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I toss and turn in bed with the ever-present glow of the moon watching over me

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I toss and turn in bed with the ever-present glow of the moon watching over me. My senses are heightened despite the late hour and my skin burns, like it has been sporadically these last few days. I haven't told anyone, not even Niki.

I'm still not sure what happened that afternoon at the swimming pool. I blacked out for a moment and then I woke up still looking at the white ceiling, still hearing Jungwon speaking. But his voice sounded too loud, and everything was too bright. So I left the room. I just needed some time off.

It's been a couple of days since then and things haven't improved much. Ironically, our maknae looks better than ever, so I try to put up with everything so that he doesn't worry. I haven't seen him this bright since his fight with Sunghoon-hyung, and I don't want to ruin it. After all, it will pass. It's just an illness that will be gone by the end of the week, just like it did with Heeseung-hyung. I don't know why he has been so dramatic about it, if it was just a passing fever.

After moving under the sheets and tangling them into an impossible knot, I give up on sleep. It's no good. I listen to the nightly symphony from the woods outside my window and try to use it as a lullaby. It does the exact opposite, as my ears begin to decipher every little tune in it.

When I was small, my parents used to tell me to find someplace that reminded me of home to help me sleep, back when I hated the idea of being away from my court in a strange castle. I used to cry myself to sleep, feeling lonely in this stranger's bed. But it was necessary, and I had to put up with it for alliances sake and other things that I didn't quite understand as a child. That was before I found a home here and before I had met my best friends.

I almost laugh at that. Some best friends we've become.

I stand and go to a bench down the hallway, just outside of my room, that used to remind me of one back home. I'd spend hours here, hugging myself and trying to be strong for my family. I do it now too, pulling my legs to myself and closing my eyes. It does the trick and I find myself finally relaxing. The moonlight still glows through a nearby window, and that is how I manage to see our hyung, strolling down the hall.

He is in his pyjamas, looking disoriented. His feet drag and he breathes heavily. I stare quietly as he moves wobbly, looking around at all the moonlit walls. When he nears me, I feel like I'm in the swimming pool all over again, embraced by that overwhelming sickness. The hairs in my arm stand and, though he doesn't stop before me, I feel his presence as if we were connected. I hug myself a little tighter.

Heeseung-hyung disappears around the next bend and I feel cold surrounding me.

What is happening to me?

I'm shaking because everything is so cold, though my own pyjamas cling to my sweaty skin. Looking around I realise it is brighter than before, or maybe my eyes have adapted better to the dark. Suddenly the bench doesn't feel very safe, so I decide to go back to bed, even if that means tossing and turning all night. But as I make my way there my head starts spinning.

The last thing I see as I lay on the floor, unable to move, are Heeseung-hyung's feet coming back and stopping in front of me.

i'm so sorry this is late! 🙈 i've been a bit busy with school projects and forgot :(
but i hope you enjoy this update!
also, the story is nearing its end; i think just a couple more chapters will do ;)
and omg! sunghoon is blonde!!! i was so surprised when i saw! and sunoo got a haircut too!
they look amazing as always!
actually, enhypen is nominated for artist of the year and best male group in mama so don't forget to vote and stream!
thank you so much for reading, love you ♡

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