Chapter 7 - Rooftop Romance

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"So what do you want for your birthday.?" I asked my brother who was eating breakfast at the table.

"Some peace and quiet." He said through bites of his yolky egg,

I scoffed. "Fine then, I won't get you anything."

Batsu looked up, quickly regretting his joke. "No no, I want hmmmmmmm.... I don't know, I'll let you know if I have something in mind later okie?"


Batsu's birthday was two weeks away, he'll officially be turning 18, a full fledged adult. It's now May, and the Interhigh basketball tournament was starting. I decided that I was going to attend all of Aomine's games, not only to make sure he went, but because I genuinely loved to watch him play. Ever since I first saw him dunk that ball, I've been hooked. He reminded me of a caged bird whose wings had been clipped. Unable to fly to the heights it once had before, but it wasn't someone else who had clipped his wings, no... he was trapped in a cage of his own making. Aomine had a funny saying that he always whispered, "the only one who can beat me, is me." that always pissed me off, but in a way it was true. The only way Aomine could ever lose was if he sabotaged himself, he was too good, and that's why he stopped practicing before I came along. I can't pretend to understand how he felt in that moment, after all I was a jack of all trades but a master in none.

Whatever, I laughed to myself. "Okay, I'm going now bye!!" I ran out of the door with my bag and lunch boxes, the first game is tomorrow! I can't wait to see it, I haven't told Aomine that I'm going to be there maybe I should... or maybe I'll surprise him lol.

"Hey!" a familiar voice shouted from behind me.

"Oh Aomine, you really do live near here hahaha."

"Yeah, I'll walk you." He turned away scratching his head, and took the lunch boxes out of my hand.

I smiled. "By the way, I heard you had a game tomorrow. You're not a benchwarmer right?"

"Ha. As if, they can do fine without me, but that doesn't mean I'm completely useless."

"Oh come on, the people on the sidelines help bunches with the flow of the game."

"You think so?"

"Of course, you haven't been skipping any practice right.?" I questioned.

He sighed, "Nope, if I did then we wouldn't be able to have our date every weekend." he winked.

I ignored him

"Look we're already here." I said pointing to the school.

"That was quick."

"Convenient right?"
"Hey Aomine... why are you sitting in my home room.?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

He was laying with his head down on the desk behind me. "Huh? Funny story. My home room teacher married my Aunt so they had to change me out of the class."

"What? that's crazy!"

He laughed, everyone in the class was staring at him, was it because he's a star basketball player?

"Oh my gosh, Aomine is so handsome! Look how wide his shoulders are!" A girl squealed from across the room.

"Ahh so that's it." I mumbled to myself giggling, I turned around to find him half asleep, looking at him now I really could see him as being handsome, such pretty features. He's like a work of art... I turned back around and cleared my head of such thoughts.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Somebody screamed from beside the door. "AOMINE DAIKI IS IN OUR CLASSROOM!!!" Is was Tanaka, you know the girl who came to Tōō just for him. She rushed over to him, but he didn't seem interested enough to look up. I softly tapped his cheek causing him to look at me and gestured towards Tanaka telling him to play nice.

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now