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Chapter 601 Li Lijuan was beaten 1

  "You are not the Zhao family, of course it has nothing to do with you at the banquet!" Zhao Xiulan said angrily.

  Li Lijuan was a little embarrassed, "I... Although I am not from the Zhao family, but my mother remarried and remarried, I can also count as a member of the Zhao family. What happened to the banquet? Zhao Xiulan, you can't bully people like this, you are in the county seat. I can eat well when I work in it. I've been at home for so long without having to eat anything and have to work. I'm almost exhausted. What happened to the banquet today?"

  Zhao Xiulan sneered, "Li Lijuan, what do you call me? Can I eat good food when I work in the county? Isn't I tired from working? What good do I eat? Can I speak a little conscience, don't spray dung and spread rumors!"

  Li Lijuan is still unwilling

  Moved away, curled her mouth and muttered, "Anyway, I just won't leave, I'm going to eat this banquet!" Zhao Xiulan couldn't do anything to Li Lijuan on this happy day.

  Luoyu Juan persuade the side of the phrase, "Shirley girl, forget it, let Debbie girl sit down and eat, and second row mom give you a bit child, bustling today, can not fight."

  Look at the two real people do For the sake of a happy event, Zhao Xiulan nodded and responded, "Okay, second mother, I know! Then let Li Lijuan sit, I don't need to sit at the table, just eat something in the back kitchen. "

  That's OK. You don't need to grab the food in the back kitchen. You can eat the extra delicious ones!" "Yeah! Second mother, I know!"

  Zhao Xiulan said, and went to the back kitchen. In addition to eating, I want to see if I can help myself.

  But Zhao Xiulan went to the back kitchen and found that she had nothing to help at all.

  There is a little bit of meat leftover, and basically every dish is leftover. After all, more preparations are needed to make a banquet in case of emergency.

  Luo Yujuan was very generous, Zhao Xiulan went to the back kitchen to eat, and directly filled Zhao Xiulan with a large bowl of meat soup.

  "Girl Xiulan, this sliced ​​meat soup is the best, you can drink more, and there is more!"

  Zhao Xiulan took the fragrant sliced ​​meat soup with green onion floating on it, which was delicious and delicious.

  Although there are no condiments these days, only some oil and salt are added to the cooking, but it is delicious!

  Zhao Xiulan drank a bowl of meat soup clean, and Luo Yujuan was about to serve Zhao Xiulan more, but Zhao Xiulan rejected it.

  "Second mother, no need, I have already drunk a big bowl, and you have to save some for your own consumption !" Zhao Xiulan knows that the meat is expensive and it is not enough to eat. It is already very luxurious to be able to eat a big bowl of meat soup by herself. I am embarrassed to eat more.

  Luo Yujuan said, "How can this be? You just have a bowl of meat soup and can't be full. Then, eat some steamed

  pork ?" Zhao Xiulan still waved her hand, "Second mother, really don't need it, just a little bit of meat, I can't give it to you. I eat it alone, I just have to eat some vegetarian dishes! "

  Even if it is a vegetarian dish, the taste is excellent!

  The dishes made by professional chefs are much better than those made by Li Lijuan.

  Luo Yujuan thought for a while and said, "Girl Xiulan, my second mother will give you a bowl of fish ball soup. The fish ball soup tastes very good. The fish is enough. There are a lot of preparations at home. It's not worth the money!"

  Luo Yujuan said so, Zhao Xiulan did not refuse, nodded and said, "Okay! Second mother, then you can serve me a bowl of fish ball soup!"


Luo Yujuan said, giving Zhao Xiulan another serving A big bowl full of fish ball soup.

Chapter 602 Li Lijuan gets beaten 2

  This fish ball is made of fish meat. The fish meat is already very delicious. Put some oil and salt and ginger slices in it, which can remove the fishy and taste good.

  Like the sliced ​​meat soup, sprinkled with chopped green onions, it is delicious and delicious.

  Zhao Xiulan couldn't hold on to other dishes after eating this big bowl of fish ball soup.

  "Girl Xiulan, do you want to eat more?" Luo Yujuan asked when Zhao Xiulan had finished eating.

  "Second mom, I'm really full!" Zhao Xiulan waved her hand and refused. At this moment, she was not polite with Luo Yujuan, but she really couldn't eat anymore.

  If you eat this again, I'm afraid it will hold on.

  "That's OK, you rest for a while, wait until your stomach is digested, and then you want to eat something. Second mother will serve you." "Okay, second mother! You hurry up, don't care about me!" Zhao Xiulan found out that she had arrived. The cook came, not only didn't come in handy, but also caused Luo Yujuan's trouble, so she had to sit aside and let Luo Yujuan stop paying attention to her.

  At the banquet, everyone at the dinner table was satisfied. Although they were not very full, the food was limited after all, but it was already relieved. The most important thing was that the dishes were good. There were fish and meat. Everyone was very enjoyable.

  Li Lijuan was even more happy to eat, but after eating, she still felt a little bit unfulfilled, wondering if the food could be better and more.

  After eating the banquet, the excitement was over, and the villagers dispersed separately.

  Seeing that there was no food, Li Lijuan also went home contented.

  Fortunately, came over to eat today cheeky, otherwise, how can I eat so much good!

  As soon as Li Lijuan got home, she was scolded by Ma Yumei, "You damn girl, where did you go? I called you for a long time! There is no one in the family, and no one cooks lunch, you are Are you going to starve me to death?"

  Scolded by Ma Yumei, Li Lijuan dared to tell the real reason, she could only shivered and replied, "Mom...this is not the second dad's banquet, I went to watch the excitement... I accidentally forgot the time... "

  Li Lijuan had a guilty conscience after she finished speaking, and she didn't dare to eat the banquet on her own in Ma Yumei and the premise.

  If her mother were to know that she was eating well outside, but she was left alone at home without food, her mother would not have to beat her to death!

  Li Lijuan was not so stupid that she went to Ma Yumei to beg her.

  "Forgot, forgot? You can forget about this. You are losing money. I raised you for nothing. Even your mother can forget. Do you have any conscience?"

  Li Lijuan didn't dare to reply, but Able to say something weakly, "Mom, I...I will cook for you now!" With that, Li Lijuan escaped from the house to avoid being abused by Ma Yumei.

  Ma Yumei's anger still didn't disappear, and the more she thought about it, the more she became angry.

  Why did she have such a fate and gave birth to such a girl, she was really mad at her!

  God is too unfair. Let her give birth to a big money-losing boy, and now she has a small money-losing boy.

  Why can't she give birth to a son?

  At the other end, after the banquet was over, Zhao Xiulan originally wanted to help clean up the dishes, but Luo Yujuan stopped her and refused to let her do it.

  "Girl Xiulan, you usually have a hard time at work, and finally take a day off. How can you do this kind of rough work! My family has a lot of people to help, so I can survive!"

  Zhao Xiulan had no choice but to say , "That's fine, two. Mom, then I'll go back first!"

  "Wait a minute, Xiulan, your Aunt Mei failed to come to the banquet during her confinement period. There is still something to eat at home, so you can bring it back to your Aunt Mei to eat!"

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