Chapter 17 - Sit Out.?!!!

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"You're not seriously thinking about sitting out just because HE told you to?" I asked Aomine, who read out a text message that Akashi wrote to him.

"Of course not. Hell no."

"Ok good. Why does he want you and the purple giant to sit out anyways? Is he really that stupid?"

"I'm not sure what he's planning. He expects us to sit out though."

"Do you think Murisakibara will sit it out?"

"Well yeah, he probably will." Aomine said.

"What! Seriously!! Why?"

"He respects the hell out of Akashi, out of all the times he's ever went up against him, Akashi has won every single time."

My eyes widened. "You're joking. That GIANT lost to a shrimp? The guys barely taller than me? I don't understand."

"He's got the emperor eye." Aomine said all mysteriously.

"Oh shut up we both know he's just really good at ankle breaking!" I said smacking his head.

"Ow!" Aomine laughed. "well yeah that's not all though."

"Yeah, yeah, he's super good at predicting your next move, there's ways around that too you know? I can teach you though I don't know why I should have to.. you're literally supposed to be one of the best basketball players in the country and you don't know how to avoid an ankle break? Embarrassing."

"Well when you put it that way.." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Do you think you're inferior to Akashi in any way?" I asked suspiciously.

"What? No?"

"I think you do!"

"I just said no!"

"Look, the only reason any of the generation of miracles could ever fall for an ankle break is if they psyched themselves into believing that they would fall. If you THINK you'll fall then you WILL fall."

"Yeah? What's your point."

"Why do you think you'll fall?"

Aomine thought about it for a moment then shrugged his shoulders, I can see there's very deep psychological ties to why they think they must be inferior to Akashi.

"Going into a battle and expecting loss will never lead to winning." I think Oprah said that once(no she didn't I'm jk)

"You're saying that we.. expect to lose when we face him?"

"Exactly. You're all amazing at the basics of basketball so you shouldn't be psyching yourselves into thinking Akashi can always get the best of you, here stand up real quick, I said jumping up, we were currently on the rooftop wasting our free period.

He got up, and faced me. "Now try and predict my next movement." I said, I took a fighting position and kicked up my right leg, which he blocked easily.

"Good, now try to predict it this time." This time I did I left jab, Aomine couldn't react in time, I stopped right before hitting his face, he stood there eyes wide open.

"Wait- I don't get it, what did you do differently?"

"Ahhh so you noticed? The first time I was very lax and lazy with my movements. Therefore it was easy to read my fighting patterns and predict me. The second time I was less jittery and didn't make any unnecessary movements, therefore it's basically impossible to predict my next move."

"So basically you're saying quit being so.. obvious with my movements?"

"Exactly!! when we fight we look at the belly button and the shoulders, it tells us everything we need to know about where the opponents next attack will be. That same logic can be applied to any contact sport, OH and when he's trying to ankle break for the love of Bhudda don't look at his feet, the ball, or his eyes. LOOK AT HIS TORSO OR YOU'LL LOSE!!"

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now