Chapter 4 - Welcome Home

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Taking a day off from school made me feel like a total rule breaker, which was honestly satisfying, but my mom allowed me to take an excused absence to meet my brother at the airport. It was 9:45am and his plane was supposed to come at 10:00am. It's currently Thursday, it was two days ago my brother had told me he was coming back to Tokyo, but due to the time difference his "tomorrow" meant "in two days" to me.
Aomine was being especially annoying yesterday, barraging me with questions about the plane arrival and what airport he was coming to. What's that to him anyways? Not only that, but he's been texting me random sentences like,
"I'm hungry."
"I think I grew taller"
"Maybe I should cut my hair,"

"Aiya so annoying" I said to myself.

"What's annoying?"

I screamed and turned around to find Aomine looking over my shoulder reading the texts between my brother and I.

"What ARE YOU DOING HERE?? YOU HAVE SCHOOL! YOU HAVE PRACTICE!" I yelled silently as to not disrupt the other people.

"What? I got bored so I came here. Figured I'd meet that guy, uhhh what's his name.."

I stared at him discombobulated, then picked up my purse and started whacking him with it, yelling at him to go home through strikes.

"Ow ow hey," he said laughing. "~that tickles~"

"I'll show you pain..." I said cracking my left fist.

"SŌDAIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" A familiar voice shouted from behind me, I turned around to see my brother running towards me with Cain desperately trying to drag their luggage behind him.

"Batsu!" I said running towards him to give him a hug, as we connected he picked me up off the ground with his giant form as I yelped in surprise. "TOO HIGH!" I laughed hysterically.

After we calmed down I finally got the chance to see Cain, I smiled slightly and bowed.

"Hello Sōdai"
Aomine's POV

"Hey Cain.." Kessy said awkwardly, she then looked towards me as if just remembering I was there and smiled, "This is Aomine, he's my friend." she said introducing me.

"What's up? I'm Batsu, Sōdai's big brother."

He was tall, almost as tall as me, but probably slightly more built. He had a kind look to his face, but I could tell he really was a professional fighter, brown hair, light brown eyes and slightly tanned skin, he didn't look like her at all.

"Hello I'm Cain De León." Kessy's Ex said, he was a bit shorter than me but he was strong, I could tell. Light brown hair and green eyes, was this her type?

"Nice to meet both of you." I said slightly bowing, I looked at Cain who seemed to be assessing me, "You speak Japanese, I didn't expect that." I said surprising him.

He laughed a little. "Funny thing, I actually took Japanese lessons for years just so I could have a proper conversation with Sōdai." He looked embarrassed as did Kessy.

"I see."

"Gosh I'm hungry what about you guys?" Kessy said trying to break the tension.

"Hell yeah!" Batsu said.

Cain nodded.


"Okay that settles it, let's go to Maji burger." She said.
Sōdai's POV

"Are you sure you want to just leave your suitcases outside? Won't someone steal them?" I said looking at my brothers dumb face.

"Nah, come on who would do that? Besides there's not much to steal in here." he said, patting his suitcase trustfully.

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now