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Chapter 1461 Dinner 1

  "Okay, Comrade Sun Xue, let me see, if I don't understand anything, I will ask you again."

  Zhao Xiulan took the file and looked at it seriously.

  Sun Xue's professional knowledge is actually quite good, and the report is also good.

  It's just that the reports and accounting recording methods of this era are not so advanced, so Zhao Xiulan only feels that the reports are too cumbersome when looking at the reports.

  But if you can understand, if these reports can be streamlined, their staff will save a lot of worry when making them, and the people who read the reports will be able to understand them at a glance.

  Without worrying about these, Zhao Xiulan can still learn something from these reports and documents.

  After watching for an afternoon, before half of it was finished, when the time came, I got off work.

  These documents and reports couldn't be brought back, so Zhao Xiulan put them on the table and waited for them to come back when she went to work tomorrow.

  "Comrade Zhao Xiulan, tomorrow is the weekend without going to work, let's go to the state-owned restaurant for dinner together!" Sun Xue said hello to Zhao Xiulan in advance.

  Zhao Xiulan said, "Okay, where will we meet tomorrow?"

  "At eleven o'clock, go directly to the state-owned hotel." Usually, their colleagues basically agree to go directly to the state-owned hotel at eleven.

  This time, apart from making an appointment with Zhao Xiulan, because they would go to the state-owned hotel at this time basically every week, so there should be a few people who will pass by tomorrow.

  Zhao Xiulan nodded, "It's okay."

  Sun Xue asked Xu Gang and Niu Wei again, "Comrade Xu Gang, Comrade Niu Wei, I will go to a state-owned restaurant for dinner tomorrow, are you two going?"

  Xu Gang and Niu Wei knew that Zhao Xiulan had also been there. In addition, they often had dinner together before, so they nodded, "Okay, we didn't go there last week. Let's go together this week, or wait until next week. too busy, estimates have to work overtime, no time to go out to dinner yet. " "

  Yes ah, the next one week is probably too busy, better to take advantage of this weekend, go out and get together, eat Dianbu Replenish oil and water, otherwise you won't have the energy to work overtime next week."

  "That's okay, tomorrow we can go to the state-owned hotel to meet directly."

  "Sure!" After a

  few people discussed it, they made a decision. This matter.

  In units like them, the relationship between colleagues is good, and they like to organize such gatherings.

  The most important thing is that everyone's wages are quite high and they are willing to eat.

  And if you eat it alone, you won't be able to order a few dishes.

  But in a dinner party, order more dishes, and everyone will share it. In fact, it will only cost a few bucks and a few yuan.

  You can eat well, especially if you order more meat dishes, you can take care of it for a long time when you are full.

  Qiao Shan heard a few people in the office discussing about going out for dinner, so she leaned in and said to Sun Xue, "You are all out for dinner tomorrow, can you bring me along?"

  Sun Xue glanced lightly. Qiao Shan, she has never liked Qiao Shan very much.

  Now she decided to have a good relationship with Zhao Xiulan, and Qiao Shan was hostile to Zhao Xiulan, so Sun Xue felt that in the future she had to draw a clear line with Qiao Shan and could not get too close to Qiao Shan.

  "Comrade Qiao Shan, this is originally a dinner with colleagues, of course you can go, as long as you pay your share of the cost."

  Qiao Shan likes to take advantage of it. It's not that I haven't had dinner with them before. .

Chapter 1462 Dinner 2 

After only gathering for a few meals, everyone was a little scared of her. Obviously, I went to a state-owned restaurant for dinner together. It is reasonable to say that the expenses should be shared equally, but Qiao Shan repeatedly found excuses and was reluctant to pay the money.

  This time twice is okay. Once the frequency gets higher, everyone is naturally unwilling to take her again. Who would like this kind of advantage?

  Although they helped Qiao Qiaoshan pay the share of money together, there was not much to share, but everyone would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable.

  Originally, meat was expensive this year, and everyone didn't have a lot of meat tickets. Qiao Shan wanted to follow the past to dinner, but she was thinking about nothing. Just thinking about asking them to pay, who would have no objection?

  Those who know are okay, those who don't know think they deliberately left her out of the cold.

  Now Qiao Shan mentioned the past dinner, Sun Xue did not have much opinion, but explained to Qiao Shan that she had to pay out the money she should pay, and no one would not agree.

  Qiao Shan felt reluctant when he heard Sun Xue say this.

  She was a little greedy, and wanted to eat in a state-owned restaurant to replenish her oil and water. But going to a state-owned restaurant for a meal will cost a lot of money, not to mention, this time at least a two-to-two meat ticket plus two yuan.

  Qiao Shan couldn't bear to go out so much at one time because he didn't have a lot of meat tickets and money.

  Qiao Shan glanced at Xu Gang and Niu Wei who were on the sidelines, and said as expected, "Xu Gang, Niu Wei, you two boys, who helped me pay out the money for the dinner, I think too Going to eat, I haven't eaten meat for a long time."

  Xu Gang and Niu Wei were a little speechless.

  How could it be possible for them to help her with that extra share of money for no reason!

  Going out to dinner by myself is already gritted my teeth, saving money and tickets.

  They don't have that much money and tickets for the extra Qiaoshan's share.

  However, the two of them are male colleagues, so it is not easy to reject Qiao Shan directly, so they can only say something politely, "Qiao Shan, our own money and tickets are not enough. We can't help you with your money and tickets. Get up. Or you should forget it, don't go to dinner."

  Qiao Shan snorted softly, where would I believe what Xu Gang and Niu Wei said.

  They have money if they invite Zhao Xiulan to eat, but why don't they have money if she invites her?

  Obviously, I just don't want to invite it!

  Qiao Shan felt a little depressed thinking about it.

  Blame Zhao Xiulan!

  After this woman came over, everything in the office changed!

  Zhao Xiulan only thinks of innocence, so why do you talk to her?

  Qiao Shan glared at Zhao Xiulan displeasedly, making Zhao Xiulan very bewildered.

  It wasn't that she refused Qiao Shan, what did this woman stare at her for?

  It's really inexplicable!

  I don't know why Qiao Shan is so hostile to her, is it jealous?

  Think about it, only this is possible!

  Zhao Xiulan sighed, thinking that the jealousy of women is really terrible.

  "It's stingy, two poor ghosts!" Qiao Shan directly commented on Xu Gang and Niu Wei in a simple sentence, then stepped on high heels and turned away angrily.

  Xu Gang and Niu Wei were also confused for a while.

  Rejected Qiao Shan's stubborn face, but it was their fault?

  Hey, but no matter what Qiao Shan said, Xu Gang and Niu Wei didn't care about her.

  After all, the mouth grows on someone else's body, and people say you won't lose a piece of meat even if you say a few words.

  But if they take care of their face and invite Qiao Shan to eat, they will really eat less meat.

  Thinking that the saved meat tickets could make up for themselves, Xu Gang and Niu Wei didn't care much about what Qiao Shan said.

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