Chapter 24- My Worth

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I waited for Aomine and the rest of his team to come out beside the exit, when they did I grabbed Aomine's arm and looked at him with empathy.

"Kessaku!" The team screamed.

"Hey you guys.. can you give us a moment?"

They looked like they had a lot of questions for me, but unfortunately I didn't want to answer any right now, they just nodded and left leaving Aomine and me alone.

"I'm sorry about the game." I said while looking at the ground, I felt Aomine's hand slip under my chin and force my gaze towards him.

"Don't be, it's my own fault for giving up on practice, Kessaku I'm sorry for how I treated you... I was wrong to let my thoughts affect my emotions."

"Why.? Why did you do it?" I asked desperately.

He sighed. "An old acquaintance of mine had visited me earlier that day and he said something that I just couldn't shake."

"What did he say?"

"He said that I was violent and lazy and that I would eventually break your heart, he said that... one day I might have turned my violent habits towards you. I couldn't stand the thought of it!"

"Aomine.. that wasn't your decision to make.. I would have followed you to the end of the world, but one thing I wouldn't let you do is hurt me. If you ever did I would've had enough love for myself to leave! You should have never tried to make that decision for me when such a ridiculous thing wouldn't ever happen!" I said tearing up, I was so hurt that he let the words of some "acquaintance" get between us.

"I'm sorry, I know what I did was wrong and that I hurt you. I know that now, I've had four months to think about it, please give me another chance." He was on both knees as he held onto my shoulders tightly, he was begging me to forgive him...

I wanted to do desperately hug him and tell him it was okay, I wanted to be with him but... I knew that as we were currently, it would never work out.

"I forgive you Aomine... but you heard what I said, if you had ever hurt me that I would leave.. and you did hurt me, I know my worth. I don't deserve this, maybe we we're both just young and immature."

"Sōdai please.." he said as his voice cracked.

"I'm sorry.. Daiki, I'm still hurt.. I can't fully forgive you yet..This is the end." With that I slipped myself out of his arms and slowly backed up, I turned around and walked away with tears falling, leaving him on the ground in the cold winter air.
As I got back to the hotel I slumped down and cried, I then noticed my pink phone had been plugged into a charger on the wall, who had been in my room?

I walked over to it and reluctantly flipped it on, immediately a million notifications popped up, I clicked on Aomine's messages to reveal a bunch of texts telling me that he's sorry and to forgive him, just to come back home... I was bawling at this point, a complete mess sitting on my floor.

I opened up the notification for the voicemails he left and listened to it.

"Sōdai where are you! I'm so sorry I should have never done what I did! Please come back I love you! I love you!" with that the message ended, my heart hurt so much...

I listened to the next one, "Sōdai.. I visited your mom today, she told me you left to become an idol.. I just want you to know that I'm sorry and that I'll always be here waiting for you. -End"

I listened to one after another while I cried to myself in my room. I had already made my decision though and there wasn't any going back.

After I listened to them all I closed my phone and threw it in the trash, this is the last time I see you Daiki, goodbye.

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now