give you the money for your ticket, and you can sell it to me!"

  Although I bought it all at once, Spend a lot of money, but with food in your hands, it is better than anything! Especially these fine grains! Just as a gift, it also saves face!

  "Success!" Zhao Xiulan also nodded in agreement. Selling to one person is selling, and selling to two people is also selling! Once sold, she can take one less risk!

  "Then... girl, shall we find a hidden place to trade?" Guo Aidang suggested.

  Be cautious in trading, otherwise you will be caught, and you will have to stay in jail.

  Finally, the two people found a secluded place with no one around, and Guo Aidang took out the money from his pocket. Ten catties of rice are twenty-five, ten catties of flour are also twenty-five, and ten catties of noodles are thirty, a total of eighty yuan.

  Guo Ai-dang took out eight pieces of Great Unity and handed them to Zhao Xiulan, and then fetched some tickets out of his pocket, "Girl, I only have these tickets, do you see enough? If it is not enough, I will find a way to get you some more. I might have to ask my colleague to borrow..."

  Zhao Xiulan took a look and found that there were five catties of food coupons, half a catty of meat coupons, half a catty of oil coupons, one catty of sugar coupons, two feet of cloth coupons, and ten yuan industrial coupons!

  Zhao Xiulan forget it, it's almost enough!

  Zhao Xiulan nodded, "Okay, just give it so much!"

  As Zhao Xiulan said, she took the things out of the back basket and handed them to the man. Guo Aidang checked the grain and saw that there was no problem, and quickly received the things into his back basket.

  When the two people finished the transaction and were about to leave, Guo Aidang asked again, "Girl, do you have anything else? If you have other good things, you can exchange it with me, and if you have food, you can also give me food. Keep a little bit, I will go to collect some more money and collect votes for you! Of course, it is no problem if the price is higher than today's price!" As long as he can get fine grains, Guo Aidang is willing to spend more money and buy it from Zhao Xiulan today. Guo Aidang knew that these fine grains had already taken Zhao Xiulan's advantage, and he was afraid that Zhao Xiulan would not be willing to sell him the fine grains again.

  Although Zhao Xiulan still has food, she thinks that so many things have already been taken out this time. If she takes it again, she is afraid that Guo Aidang will be suspicious. She has to be more careful not to expose too much.

  So Zhao Xiulan said, "No more now, but if you want, I can go back and make it for you. There are rice grains and dried noodles, as well as eggs, rapeseed oil, you see what you want!"

  When the party heard that Zhao Xiulan said that besides fine grains, there were eggs and rapeseed oil, he was suddenly excited.

  Although it is not easy to get fine grains, it can be obtained with more touches on the black market, but eggs and rapeseed oil are different.

  This thing is extremely lacking, even if it is on the black market, it is rarely available. Fortunately, he asked so easily, otherwise he would not miss it!

  Guo Aidang hurriedly said, "Girl, you can get me something!"

  "Then I'll come again tomorrow, let's meet here again?" Zhao Xiulan said.

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