Chapter 22 - Twisted Words

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I woke up this morning and decided to stop being a wuss and visit my mom. It's not like we left things on bad terms or anything, but it's just awkward because of our situation.

After getting a ride there, I told my driver the truth about where I had actually gone the night before. He understood, I walked into the cafe to see my mother hard at work. I smiled, she looked up to welcome me, but stopped after recognizing who I was.

She slowly walked out from the counter and then ran to give me a hug, I embraced her hug and started tearing up.

"You're back.. why didn't you answer any of my calls!" She said crying.

"I'm sorry Mom, but I handed my phone in during training, and even after I got it back I couldn't bring myself to turn it on."

She hugged me again and then sat me down at a table with her.

I told her all about what it was like being a trainee and how I changed the way the company treated their employees.

She told me about how the shop was doing and my brother who had begun touring around the world to fight, for a moment I had forgotten that I even left, but I knew that I had to leave again soon.

"I have to go now Mom." I said sadly.

"I know sweetheart, it's alright."

After saying our goodbyes I left and headed back to the hotel to change, I quickly ran to the gymnasium and sat down in disguise.

Kaijo was playing a team called Fukuda and it looked like Kise was having a hard time.

For the first three quarters it seemed like he may not have won, but by the second half of the past quarter he was completely crushing Fukuda with the other generation of miracles moves!! I could recognize a few of Aomine's moves mixed in as well, it kind of made my heart hurt.

He was finally able to break through and copy the generation of miracles. I was proud of him.

In the end they won the game, then it was Tōō's turn to play Yosen, the team with the Murisakibara on it, can Aomine beat him though.?
Aomine POV

It was the second day of the tournament and I still couldn't get her out of my head, that had to be her yesterday.. I heard that she was touring here and I thought it was weird timing but maybe her plan was to attend the games the whole time.

"Dai-Chan, where's your head at?" Momoi had began to become annoyed with me after the whole thing at the spring camp four months ago, it didn't help that I stopped showing up to practices.. it's gotten better ever since we first saw Sōdai on TV and I knew she was safe.

"I don't know, I think I saw Sōdai yesterday." I said.

Momoi looked at me then sighed, she came closer and whispered, "She's here today too." and then went back to the bench leaving me to warm up.

I already disappointed Kessaku more times than I could count. I couldn't afford to disappoint her again.

"Hey, Murisakibara!" I yelled to the other side of the court, he turned around and looked at me.

"Oh hey Minechin," he said with chips in his mouth,

"You'd better start playing offense this game, cause I won't go easy on you." I said while smiling.

"Hmm. I don't really care that much." Was his only reply, some people never change.

I forced myself to not look up at the crowd for fear of her running away, so instead I just played the game.

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now