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Chapter 1541 Distress 2 

The trustee is Lin Qingya. Although he is a staff member of the Grain Bureau, he has insufficient qualifications, insufficient education, and family background. He only came from the countryside. So it is a temporary worker, not a formal worker. But in the Grain Bureau, it is not easy to get regular. I don't know how many people are better than him.

  Many of them are local to Lu City, and they are related, and they are much more likely to become regular than him.

  If he can be converted into a full-time worker, and the welfare benefits will be improved a lot. The most important thing is to settle down and become a native of Lu, then he will truly become a cityman from a countryman, and a pheasant. Phoenix.

  It's a pity that it is too difficult to change from a temporary worker to a full-time employee. You must find a relationship.

  Not long ago, Lin Qingya approached him and said that if she could help her accomplish one thing, she promised to help him turn into a formal job in the Grain Bureau.

  The girl's family background, Liu Xuebing, was also investigated in advance, and her parents were both civil servants with senior titles, and it was indeed easy for him to become a full-time worker.

  Moreover, after completing the task, in addition to the matter of getting the job right, he also promised to give him 500 yuan in remuneration.

  Lin Qingya had given him a one hundred yuan deposit in advance, which was regarded as her sincerity.

  The condition that Lin Qingya put forward was for Liu Xuebing to insult Zhao Xiulan.

  As soon as Liu Xuebing heard Lin Qingya's condition, he agreed without thinking about it. Not to mention a beautiful girl, even a sow he would agree. Isn't it just sacrificing hue once, for the sake of a good life in the future, no matter what is worth it. Now that Liu Xuebing saw Zhao Xiulan's appearance, he knew that Lin Qingya hadn't lied to him. This girl was not ugly at all and could not match the sow. The look is very beautiful, anyway, better than all the girls Liu Xuebing has seen.

  I don't know if Zhao Xiulan has offended Lin Qingya in any way, and Liu Xuebing will not ask deeply. Anyway, as long as he completes the task that Lin Qingya explained, he will naturally not talk too much.

  Zhao Xiulan was frightened and struggling hurriedly, "You let me go, you let me go quickly, or I will call someone!"

  Liu Xuebing smiled, "You shout, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you. !"

  Liu Xuebing's salty pig hand was about to reach out and touch Zhao Xiulan's ass.

  Zhao Xiulan saw that the situation was urgent, and she had to escape quickly.

  Fortunately, there is an anti-wolf electric baton in the space, and it just happens to come in handy now.

  Zhao Xiulan quickly took the anti-wolf electric rod out of the space, and shot Liu Xuebing's body with electricity.

  Liu Xuebing naturally didn't expect that Zhao Xiulan would have something like an anti-wolf electric baton. After being powered, she fell to the ground instantly, convulsed a few times, and there was no movement.

  Zhao Xiulan was so frightened that she ran away, how dare she stay a little bit.

  If this is defiled by someone, it will be disgusting just thinking about it.

  After Zhao Xiulan ran away, Lin Qingya frowned and walked out from the depths of the woods.

  Originally, she wanted to take advantage of Liu Xuebing's defilement of Zhao Xiulan, she took a few photos next to him, and then sent them to Jiang Cheng to let Jiang Cheng know that Zhao Xiulan was tainted by another man.

  She didn't believe it anymore. A normal man knew that his wife had been tainted by other men and could remain indifferent.

  Once Jiang Cheng dislikes Zhao Xiulan, she may divorce Zhao Xiulan, and she has a chance.

  After Jiang Cheng got divorced, he would definitely realize that she was the best and would like to marry her.

Chapter 1542 Anonymous Letter 1 

Although Jiang Cheng and Zhao Xiulan have been together, she will not dislike Jiang Cheng. As long as Jiang Cheng can change his mind, stay with her well.

  Who knows that Liu Xuebing is a waste, and he can't handle such small things, and he doesn't know what's the use!

  Seeing Zhao Xiulan run away, this plan did not succeed, Lin Qingya was very depressed.

  Having missed this opportunity, Zhao Xiulan became vigilant when looking back, and it was not so easy to look for opportunities.

  I knew I should find a better man, and I shouldn't have found Liu Xuebing's head.

  Lin Qingya bit her lower lip with anger, and this matter can only be forgotten. Looking back, she thinks of other ways, anyway, she can't just let it go.

  Jiang Cheng's brother belongs to her, and she is not willing to give it to other women.

  Especially Zhao Xiulan, a woman from the countryside, what qualifications does she have to be worthy of her brother Jiangcheng?

  Zhao Xiulan fled back to her residence in a bit of a shock. Yang Shumin saw that Zhao Xiulan's face was not pretty, so she stepped up and asked with concern, "Sister Xiulan, what's the matter with you? Is there any physical discomfort?"

  Zhao Xiulan I shook my head, "No, it's just a little fright."

  "Sister Xiulan, then you have a good rest. If you need help, you can find me."

  "Good sister-in-law, if I need help, I will definitely I won't be polite with you."

  Zhao Xiulan didn't have any thoughts to eat because of this incident . She lay on the bed and rested early.

  Still thinking about Liu Xuebing in his mind.

  People in this age shouldn't be so crazy, because they fell in love with her, so they made such crazy behaviors?

  After this time, you will have to pay careful attention in the future, and one must never walk the path with few people, so as not to happen again.

  Early the next morning, Zhao Xiulan continued to work at the Grain Bureau, picking a crowded route, even if it was a little longer, it was worthwhile for her own safety.

  It's better when I get to the Grain Bureau. When there are more people, I am not afraid that Liu Xuebing will do anything illegal to her in the eyes of the people.

  Zhao Xiulan went to work for a few days in a row, and the tasks at work were generally relatively easy. Using the free time, Zhao Xiulan also completely sorted out the pile of reports, put them in an envelope, and sent an anonymous letter to Director Liu.

  Director Liu soon received an anonymous letter from Zhao Xiulan.

  After receiving this anonymous letter, Director Liu looked at it. He is not a fool. The content on the report is clear at a glance. After a few glances, he can quickly discover the problem.

  If it were not for this anonymous letter, Director Liu had worked in the Grain Bureau for so many years, and he would have never imagined that such a thing would happen under his nose.

  Ten thousand catties of grain per month is not a small sum.

  For the entire grain bureau, accumulating over time is also a great loss.

  Fortunately, it was discovered in time, or else it would have to continue to lose.

  Director Liu frowned with a headache looking at the report.

  With such a large amount of grain, who actually moved the hands and feet, and where did it go?

  And who sent him this anonymous letter?

  This person's intention was obvious, to remind him that someone in the Food Bureau was making trouble.

  But since it is reminded, why not tell him openly, through this anonymous method.

  Director Liu felt a pain in his brain. After reading the entire report, he sighed heavily.

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