Chapter 23- Feelings Change

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As I got ready for the night's performance I couldn't stop thinking of the ridiculous expression of Aomine's face.

I giggled a bit to myself but then stopped as I felt the curtains opening, I breathed in and the lights came on.

"Hello Tokyo, do you want to know a little secret of mine?" I asked.

"YESS!" The crowd screamed.

"All my life I've been told that my birth given name was pretentious and auspicious, so when I was told that I had the opportunity to pick out my stage name I knew I could potentially pick out a name that suited my personality a bit more, I thought about it for only a moment then I realized something... my name suits me just fine." I smiled and the crowd went wild, I waited for them to calm down before speaking again.

"My name is Sage because a true Sage is someone who can only be found in Legends and Myths. My name is Sage because I will become a legend, and you my dear fans..will be my witness."

With that I began my performance.

The type of genre I go for is a mix between modern and traditional Japanese folk music, it's a genre that was relatively popular in the 90's but has since died down. I plan on bringing it back, being a fresh new face and voice comes with its perks.

Being an idol wasn't so bad, it wasn't how I expected at all. I thought I would hate it, all the attention and the performing, but it's not so bad when it's an occupation. It's not so bad when I know I'm making money from it.
My whole body ached after the performance, it was past midnight now and I was finally able to go back to the hotel.

"Take me home." I said to the driver, he nodded.

As soon as we got to the hotel I passed out, I think something is changing within me. My feelings for Aomine have slowly turned from betrayal to an almost... annoyance, I didn't know if it was because he had the audacity to look at me like I was crazy for talking to Murisakibara and completely ignoring him or if it was some other reason.

Maybe I just finally realized I deserve better than a bipolar man child.
When morning came I decided not to go to the semi finals, it was Kaijo vs Tōō and Rakuzan vs Shutoku. I figured I could just watch it on TV.

I had an interview tomorrow around noon so I wouldn't be able to make the finals either. I didn't mind though, I realized the main reason I came here was to see Aomine again. I wanted to see if I felt something when I looked at him... and I did, but those feeling had slowly turned into anger and regret.

I'm just so angry with the way things played out. I'm angry that he led me on only to break things off.

To get my mind off of it I ordered food and depression binged dramas.

By 5 o clock I turned the channel to sports to see who won the games, turns out that Tōō had won by two points after going into overtime TWICE with Kaijo, that must have been exhausting.

Rakuzan won against Shutoku by a pretty big amount, it seems Aomine is going to have a hard time with this new Akashi.

On a wimb I used the phone in my hotel since I still haven't turned on my old phone and I called Kise's number.

It rang for a while but he finally picked up.

"Who is this? How did you get my number." I giggled.


"Oh great, now I'm going to have to change my number again." He said sighing.

"Relax it's just me, Kessaku." I said ending my skit.

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now