Chapter 13 - A kind voice

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"I don't know why you're complaining when you're the one who decided to do it." Mom said as she was cooking breakfast.

"I didn't decide to do it! I was pressured!!"

"You should have said no."

"It's not that easy everyone was cheering and stuff and I don't want to let them down you know?"

"Yeah, I guess I know that feeling.when the crowd wants something, they get it."

"I think it's cool, my sis is a superstar!"

"Shut up Batsu. eat your egg."
I haven't even walked into the building and I already regret coming to school.

"Look! It's the superstar basketball player and the superstar singer!" Someone said in a slightly annoying voice, were they making fun of us?

Aomine glared at him and he quickly ran away, the video of me singing went viral not only because I was known as "girl kicks basketball players butt" but also because I sang at another game that beat the world record for largest score gap, it hit 2.3 million views over night, and the gameplay video from the match hit over 800k views.

"Maybe I should transfer schools." I said.

Aomine shot his gaze towards me. "Why would yo do that!! It'd only be worse then.."

"I don't know, this is rough. I don't like the attention."

"You always have everyone's attention that video didn't change anything."

"That's true.. I don't get why they like talking about me so much!"

"Your middle school reputation doesn't help much."

"We don't talk about that."
Timeskip- end of school day.

"Uhm sorry? You're who now?"

"HYP, we're one of the largest jpop companies in the industry, we saw your video! Not only are you gorgeous but you can sing too!" A pudgy short man said as he stopped me outside of the school.

"Sorry I'm not interested in becoming a trainee.."

"No need! We'll put you on after a few quick months of training! You're special you don't have to go through all that!"

"But still.. I'm not interested."

"You can become rich and famous! What's not to like?"

"All of the above."

"Come on just think about it! Here's my personal card if you ever change your mind." He said giving me a card.


He got into his car and drove away, I looked around to see people staring, great...

"Kessakuchi!!!!" I heard from behind me, I sighed and turned around.

"Hello Kise, okay everyone's staring time to go." I walked towards my house with him following close behind.

"You're famous!"

"So I've been told, don't worry it'll die down in a few months." That was just wishful thinking. "So why're you here?"

"I wanted to hang out."

"And do what? don't you have a bunch of fan girls? I'm not trying to make even more enemies."

"You have a bunch of fanboys too! Look behind us."

"What?" I snapped my head around to find a bunch of boys trailing us with their phones out, along with a few girls no doubt here for Kise.

"Omg, I'll hang out with you if you can help me get away from them.." I said looking up at him.

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now