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Pairings: Rajak x Reader
Warnings: Dunno how to describe this— mentions of witch-hunting?

"Dear sister!" Karias Blester threw open the door to her chamber.
Y/N looked up in her mirror to see her brother dramatically walk towards her.

"What is it, Karias?"

"I heard from the Lord that you are paying a visit to the human town. Is this true?"
"Yes, I am." Y/N spoke as she struggled to braid her hair.

"Ah, clueless like always," Karias smacked the female's hands away. "You keep your hair long despite not being able to braid them."

Y/N watched as Karias combed her hair before braiding them.
"Why are you going?" Karias asked as he worked with her hair.

"You have been there and seemed to enjoy your time. I'm curious about this city."
Y/N spoke, her voice sweet but her face held no sign of emotions.
"You spend too much time with Rajak."
Y/N let out a small smile at her brother's dramatic sigh.

"There," he smiled at her hair, "that's what you call a braid."

"Dear sister," Karias moved back to sit down on her bed, watching her as she examined her hair. "Why exactly are you going to that city?"

The female Blester turned her gaze to him, "I told you already."
He tilted her head, "Rajak and Rael are there, so I don't need to worry. But I'll go with you"

"There's no need to that, brother."

"Come on, sis, don't stop me!"
Y/N was probably the only one who smiled when Karias used such words.

The bell rang at Frankenstein's house.
"Who dares to interrupt my cleaning?" Rael grumbled as he switched off the machine called the 'vacuum cleaner'.
"Y/N?" Rael smiled at the lady, inviting her in.
"It's been a while," Y/N attempted to pat his head but he dodged her hand away in embarrassment.

The door to the apartment opened and few children walked in along with Raizel, Regis and Seira.
Rael sighed as the students made themselves comfortable just as he finished cleaning.

"Karias-nim? Y/N-nim?" Regis' eyes widened while Seira waved her hand slightly.

"Regis, who are they?" One of the children asked, looking at Y/N.

"They're like my siblings," Regis said nonchalantly, but his smile betrayed his tone.
The children greeted them and Y/N smiled, but didn't say anything.

"I didn't know we were having guests," a voice spoke amongst the chatters.
Takeo walked into the living room, his eyes on the Blester siblings.
"Rajak will be happy to see you." Tao added as M-21 entered, followed by Frankenstein and Rajak.
Y/N smiled at Rajak, who returned this gesture.

"Shall we watch a movie?" One of the children asked while the others chimed in agreement before turning to Frankenstein for permission.
"Sure," he smiled at the four children, who immediately began to decided on a movie.

The movie started and Shinwoo switched off the lights and Frankenstein gave the children bowls of popcorn, flinching when a single popcorn fell to the ground.

The movie played as Ikhan tried to silence Shinwoo when he got too excited. The movie was entertaining, but Y/N was getting claustrophobic among the large number of people as she sat in the darkness.

She silently excused herself, walking down to a balcony which Rajak had told her about.
Leaning her arms on the railing, she let out a shaky sigh as she closed her eyes, letting the cold night air brush against her hair.

She could hear footsteps approaching, but she ignored it.
"Are you okay?"
"Rajak," she turned her head over her shoulder. "I'm fine."

He stepped beside her, leaning on the railing beside her.
"Are you thinking about that incident?"

Y/N sighed, glancing over at Rajak for a second before nodding.
"I can't help it."
Y/N closed her eyes, inhaling deeply.
"I was barely 10 years old and... and, they thought of me as a monster. All because I healed a injured person."
Rajak placed his hand over hers.

"I helped an injured person... but they," Y/N's voice cracked. "...they thought I was monster who deserved to die."
Y/N quickly wiped away the tears that escaped her eye.

"They... tried to burn me alive... a 10-year-old," Y/N let out a sob, tears flowing down her eyes.

Rajak didn't hesitate to take her in his arms, patting her hair.
"They all stared with hatred, no... with disgust."
Rajak felt tears gathering in his eyes.

"The scars they gave me are... why did I deserve them for helping an injured human?" She sobbed against his chest.
"Am I... a monster?"

"You are not a monster, Y/N." Rajak's voice was firm, silencing Y/N.
"You're the reason a human didn't die. Those who harmed you are the true monsters."

"Those scars they gave you proves that you still believe in goodness despite being wronged."
Y/N's sobs stopped, indicating that she had stopped crying.

"You never harmed anyone and always supported those around you." Rajak felt Y/N's arms wrap around his waist as she sniffed.

"Never, ever again, say that you are a monster." Rajak patted her back, "okay?"
Y/N hummed, letting his warmth calm her down.
"Thank you," she muttered as Rajak kissed her forehead.

"Rajak," Y/N whispered.
"You're the only one other than Karias who I can talk to," she smiled, lifting her head to look at him.

"What a privilege is it to have a beautiful lady trust me," Rajak chuckled, kissing her cheek.
"What a privilege it is to have a handsome man hold me in his arms," Y/N whispered back, tiptoeing to peck his lips.

She loved how Rajak would always be there for her. Always standing beside her, supporting her.

Rajak stared down at her, his cheeks turning pink. He leaned down, kissing her as he softly touched her hair.
"Y/N... I love you," he whispered, resting his forehead against hers.
"I love you too, Rajak."

He smiled down at her before holding her hand, leading her inside.

"The kids left?" Y/N asked.
"Yes, where did you two go?" Rael asked as he placed the last dish aside after washing it.

"I wanted to get some air. Rajak came to keep me company," Y/N replied.

"Why are you two..." everyone turned to Karias, "...holding hands?"
All eyes flew to Rajak and Y/N as she tried to let go.

But Rajak tightened his grip, lacing his fingers onto hers, "is there something wrong with holding hands with my fiancée?"

Silence fell over the room as Rael and Karias' eyes widened.

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