Chapter 3 - New Hair?

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Hesitantly, I walked through the front doors of my school building. Almost immediately I felt the eyes of everyone staring at me, Tōō's center of gossip apparently. Seriously, didn't they have anything else to worry about? I could hear people whispering about the bandaid on my face and my new hair cut, but I tried my best to ignore them. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me and I quickly turned around to see Aomine staring at me smiling.

"Oh hey, do you need something?" I asked.

"No, just was curious if I could spot the person who did that to you if I stuck around for a while." He pointed to my cut.

"I told you, it's not a big deal and it's not like you need to be around me to spot her she probably won't be able to come to school for a while." I said slightly grinning at the thought of her broken nose.

"So you really dealt some damage then?" he chuckled, following me down the hall.

"You could say so." I flipped my hair dramatically, smiling at my victory. "After all my family has a history with the ring."

"With the what?"

"You know, a fighting ring." I said, not explaining anything.

"So you're not gonna tell me more? I'm curious."

"Nope." I smiled while closing my classes door on him.

He stuck out his hand, but I didn't stay long enough to see what he wanted, I pursed my lips, looking around at all my classmates staring at me.

"She was with Aomine.."
"Oh my gosh that's crazy, and her hair too!"
"What about that bandage on her face?"
"What's with her? Talking to Aomine..."

Apparently I wasn't the only one people liked to talk about. Was Aomine really some kind of delinquent?

I sat down in my spot, and as suspected, Aika and her friends were nowhere to be found, instead a girl with short brown hair sat beside me.
"Hey is it true you're friends with Aomine?" She was smiling her head off.

"Well I wouldn't go that far, but we talk sometimes."

She squealed. "You're so lucky Kessaku, I wish I could talk to him too!"

"Huh?" I laughed slightly. "Why? Is he popular or something?"

She stopped squealing and was now looking at me with a straight face. "You mean you don't know? Aomine Daiki, the ace player of Teiko's middle school??? The generation of miracles???? ONLY THE GREATEST GROUP OF BASKETBALL PLAYERS TO EVER COME OUT OF THE SAME YEAR" At this point she was hyperventilating.

I sat there a bit shocked, I had no idea Aomine was so well known, "Is he really that good?" I questioned.

"Oh Kessaku, he's simply amazing! I went to see them play once and ever since then I haven't been able to get him off my mind! He's the reason I came to this school."

"I see." I was stunned yet curious.

Now I really wanted to see him play, but why was he with me and not at practice yesterday? Many questions popped up through that class period making my mind hurt, I sighed and looked out the window wishing I could be anywhere but here, that's when I noticed a person lying down on the roof.

"What the-" I stared intensely and nearly fell out of my seat. "Aomine...?"

As lunch period rolled by,the conspiracies surrounding my hair had died down as well as the talk about me and Aomine earlier. The girl who sat by me today invited me for lunch, but I politely declined as I had other plans in mind. Her name was Tanaka.

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now