Chapter 19 - Determination

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It's been a few days since the Rakuzan vs Tōō game took place, my brother has finally left his bed and began training for the new MMA season. He already went back overseas to train with his coach.

I was currently in my bedroom debating whether or not I should go with the team to do their spring training. On one hand I'd get to be with Aomine for a whole two weeks!... on the other hand I'd have to be with Aomine for a whole two weeks...

When he confessed he loved me I froze! I've never had anyone say that to me before, he just smiled at me and patted my head saying that he could wait until I was ready but, what if I would never be ready..

No ones ever confessed to me before much less told me they loved me, my brothers scared off plenty of suitors in the past so I never had experience with these feelings. What should I do... this is making my stomach hurt.
Aomine POV

"Oh Aomine~" an oddly familiar voice chimed from behind me, I sighed and turned around to find someone that I never expected to see again sitting on the bench beside Tōō's basketball court, it was Haizaki Shōgo V

"Oh Aomine~" an oddly familiar voice chimed from behind me, I sighed and turned around to find someone that I never expected to see again sitting on the bench beside Tōō's basketball court, it was Haizaki Shōgo       V

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"What?" I said annoyed.

"Is that hotty going to join you for spring training?" He asked with a grin, my brows furrowed.

"How should I know? Why do you care anyways."

"Oh, no reason in particular."

"Oh yeah? Then get lost." I said tired from the days training.

"Aomine you may act cold but you wear your heart on your sleeve." He said.

I stopped to wonder what he meant. "What?"

"We all know you love a beautiful girl but you get bored easily, isn't it long past due for you to get bored of her?" He pushed.

"What are you saying?" I asked angrily.

"You're gonna break that poor girls heart, then I'll be there to pick up the pieces." He said licking his lips.

I looked him dead in the eye. "I'll fuck you up before you can lay a finger on her."

"Oh no! So scary!! You see that's the problem. The first moment you're faced with a problem you get violent and angry, do you think she'll like you once she knows the true you?"

"Tch." I walked away without another word.

Do I really give off the impression that I leave a girl once I get bored with her?

Well thinking back to my exes I suppose he's not too far off the mark... but this time it's different, she makes me want to be a better person. Right?

What Haizaki said kept ringing around in my head.. all night, what if I really was a bad influence on her? Or if I would make her miserable in the future....
Sōdai's POV

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now