Chapter 12 - Sit and Look Pretty

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"Why do you insist on coming to my house every night these days." I sighed looking at Aomine's drenched body.

"I wanted to try those things you were making with the butter."

"Croissants, and go take a shower!"

He laughed and disappeared into my house. "I swear moms gonna kill me for the water bill." Most nights my mother is out singing at this supposed famous adult club, she gets paid but mostly she does it for fun. Luckily for me she's never been here when Aomine comes..

I wiped down the counters and washed the dishes, finally I took the croissant dough out the freezer and the butter out of the fridge, I had to wait for the both to get softer. I preheated the oven to 350° and got out some chocolate as I waited, carefully shaved off a few dozen chocolate curls.

I heard the door going into the house open and saw Aomine with MY towel over his head. "That's mine."

"Yeah I could tell, didn't peg you for a pink kind of person." He said walking over to see what I was doing.

"Only pastel pink." I said grabbing the towel off of his head and snapping it at him, he jumped out of the way but it still knicked him.

"Ye ouch Kessy that's dangerous." He fake pouted.

I tossed it back to him and began to roll the butter into the dough, to make sure it stays in you fold the dough to where no butter can be seen, once rolled out fold it again on its long side and then once more.

"So why do you gotta fold it so many times?"

"So it will get layers."

"I've never had a croissant before."

I stopped rolling and looked up at him, he was standing behind me watching what I was doing carefully. "Yes you have, but prepare to be amazed." After rolling it out thinly a final time I cut the dough into triangles, I held one of the triangles up to Aomine's head and then threw it at him, it stuck to his face with a slapping noise. I burst out laughing as he slowly peeled it off.

"Yeah, yeah, very funny."

I gestured for him to stand beside me, I moved half of the dough in front of him and showed him how to roll the chocolate curls into the dough.

By the end, all of the croissants were made. Aomine's were a bit funky looking but they all taste the same.

"Into the oven they go.

After about 30 minutes of me and Aomine arguing which popsicle flavor was the best the oven beeped, I took them out carefully as the smell wafted through the bakery.

"That smells so goooood." Aomine said.

"Careful they're hot." I plated one for Aomine and gave him a fork, as he tried it, a euphoric smile entered his face. "These are the best things I've ever eaten."
Kuroko's POV

"Kuroko I can't believe you went to meet your old teammate and that girl without me!"

"Sorry, maybe next time. Besides we're bound to meet them on the court someday."

"You're impossible."
Sōdai's POV

"So let me get this straight, you're asking me if I want to sit with the Tōō team during all games?" I asked the handsome basketball coach, he had stopped me outside of my classroom right after the end of the day bell rang.

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now