Chapter 6 - Batsu

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"You lazy old turd!" I yelled, kicking my brothers foot. It was already noon and he was still sleeping.

He groaned, "Don't blame me, blame the jet leg!" he replied from underneath his sheets.

"You promised we'd go to the gym today though! It's my day off and I don't wanna spend it trying to wake you up." I yelled angrily, dragging him out of bed, he plopped onto the floor with a loud bang.

"And wear some clothes when you go to bed HEATHEN!" I screamed hitting him with a pillow.

"OKAY OKAY IM UP!" He jumped up into the air and pushed me out of his room to change, in five seconds flat we were out the door.

"You're too cruel to me Sōdai, a man should be able to only wear boxers when he goes to bed." Batsu said as we walked through the gyms doors.

"And I shouldn't have to drag you out of bed at 12am."

We were at the fighting gym where me and my brother first learned martial arts, predominately he learned jiu jitsu, boxing, Muay Thai, and taekwondo. I on the other hand focused more on Shaolin Kung Fu, I never really knew my father since I was too young when he died, but my brother remembered him quite well, knowing who my father was caused Batsu to become completely entranced in martial arts, he would always come to this gym and declare that he was the greatest fighter in the world. Mom really hated it, she was terrified that what happen to my father would happen to Batsu. I don't think she'll ever truly support his decision. The people eventually became used to his presence here, that's how he learned martial arts, they were the ones that taught him. Eventually after fighting in enough underground gigs a man scouted him for the UFC, had him properly trained, and now he's one of the best fighters in his weight class. That was a long time ago, all of the people we knew from here had now moved on or passed away.

On the other hand, the only reason I ever even bothered learning martial arts was to become closer to Batsu, I would always follow him here. That's where quite an old man taught me Kung Fu, he's long since passed on, but I'll never forget what he taught me.

"So we're here, why'd you wanna come here anyway?" Batsu asked yawning.

"I wanted to spar you." I gave him a grin.

"Geez, I don't wanna beat up my little sister." he said in annoyance.

"You might be stronger and more proficient in martial arts, but I'm faster and more nimble, I can't beat you but I promise it won't be boring." I said poking his chest, he sighed finally agreeing.
"I'm not gonna take it easy on you." Batsu said in the ring, we both put on protective gear.

"You won't have to."
I charged at him and dropped down doing a sweep kick, he jumped over it and moved out of the way just before I raised my right foot nearly kicking him in the stomach, I didn't miss a beat.
Batsu's POV

Holy cow I almost died.

I continuously dodged Sōdai's powerful body attacks, she barely gave me any time to breathe let alone counter attack. Was she mad at me or something?

The way that she fought was hard to not admire, she never made a move that wasn't necessary, which meant all of her moves went together like a synchronized dance. Her movements were like that of a rushing river, nothing could truly stand in its way. Shaolin was known as a beautiful and deadly art, every single attack was like the stroke of a brush on a giant canvas, only at the end can you truly grasp the result. That's why I hated fighting her, I get to distracted wanting to see the final piece.

She swung her dominant left hand in a hook motion whilst protecting her face with her right hand, this is my opening. I ducked and tackled her, trying to pull a joint lock, but she took a hold of my back and kicked my stomach mid air. I let go out of pain and she slid under me, I turned around only to be sucker punched in the face.

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