Chapter 18 - Tōō vs Rakuzan

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"This is the final game of the tournament.." I said nervously, the entire team was silent inside of the Lockeroom. We had no idea what Akashi was going to do.

"We have to win this.. for the upperclassman!" Wakamatsu shouted.

The team agreed loudly.

I looked up at Momoi who nodded her head, she quickly tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "This is the game-plan..."
The bright lights of the auditorium lit up as we walked through the doors, Rakuzan was already there warming up. Coach yelled at the boys to warm up as I head towards the crowd to hype them up.

Out of the corner of my mask, I watched Aomine's moves carefully. He seemed nervous but also.. happy, he had the biggest grin on his face.

My heart began to beat slower as relief came over me, I knew that regardless of the results we would be okay.

The ref blew the whistle and the teams introduced themselves.

To our surprise(but not that surprised) Akashi was in the lineup. "So he decided to play after all.." I whispered.

Flashbacks to the time when I tripped him came to mind and I giggled a bit.

Everyone got into position and the game began.

Out of nowhere Rakuzan had the ball, it seems like a silver haired boy stole it right from under their noses, I smiled devilishly to myself. He reminded me of a certain someone.

Aomine laughed to himself, confusing the silver haired boy. Without a second wasted he stole the ball and scored. Rakuzan seemed surprised by his actions. As I suspected he used misdirection just like Kuroko.

Akashi angrily looked at Aomine and then he looked at me, I put my fist up in the air and then aimed it at him.

The crowd was silent and so was the court, neither teams understanding what had happened.

"Aww the misdirection isn't working? I guess there's one thing you left out of your calculation Akashi. You must have forgotten that I was in Tōō's corner." I said where everyone could hear.

He stared daggers at me then he slowly smiled, what was he thinking?

The silver haired boy was substituted out deemed "useless" now, I almost felt bad.

Over the first half it became increasingly noticeable how many impressive player were on Rakuzan's team. It wasn't just Akashi they had to watch. There was this bodybuilder type guy who even gave Aomine a little trouble, and an out shooter that none of our guards could touch. Then there was that boy with the loud dribbling...

I could see the boys were getting a bit disheartened, well, all but Aomine who was smiling from ear to ear. If it hadn't been for him then the score gap would have been tremendous.

"DONT GIVE UP!! FIGHT TO THE VERY END AND REGRET NOTHING!" I shouted so they could hear, immediately their heads shot up and they smiled.

With that, Rakuzan seemed to have a harder time getting through the defense, after a short timeout from Momoi explaining how the Three pointer shooter was doing his "heaven and earth" shots they understood enough to stop him on occasion.

Aomine seemed to have completely annihilated him by the end of the first quarter. The tall lanky man sulked and refused to go back into the game, but after a short talk from Akashi he was ready to go again. Seriously that guy was something else...

The score was 27-19 in Rakuzan's favor.

As the second quarter started, I knew that Akashi was going to start playing seriously.

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now